Initial Blog Post

Hi everyone! My name is David Correll and I can’t wait to get started in SC200 this semester. I’m from Toms River, New Jersey and lived there my entire life before coming to University Park. I grew up surrounded by two teams, Penn State football, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Sports have played a vital part in my life, which leads to why I picked the major I did. I am currently majoring in Broadcast Journalism and plan on minoring in business. Therefore, as you can tell from my interests I was never a big fan of Science. I have always drawn an interested appeal from sports. Ever since I was little I wanted to be on TV, but that was mostly because I knew I would get to travel to all different stadiums and cities. My dream at a young age was to become a sports commentator. Because in my eyes, there is no better opportunity than to travel the nation seeing new things, different sights, cities, and stadiums while giving your analysis and receiving compensation for it. But, I have never had a big interest in science. Since, I am a communication major, I am sure all other students who share the same major can agree with me when saying that when we were informed at NSO none of us were too ecstatic to engage in a mandatory science class. I knew I had to do it so I searched for the most interesting class and landed on SC200 with Andrew. My appeal for sports is too strong to even consider becoming a science major, but that does not mean I am not interested.

Just one of the places I would like to call a game. (Heinz Field)

heinz field

Just an alternative in case the TV idea fails miserably.