Wearing a Bra to bed: Good or Bad for you?

I grew up in a household that just so happened to have many females. One of our big debates were always on whether to wear a bra at night and the result of doing so. I have heard many reasons why not to wear a bra to bed. My sisters always scared me saying:

  • “Your boobs will shrink!”
  • “Your boobs won’t grow!”
  • “Your boobs will fall off!”
  • “You’ll get CANCER!”

And then again, they were convincing me with reasons why I SHOULD wear a bra saying:

  • “Do you want you boobs to sag?”
  • “You want your boobs to grow, correct?”
  • “It will protect you and your heart more!”

I don’t even know why I listened to the last reason. But overall, as you can tell, my sister’s were not always the best ones to ask for advice on this topic. One, because of their harsh responses, but also because they were just ridiculous. And girls, I know you can relate with one of the responses above from someone who tried to convince you for or against wearing a bra to bed. At a young age, you listen to anything anyone says. So some days I wore one, and some days I didn’t. I am glad I finally did research on this topic so I can put the lies back where they came from.

After intensive searching on this topic I found many key answers that could be beneficial to many women. I found out that wearing a bra to bed DOES NOT prevent or cause any of the reasons above. Researchers found no evidence after doing a study of a women wearing a bra to bed after week straight and a women not wearing one that proves this. Those factors are put into play when other factors that limit this, such as pregnancy.  On the other hand, doctors do recommend that certain bra size wearers should wear bras to bed. The doctor noted that,       “If you’re an A-cup or B-cup, no. If your breasts are bigger than a D, Double-D and up, you should.” Her reasoning was that some people’s breasts hurt them when they sleep, so they need to wear a bra. “Some people need it for support.” which I definitely agree with.

So honestly ladies, it is completely up to you in whether or not you want to wear a bra at night. Yes, doctors recommend if your breasts are bigger than a D, Double-D and up, you should. But their are a lot of things in this world recommended people just don’t follow. Such as drinking like 16 glasses of 8oz water a day. Nothing is happening to those people not drinking that much! So it is all to your preference. My preference is that I’ve been wearing one all day, so I am NOT sleeping in one at night for 8+ hours! I found this article very helpful. Give it a quick look at if you need more information.

bra ma

3 thoughts on “Wearing a Bra to bed: Good or Bad for you?

  1. Megan Wong

    I always wanted to know the answer to this question! My friends always wore a bra to sleep but I thought it was too uncomfortable, so I’m glad to hear that nothing happens. I found an article that claims that there is a type of bra that you should sleep in to keep everything in place

  2. Julia Hall

    I feel like this topic, especially among girls comes up alot. My friends use to say the same thing about how wearing a bra to bed causes cancer and all the other accusations you made above. I am glad that we now have confirmation that it doesnt matter if you wear a bra to bed or not.

  3. Amanda Strassler

    Very cool blog post! I’m really glad that you addressed this question because my friends and I have been arguing over this topic forever. I find myself extremely uncomfortable sleeping without a bra or a sports bra on. I always thought that wearing a bra keeps things “up”, but it’s really interesting to know that there aren’t any physical repercussions from sleeping without one.

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