Author Archives: Ilana Lashae Campbell

Online Dating

What should I wear? How does my hair look? These are some of the nerve wrecking questions that flows through the mind of singles getting ready for their date. Not to worry, when it comes to online dating you do not have to worry about these things. Everyone wants to find love and to be loved. Now a days love is being found all over the internet but is it true love? The internet is a place for people to escape and to explore. More and More dating sites are becoming easier to access and more people are getting involved. But why online dating?

When it comes to online dating, their are so many benefits to starting a relationship. First off, their is unlimited numbers of people out there willing to meet you. Not only are their tons of pictures to look at, but you are also able to look at profiles of people that contain information that is relevant for you. You are able to see shared interest, age, height, dislikes, location, and incomes. Most importantly before you start to explore your options, the dating websites ask you some questions to help find your most compatible matches maybe even lover.

It is very common to hear people’s first reaction of dating online is negative because of lying and being catfish. Honestly, I can not speak on every dating websites but the ones like match, eHarmony, or Okcupid are accurate dating sites. Studies show that with online dating couples are first attractive to personalities instead of looks. Also the information given is easily traceable, but even better the person shows characteristics of seeming real and not too perfect.

Unfortunately online dating also as it downfalls, not everyone is so lucky. We have deceptions of online dating that consist of people lying about themselves. It can be any thing from location, age, occupation, income, and weight. Most of these are found from online dating that usually starts from a website that is not a dating website. Usually these fake relationships start from websites such as Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, or Facebook. People think that these are dating websites but they are not. The main goals of these social networks is not dating so when they do meet people on them then that is when it is a problem because a lot of people use these for more social networking with news, jobs, gossip, and fashion.

It really amazes me that people do get catfish, it is so heartbreaking. I see a lot of it happening on Facebook. People dedicate their lives to online dating and in the end it was nothing of what they expected. What makes it worst is that studies show that the more a person talks online the higher their expectations become. Usually the ones being catfish are the ones that have been in an online relationship for years at a time. It just shows that people really can have a connection with someone that is a complete stranger.Catfish: Mike and Felicia

Even though, Felicia did not lie about her appearance to Mike, she lied about other things such as her location and occupation but as you can see it was not intentionally for her to hurt Mike’s feeling. She was just use to portraying other people because she felt being herself was not good enough. So when she finally found someone to like her as herself she lost him. In the end, Mike did forgive Felicia but instead of being in a relationship with her, he wanted to start over and actually get to know her as the real her.

Online dating has its pros and its cons when it comes to finding true love. When it comes to dating it is not always easy, and not everyone is the same when it comes to dating. Everyone is different and everyone uses different techniques to find their perfect match. It is just easier to find love now using methods such as online dating. There will always be a flaw when it comes to online dating but that does not mean you can not just give it a try. Statistics show that 40 million Americans have or still uses online dating to find love( Don’t ever feel as though you are an outcast for using online dating because for every 86 unmarried men there is 100 unmarried women( So go for it and take the chance of finding love on the internet, there is no harm in diving into the online dating life!

It Is All In The Eyes

Being criminology major, crime and killers always attract me and I always wonder and analyze things about what makes a killer a killer. Is it the way their brain is develop, a secret desire for pain, or just a lust of seeing hateful acts done to other people. I always wondered what made a killer a killer. Is it the look in their eyes or is it the way that the brain is developed? Is it genetics or is it something that they adapt?


They always said watch out for the quite ones. Well, being extremely antisocial is definitely one of the signs of a killer. It is said that if a person becomes social to then anti social is a sign of a psycho. There was a guy, Ed Gein, a loner who did not speak to anyone but his religious and abusive mother. His mother would punish him anytime he would try to make friends. When his mother died, Gein started digging graves of women, looking for any body parts that resembled his mother to make a “woman suit”.

Another characteristic is torturing small animals. Children who like to torture animals such as squirrels, birds, cats, dogs, and fish without showing remorse is a early sign of sociopaths. It shows that they love the control of others’ lives and with the animals they are able to have that power.

Other characteristics include child abuse physically, mentally, and sexually. Usually they happen by close family members. The feeling that they feel is what they like to see in their victim, the helplessness in their eye and the humiliation. Aileen Wuornos was a prostitute serial killer that lured male hitchhikers. Her grandfather sexually abused her after her mother abandoned her at age four.killers brains

More characteristics of killers include substance abuse, voyeurism, intelligence, shiftlessness, poor family life, and arson but as I was researching these characteristics are not as genetic but more so a development due to the lack of love and nurturing. So due to the lack of nurturing that a child should receive, the brain begins to develop oppositely causing the killers to be gruesome, and psycho.


Online Dating

What should I wear? How does my hair look? These are some of the nerve wrecking questions that flows through the mind of singles getting ready for their date. Not to worry, when it comes to online dating you do not have to worry about these things. Everyone wants to find love and to be loved. Now a days love is being found all over the internet but is it true love? The internet is a place for people to escape and to explore. More and More dating sites are becoming easier to access and more people are getting involved. But why online dating?

When it comes to online dating, their are so many benefits to starting a relationship. First off, their is unlimited numbers of people out there willing to meet you. Not only are their tons of pictures to look at, but you are also able to look at profiles of people that contain information that is relevant for you. You are able to see shared interest, age, height, dislikes, location, and incomes. Most importantly before you start to explore your options, the dating websites ask you some questions to help find your most compatible matches maybe even lover.

It is very common to hear people’s first reaction of dating online is negative because of lying and being catfish. Honestly, I can not speak on every dating websites but the ones like match, eHarmony, or Okcupid are accurate dating sites. Studies show that with online dating couples are first attractive to personalities instead of looks. Also the information given is easily traceable, but even better the person shows characteristics of seeming real and not too perfect.

Unfortunately online dating also as it downfalls, not everyone is so lucky. We have deceptions of online dating that consist of people lying about themselves. It can be any thing from location, age, occupation, income, and weight. Most of these are found from online dating that usually starts from a website that is not a dating website. Usually these fake relationships start from websites such as Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, or Facebook. People think that these are dating websites but they are not. The main goals of these social networks is not dating so when they do meet people on them then that is when it is a problem because a lot of people use these for more social networking with news, jobs, gossip, and fashion.

It really amazes me that people do get catfish, it is so heartbreaking. I see a lot of it happening on Facebook. People dedicate their lives to online dating and in the end it was nothing of what they expected. What makes it worst is that studies show that the more a person talks online the higher their expectations become. Usually the ones being catfish are the ones that have been in an online relationship for years at a time. It just shows that people really can have a connection with someone that is a complete stranger. Even though, Felicia did not lie about her appearance to Mike, she lied about other things such as her location and occupation but as you can see it was not intentionally for her to hurt Mike’s feeling. She was just use to portraying other people because she felt being herself was not good enough. So when she finally found someone to like her as herself she lost him. In the end, Mike did forgive Felicia but instead of being in a relationship with her, he wanted to start over and actually get to know her as the real her.

Online dating has its pros and its cons when it comes to finding true love. When it comes to dating it is not always easy, and not everyone is the same when it comes to dating. Everyone is different and everyone uses different techniques to find their perfect match. It is just easier to find love now using methods such as online dating. There will always be a flaw when it comes to online dating but that does not mean you can not just give it a try. Statistics show that 40 million Americans have or still uses online dating to find love( Don’t ever feel as though you are an outcast for using online dating because for every 86 unmarried men there is 100 unmarried women( So go for it and take the chance of finding love on the internet, there is no harm in diving into the online dating life!

Technology and Social Change

When it comes to asociality and antiasociality everyone is different, whether it is behind the internet or face-to-face interactions. When it comes to the internet, all users entertain and portray themselves differently. This is where asociality versus antisociality plays its parts. When it comes to asociality, people have a lack of interest to participate in social interactions or social activities. While with anti sociality is when people are unwilling or unable to associate in a normal or friendly behavior with others. Many critics would say that the internet is a place for people to hide or to get away from reality but in all the internet allows someone to feel comfortable in their own skin. Unfortunately, with these two perspectives it portrays the internet in a negative way due to the fact that with asociality and antisociality they have a negative impact on a person’s face to face interaction.

To begin with both these terms are considered unhealthy because of the lack of communication that happens but now people accuse the internet as being the reason why or is it the advancement of technology? Honestly, I feel as though it is not only the internet or the advancement of technology that causes this but its the lack of encouragement that is persuade to do more face to face interactions.

With the advancement of technology, people assume that it is the reason for poor communication skills of our generation. As a young adult, I have noticed the impact of technology on my generation because I can see how using technology differs from when my mom uses technology. What I feel is that people fail to recognize that because technology is advancing does not necessarily mean that our communication skills are lacking, it just that society is now finding new ways of communicating. For example, in my mother’s generation, communicating consist of sending letters, and talking on house phones. While in our generation we have sending emails, texting, FaceTime, video chat, or even instant messaging.

Right now the biggest technology in our generation are these Smart phones. Smart phones are allowing us to be able to accomplish and have access to about anything that is out there. One of the greatest things about my smart phone is that me and my mother enjoy Facetiming each other. FaceTime is basically a video chat on the Apple Iphones. Being able to Facetime my mother is so comforting because it feels as though she is here with me. I enjoy seeing her lovely face and being able to walk around freely video chatting with my mother. At first, my mother struggled with Facetime because she did not understand it. I thought it was funny because she used to hold the phone up to her ear, thinking that she was not gonna be able to hear and see me at the same time.

I did some research to find the positive effects of technology and came across a video I found on Youtube,

The video shows that social change has occurred and communication is involving. My favorite part about the video is that is does admit that communication has impact social change but its not in a negative way. The evolution of the Internet as just allowed more varieties now on how we communicate then they had 50 years ago.

In the video, not only did it talk about the impact of the internet but I also learned a new way that we communicate is through news. This video shows, people mostly communicate through Facebook. Usually it is in a positive way. Many would have a common interest and the communication would start from there. It took me now to realize that communication can just be a news page on Facebook. All this time, while I am just “liking” a page it is really consider communication because not only am I “liking” the page but I am showing an interest with millions of other people too. This was considered a new way of communication with out me even realizing.

Overall, the advancement of technology and the Internet is not effecting people that are considered asociality and antisociality it is just changing the way we communicate. It is not that they are becoming asociality and antisociality, the world is advancing the way we communicate and it will continue to evolve and become bigger and better. Just because face to face interaction is changing does not mean it is a negative thing, it just the world is changing the way people are communicating.


Deception comes in many different forms that are believe to help us, to make ourselves feel better, because it is the easy way out but in all true honesty it just hurts us, destroy relationships, and is worse then just telling the truth in the first place. Many people lie because it seems as though its easier to get away with rather then seeking the truth. There are many types of lies,we have lies(falsification), equivocation,concealment,exaggeration, and minimization.
The first lie is usually done by someone at least once a day with out you really even knowing. This lie is called falsification with is when you tell a little white lie.For example, a boy asks a girl for her number but the girl gives him the wrong number because he is ugly. Instead of hurting his feeling she just lies about her phone number so that their will not be any altercation.
The second type of lie is Equivocation also known as evasion is a lie usually done between friends. they tell lies to each other so that no ones feelings will get hurt. This actually happened to me. I wanted to experiment with my hair. I wasn’t to sure what I wanted. So I suggested to my best friend that I wanted to dye my hair with a grey ombre. She looked at me for the longest, while I waited for an answer. She slightly smiled at me, and said “go for it” but I knew she did not want me to get it so I just started giving her other options. Since she saw that I really liked the idea she did not discourage me from the idea she just went along with it so that my feelings would not be hurt.
The third type of lie is concealment. In my opinion this is the most popular and useful lie done by everyone. Concealment is when you tell the truth but not the whole truth. Many people claim that I did not want to tell you everything but I told you the most important part that you needed to know. I would like to think of this as the babysitting lie. You told me what you thought I could handle but still lied to me because it was not the full truth.

The fourth type of lie is the exaggeration, this is when the lie is an overstatement. In this video it shows humorous statements people make daily but even though its mainly lies we know that they are exaggerating but it is figurative speeches on how we feel. These are more lies that people usually do not get offended by so lying is not always a bad thing even though you should not do it.

The last type of lie is minimization which is the understatement lie. this lie is mainly done by children. This is when you make someone commit an action but they only did it because you did it. When you get caught by the adult you make the person take the blame for both of you guys action.

Now that we have covered the many types of lies that occur, I will now tell you now why these lies come about. People lie for many reasons and these reasons are for self-focus motives, partner-focused motives, and relationship focused motives. These three motives prove to us why we feel the need that it is ok to lie to others and these three motives are build on some sort of relationship that we have with others in order to feel the pressure of lying.
In a self- focus motive, people lie because it retains the privacy and saving myself from exposing to much information that we feel should not be exposed. When it comes to partner-focused it is more altruistic lies which is little white lies so it is more lies based on protecting the truth. Lastly, are the relationship focused lies, these lies are obtained between people who are dating but the lies consist based on protecting each other. These lies help to not cause problems in the relationship or keep secrets that they know will eventually cause problems if the other found out the truth.

Initial Post

Hey guys,

My name is Ilana Campbell and i am a Criminology Major. I am originally from Pittsburgh and live in Miami. I’m am a senior currently but I will not be graduating on time 🙁 at least I am at Penn State! I am taking this class because it is a requirement. At first, I had added Astronomy for my natural science but as the teacher was reading the syllabus I knew it wasn’t for me. So now, I’m in Sc200. I think this class will be good for me because I like to think outside the box and love to analyze everything. Hoping this class will make me a better thinker. Science is everywhere around us and thats great but I feel that it would be best if I stay a Crim major. Plus i love the action of the deviant world.


science joke