At Least It’s Not Engineering


Hey everyone! My name is Sarah Read and I’m a freshman this semester here at University Park! Probably the first thing people should know about me is that I’m a military brat.  I’ve been moving around the country (and the world) my whole life.  This move to State College is move number 14 for me.  My current hometown though, is West Point, New York!  For those of you who haven’t heard of West Point before, it is the home of the United States Military Academy and is located about an hour up the Hudson River from NYC.  A lot of people ask me if I considered going to West Point and entering into the Army.  The thought of going did, in fact, cross my mind.  It wasn’t until I made some friends with female cadets that I considered it though.  Here is an article about the women of West Point and how the dynamics have changed over recent years.


I’m a Childhood and Early Adolescent Education major, and I’m not planning on teaching science.  I figured when putting together my schedule that SC200 would be a good option to take as a happy middle for a non-science major like myself.  My advisor recommended it over meteorology, so here I am! Science and I are tolerant of each other–some types of science more so than others.  For example, physics and I didn’t ever click, but I ended up getting credit for AP Environmental Science so that’s something!

After this past week of SC200, I have already become much more interested in the course material and in science itself than I was a week ago.  I really look forward to learning about the answer to some of these fascinating questions that are listed on the course schedule!

4 thoughts on “At Least It’s Not Engineering

    1. Sarah Elizabeth Read Post author

      Thanks for sharing that article! It’s insane to look at some of those numbers and think that they are dealing directly with students around the country. It only inspires me more to follow through with my current aspiration of becoming a teacher. And to answer your question about moving, I’ve honestly grown to love each and every move. My favorite place had to have been Germany!

  1. Alexander Mark Schaefer

    West Point is an amazing place! I never applied myself but four of my fellow classmates from Robinson Secondary School in Virginia are now cadets at the military academy. They really love it there, my friend Lexi just finished Beast a week or two ago, are you in ROTC here?

    1. Sarah Elizabeth Read Post author

      It’s good to know that some other people know about West Point! And it’s so cool that you know people going there! Some of my friends just finished Beast as well, and it just gives me another reason to be happy that I chose Penn State. I’m not doing ROTC but have have several friends who are!

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