What is Science?

Hello, I’m Giovanni Meza. I’m a freshman here at Penn State (obviously). I am undeclared but I know for sure I am not a science major. I can honestly say that I am not a science person. i thought I liked chemistry at one point because of the math but that was short-lived. I thought physics was just the math part of chemistry, but wow was I so wrong. So it is safe to say that physics killed my slight enjoyment of science. The science I am into now is more about exercise and fitness. Here you will be directed to a youtube channel called BroScienceLife that I watch that teaches me a lot about fitness but in a comical way. It uses science too, hence “BroScience.” But anyway, back to the point. I think having bad teachers throughout high school for my basic science classes such as, biology and chemistry. The aspects about science that I did actually enjoy were the parts about the earth and the way people function and things of that nature. If this is worth anything, I watched Big Bang Theory and I did learn from that show. I might not have learned much, but I definitely found some of the statements the scientists made to be interesting.



The reason I chose to take this class is because I did not see any other classes that interested me. I needed a science get ed but I really did not want to take a basic science class like bio or chemistry. My advisor told me about this class that is for people that don’t like science. That seemed like the perfect fit. I was optimistic heading into the first day because I thought, “hey, maybe this won’t be so bad.” After leaving that first day, i couldn’t wait for Thursday so I could go back. This is the first time I am genuinely excited about a SCIENCE class. I look forward to learning for once this semester.

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