Hello Science 200, I am Ryan Blank from Orange County, CA. I am currently in DUS but plan on being a corporate innovation and entrepreneurship major with a minor in computer engineering. My ideal occupation is owning an app/computer based company so science won’t necessarily be a big part in my future.
The reason I chose this class is because I heard you don’t need to be a science all-star to get a good grade, and I’m very intrigued with the science that revolves around our everyday lives.
Growing up, I always thought I wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon. Then I took biology my freshman year of high school and found that science bores me (at least biology). It was by no means the teacher’s fault. She was one of my favorite teachers throughout high school, but it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Then I took chemistry and realized that any science that had math involved was possibly the worse thing I could get myself into. My teacher was terrible and I did not understand it all.
After chemistry I took environmental science and was very interested with the course material, but could not find myself enjoying a life as an environmental scientist. I then moved on to physics purely because I heard it was easy and it turns out it was. I know many of you will read that statement and think I’m crazy but it was my teacher’s first year of teaching and “dumbed down” the class incredibly. So throughout my science life, I have realized that science is just not who I am and that is why I do not plan on being a science major.
P.S. the title of my blog is referencing Patrick Star when he says “is mayonnaise an instrument?”