Hi folks! My name is Jack McCarthy, I am a sophomore here at Penn State and I am a prospective Marketing major at the Smeal College of Business. I’m from Fairfield County, Connecticut.
Science has always been a fascinating area of study for me, and like many others posting I also have a father who pushed me to enjoy science and loved sitting down with me to watch scientific movies/documentaries. However, I am not planning on becoming a science major for two main reasons:
- I am too dumb. This isn’t to say that I’m a total bonehead who couldn’t struggle and eventually get a degree in science if I wanted to (we are Nittany Lions after all), I just know it would be a disservice to the scientific community if I were to become a player in the world of science. After taking chemistry and physics in high school, it was quite obvious that I have no place in the scientific process, unless that place were as a test subject. Due to how much mathematics is involved in science this would also be another reason for me to not pursue a scientific career.
- It doesn’t peak my interests as much as other subjects. Science has always been interesting to me, however I just find the humanities as well as other aspects of academia to be more interesting.
To be totally honest, I am taking this class because last Sunday I was facing a bit of a scheduling snafu and I enrolled in order to make the Add/Drop period before I got closed out. I heard this was an interesting class to take and was fine to add it in as another GN credit. My scheduling error was resolved and as it turns out I don’t really have to take this class, however I think I’ll still keep up with it in order to get my last 3 GN credits done. The class seems interesting so far and I don’t think I’ll mind juggling the extra work.
Thank you for reading. If you’ve ever wanted to know who is in space right now, this website shows how many people are in space and who they are. I’ve included a picture of Beaver Stadium to remind everyone of the first home game this Saturday. WE ARE!
(Photo from http://onwardstate.com/2015/09/25/beaver-stadium-a-visual-history-through-the-years/)