Au Naturale

In the past year, I have taken serious consideration and action to becoming a healthier eater and person in general. My first move towards these new health goals were to start eating organic foods for the most part and cut out any artificial ingredients and additives in my diet.

Organic food has a largely viewed reputation as a spectacle healthy food source. Although we can understand this from the broad and general facts organic food industries provide us with, are we actually getting the benefit for our buck?

According to, there are 14 important and well researched advantages and disadvantages to purchasing and consuming organic food products.  organic1

The nine advantages they provide include how organic food is generally healthier to consume. This is because there are no pesticides or herbicides used when growing any plant based products. In conclusion, these contaminants can be potentially harmful to us. Also, because there is a lack of preservatives, they can aid in weight loss or management since preservatives can complicate how our bodies process and break down food. With preservatives, and these harmful chemicals, there have been correlations that connect them to many different diseases. Some include leukemia, Parkinson’s disease, and even infertility. It’s easy to say from observations like these that organic food is also safer to eat.

Additionally, the additives in nonorganic food can have an effect on the taste of them. This means organic food can be naturally better tasting since there are no additives. Also, organic food has a significantly higher content of antioxidants. These are necessary to help prevent a variety of cancers, heart disease, and other health risks.

Their effects on society are also extensive. According to this article, organic food can promote healthy families since preservatives and other harmful chemicals in processed food have been linked to infants being born with potential defects that affect the braorganic-2in and other functions of the body. Organic food also promotes protecting the environment since there aren’t harmful chemicals in the production of them. The reproduction of animals is also supported by organic foods because when livestock are fed with organic food, it can also prevent the risk of infertility, similarly in humans. They also explain how local food suppliers and farmers benefit economically from the consumption of organic foods. Lastly, they explain how in the long run, organic food can be cheaper. When your body becomes accustom to organic food, it can begin to not want to retain junk foods as regularly, or not at all. This concludes that your money won’t go to buying that type of unhealthy food anymore.

The disadvantages they list include that organic resources are expensive to produce, since they don’t contain preservatives they don’t last as long, they are hard to find and not as easily available, and in some circumstances they may not be as worth the time and money as you thought. Since crops are raised and planted in soil that is naturally fertilized with manure, they can contain up to 6-7% more E.coli than nonorganic produce. This bacteria can possibly lead to other health complications in conclusion.

Honestly, these pros outweigh the cons according to my personal preference. I am all about keeping my life as naturally resourced as possible and keeping in mind how organic farming and livestock can protect the environment which is also so important. All-in-all, go organic, or go home.

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2 thoughts on “Au Naturale

  1. Erin Nicole Kemp

    I honestly believe organic food is the way to go, but I do not act on that belief. I am aware of how poor my eating habits are and this blog has highlighted good reasons for me to make a change. I should stop ordering insomnia so often and take care of myself.

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