Why do I sweat so much?

I was in the gym today and I had just started my workout when I started to sweat profusely. This is something I am used to because I have been known to sweat a lot during physical activity. I never understood why, but I knew it was gross and I didn’t like it.I always wondered if something was  wrong with me. I was always curious about why I sweat so much but I never put in the time to actually research and find out why. Well, luckily this class gives me the opportunity to.


I have heard that sweat is a vital bodily function. I am not sure what exactly my body is secreting, but I know whatever is happening is good for me. According to Web MD, sweating actually keeps your body temperature in check. When I read this, it made complete sense to me. I just recovered from being very sick. I had high fevers for five days straight. When I would take medicine, it would cause me to sweat. Knowing what I know now about sweating, my body was trying to regulate it’s temperature and get it back to normal. The same article also states that your sweating varies depending on what type of activity you are doing. This makes sense, because obviously you are going to sweat more when you’re working out than when you are just walking to class. A article I came across in my research, stated that any amount of sweat is normal for the most part. They compared it to height, saying there is an average height but there are always people that are shorter and taller than the average. What happens most of the time is I go to exercise and I am dripping sweat after a few minutes and my friends aren’t. Their body may react differently to physical situations like that, and that is why they sweat less than I do.

I knew that the amount I sweat was normal because every piece of information I came across talked about hyperhidrosis. According to the article, Why do I sweat more than everyone else?, hyperhidrosis is an extreme amount of sweating. For example, you could just be sitting at your desk working on homework and you start to sweat profusely for no reason. The article says there are many causes of this such as genetics, a different disease, or it could be caused by medication or medical conditions. I know that diabetics are more prone to sweating. My godfather has insulin that he has to take and that causes him to sweat in certain parts of his body uncontrollably. My mother also had to take steroids when she fractured her ankle, and the steroids caused her to sweat constantly throughout the day.

Overall, I can comfortably say that my sweating is not something out of the norm. I sweat more than the average person but that does not mean there is something wrong with me. If I were to be sweating all the time, even when I am not doing any physical activity, then their might be a problem. In that case it may be because of medication or other medical issues. I don’t think I have much to worry about, I just have to shower a little more often.



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