
Peer-reviewed Journals [Google Scholar]

Red denotes graduate student, blue denotes postdoc authors, **denotes undergraduate student author

[Submitted] Wang Z. and Zhu T..Leaky Surface Waves from Distributed Acoustic Sensing: Signals for Mapping Urban Karst Hazards, JGR

[Submitted] Kim Donggeon and Zhu T.. Why do seismic attenuation models enhance time-lapse imaging?: A 2D viscoacoustic full-waveform inversion case study from the Volve field, Geophysics

[Submitted] Shen Junzhu, and Zhu T..  Constraining water dynamics through the Earth’s critical zone using fiber-optic seismic sensing data, EPSL

[Submitted] Shadoan T., Ajo-Franklin J. Patterson J., and Zhu T..  Active-seismic monitoring of reservoir pressure changes in an analog reservoir, Geophysics


Liu Jiaoyang, Gao Y., Wang, J., Zhu T., Ding, P.Zhou, G., & Li, S. (2024). Seismoelectric imaging of aquifer interface: Theoretical Investigation and laboratory experimentsGeophysical Research Letters51, e2024GL112534.

Bozzi E. et al. (2024). Modelling uncertainty in P-wave arrival-times retrieved from DAS data: case-studies from 15 fiber optic cables. Geophysical Journal International, ggae364,

Yu P.L., Zhu T.Marone, C.Elsworth, D., & Yu, M. (2024). DASEventNet: AI-based microseismic detection on distributed acoustic sensing data from the Utah FORGE well 16A (78)-32 hydraulic stimulationJournal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth129, e2024JB029102.

Leong Z.X., & Zhu, T. (2024). Machine learning-assisted microearthquake location workflow for monitoring the Newberry enhanced geothermal systemJournal of Geophysical Research: Machine Learning and Computation1, e2024JH000159.

Xing G. and Zhu T., (2024). Advancing seismic attenuation estimation through integration of the Hessian in multiparameter viscoacoustic full-Waveform inversion, Geophysics, 89, R429-R442.

Roth N., Zhu T. and Y. Gao, (2024). Characterizing Liquid Water in Deep Martian Aquifers: A Seismo-Electric Approach, Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, 129, e2024JE008292. PDF

Tourei A., Ji X.H., Santos G., ….. M. Xiao, E. Martin, and Zhu T.  (2024). Mapping Permafrost Variability and Degradation Using Seismic Surface Waves, Electrical Resistivity and Temperature Sensing: A Case Study in Arctic Alaska, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface,129, e2023JF007352. PDF

Singha, K.Sullivan, P. L.Billings, S. A.Walls, L.Li, L.Jarecke, K. M., … and Zhu T. (2024). Expanding the spatial reach and human impacts of critical zone science. Earth’s Future12, e2023EF003971.

Ji X.H., M. Xiao, E. Martin, and Zhu T. (2024). Statistical Evaluation of Seismic Velocity Models of Permafrost, Journal of Cold Regions Engineering,  38 (3), 04024021.

Leong Z., Zhu T., and Alex Sun, (2024). Time-Lapse Seismic Inversion for CO2 Saturation with SeisCO2Net: An Application to Frio-II Site, International Journal of Green Gas Control, Volume 132, February 2024, 104058, PDF


Shen J., and Zhu T., (2023) DAS with telecommunication fiber-optic cable in urban areas can record storm-induced seismic noise, Geophys. J. Int., 235(3),

Roth N., Czarny R., Gao Y., and Zhu T., (2023) “Wavefield Modeling and Analysis of Thunderquakes Measured by a Distributed Acoustic Sensing Array”, BSSA, 114 (2), 1124-1139.

Czarny R., Shen J. and Zhu T., (2023) “Spatiotemporal evaluation of Rayleigh surface wave estimated from roadside dark fiber DAS array and traffic noise“, Seismica, 2(2). PDF

Liu X., Zhu T., and Ajo-Franklin J. (2023). Understanding subsurface fracture evolution dynamics using time-lapse full waveform inversion of continuous active-source seismic monitoring dataGeophysical Research Letters50, e2022GL101739.

Spica Z., Ajo-Franklin J., Biondo B.,… Shen J., Zhu T., (2023), PubDAS: A PUBlic Distributed Acoustic Sensing Datasets Repository for Geosciences, Seismological Research Letters (2023),

Xing G., Zhu T., (2023) Compensating the attenuation effects in the full waveform inversion with dissipation-dispersion decoupling, Geophysics,

Huang C., Zhu T., and Xing G., (2023), Monitoring dynamic evolution of CO2 plumes during geological sequestration using data assimilated visco-acoustic full-waveform inversion, Geophysics.,


Liu X., Zhu T. and Hayes J., (2022), Critical zone structure by elastic full-waveform inversion of seismic refractions in a sandstone catchment, central Pennsylvania, USA., Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth127, e2021JB023321. PDF

Wang N., Xing G., and Zhu T., (2022), Propagating seismic waves in anisotropic attenuating media using fractional viscoelastic wave equation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, PDF

Xing G., and Zhu T., (2022), Decoupled Fréchet kernels based on a fractional viscoacoustic wave equation, Geophysics 87: T61-T70.


Zhu T., Zhang J. and Lin Y.T., (2021). Ultra-thick paleoregolith layer detected by lunar penetrating radar: implication for fast regolith formation between 3.6 and 2.35 Ga. Geophysical Research Letters48, e2021GL095282. PDF

Shen J., and Zhu T., (2021), Seismic noises by telecommunication fiber optics reveal the impact of COVID-19 measures on human activities, The Seismic Record 2021; 1 (1): 46–55. doi:

Leong Z., and Zhu T., (2021), Direct Velocity Inversion of Ground Penetrating Radar Data Using GPRNet, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB021047. PDF

Hone S., and Zhu T., (2021), Seismic observations of four thunderstorms using an underground fiber optic array, Seismological Research Letter,  92 (4): 2389–2398, DOI, PDF

Zhu, T., Shen, J., and Martin, E. R.: (2021), Sensing Earth and environment dynamics by telecommunication fiber-optic sensors: an urban experiment in Pennsylvania, USA, Solid Earth, 12, 219–235,, 2021.

Ji A., Zhu T., H.M. Moreno, and X. Lei, (2021), How do the gas hydrate saturation and hydrate morphology control seismic attenuation: A case study from the Southern Hydrate Ridge, Interpretation, 9(2):SD27.

Xing G., and Zhu T., (2021), A viscoelastic model for seismic attenuation using fractal mechanical network, Geophys. J. Int, 224(3),1658–1669.


Liu T., Liu X. and Zhu T., (2020), Joint analysis of P-wave velocity and resistivity for morphology identification and quantification of gas hydrate, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 112, 104036, DOI linkPDF

Huang C., and Zhu T., (2020), Towards real-time monitoring of geological CO2 storage: data assimilated time-lapse full waveform inversion for seismic velocity and uncertainty estimation, Geophys. J. Int, 223 (2), 811-824. DOI link, PDF

Wang N., Zhu T. and Zhou H., (2020), Fractional Laplacians viscoacoustic wavefield modeling with k-space based time-stepping error compensating scheme, Geophysics, 85(1), 1JF-Z3, DOI linkPDF

Guo C., Zhu T., Gao Y., Wu S., and Sun J., (2020) AEnet: Automatic picking of P-wave first arrivals using deep learning, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3010541PDF

Jakkampudi S.**, Shen, J., Li. W.**, Dev A.**, Zhu, T., and Martin, E. R., (2020), Footstep Detection in Urban Seismic Data with a Convolutional Neural Network, The Leading Edge, 39, 609–688, DOI link PDF


Zhu T., Ajo-Franklin J., Daley T.M., and Marone C., (2019) Dynamics of geologic CO2 storage and plume motion revealed by seismic coda waves, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (7) 2464-2469; DOI:10.1073/pnas.1810903116, PDF

Zhu T. and Stensrud D., (2019), Characterizing thunder-induced ground motions using fiber-optic distributed acoustic sensing array, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 12810-12823, PDF

Zhu T. and Bai T., (2019) Efficient modeling of wave propagation in a vertical transversely isotropic attenuative medium based on fractional Laplacian. Geophysics, 84, vol. 3, T121-T131. PDF

Zhu T., Sun J., Gei D., Carcione J.M., Cance P., and Huang C.,(2019) Hybrid multiplicative time-reversal imaging reveals the evolution of microseismic events: Theory and field data tests. Geophysics, 84, vol. 3, KS71-KS83. PDF

Huang C. and Zhu T., (2019) Passive seismic imaging of subsurface natural fractures: Application to Marcellus Shale microseismic data, Geophysical Journal International,  218, 2, 1087–1099,  PDF

Zhu T., (2019), Passive seismic imaging of subwavelength natural fractures: Theory and 2D synthetic and ultrasonic data tests, Geophysical Journal International, 216,1831–184. PDF

Xing G. and Zhu T., (2019) Modeling frequency-independent Q viscoacoustic wave propagation in heterogeneous media, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(11), 11568-11584, PDF

Bai T.Zhu T. and Tsvankin I., (2019) Attenuation compensation for time-reversal imaging in VTI media, Geophysics, 84:4C205-C216, PDF


Xue, Z.Sun, J., Fomel S., and Zhu T., (2018) Accelerating full waveform inversion with attenuation compensation, Geophysics, 83(1), A13-A20. PDF

Sun, J., and Zhu T., (2018) Strategies for stable attenuation compensation in reverse-time migration, Geophysical Prospecting, 66(3), 498-511. PDF


Zhu, T., Ajo-Franklin J., and Daley T.M., (2017), Spatio-temporal changes of seismic attenuation caused by injected CO2 at the Frio-II pilot site, Dayton TX, USA, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 122(9), 7156-7171, doi/10.1002/2017JB014164 PDF

Zhu T., (2017) Numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation in viscoelastic-anisotropic media using frequency-independent Q wave equation, Geophysics, 82(4), WA1–WA10. doi: 10.1190/GEO2016-0635.1 PDF

Zhu T. and Sun, J., (2017), Viscoelastic reverse-time migration with attenuation compensation, Geophysics, 82(2), S61-S73. doi: 10.1190/geo2016-0239.1 Geophysics Bright Spots PDF 

Yao, J.,  Zhu T., Hussain F., and Kouri D.J., (2017), Locally solving fractional Laplacian viscoacoustic wave equation using distributed approximation functional method, Geophysics, 82(2), T59-T67. doi: 10.1190/GEO2016-0269.1 PDF


Sun, J., Fomel S., Zhu T., and Hu J., (2016), Q-compensated least-squares reverse-time migration using low rank one-step wave extrapolation: Geophysics, 81, S271-S279. Geophysics Bright Spots PDF

Zhu T., Carcione J. M., and Botelho, M., (2016), Reverse-time imaging of ground-penetrating radar and SH-seismic data including the effects of wave loss: Geophysics, 81, H21-H32. PDF

Carcione J. M., Zhu T., Picotti S., and D., Gei, (2016), Imaging septaria geobody in the Boom Clay using Q-compensated reverse-time migration: Netherland Journal of Geosciences, 95, 283-291. doi:

Zhu T., (2016), Implementation aspects of attenuation compensation in reverse-time migration: Geophysical Prospecting, 64(3), 657-670. doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12301. PDF


Before Penn State (2016)

Zhu T., and Harris J. M., (2015), Estimation of P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity and attenuation factor by iterative joint inversion of crosswell seismic data: Journa l of Applied Geophysics, 123, 71-80. PDF

Sun, J.Zhu T., and Fomel, S., (2015), Viscoacoustic modeling and imaging using the low-rank approximation. Geophysics, 80, no. 5, A103-A108. doi: 10.1190/geo2015-0083.1 PDF

Zhu T., and Harris J. M., (2015), Application of boundary-preserving seismic tomography for delineating boundaries of reservoir and CO2 saturated zone: Geophysics, 80, no.2, M33-M41. doi: 10.1190/geo2014-0361.1 PDF

Zhu T., and Harris J. M., (2015), Improved seismic images by Q-compensated reverse-time migration: application to the crosswell field data, west Texas: Geophysics, 80, no.2, B61-B67. doi: 10.1190/geo2014-0463.1 PDF

Zhu T., (2015), Viscoelastic time-reversal imaging: Geophysics, 80, no.2, A45-A50. d oi: 10.1190/geo2014-0327.1  PDF

Zhu T., Harris J. M., and Biondi B., (2014), Q-compensated reverse time migration: Geophysics, 79, no.3, S77-S87, doi:10.1190/geo2013-0344.1. PDF

Zhu T., (2014), Time reverse modeling of acoustic wave propagation in attenuating media: Geophysical Journal International, 197, no.1, 483-494, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt519. PDF

Zhu T., and Carcione J. M., (2014), Theory and modeling of constant-Q P- and S-waves using fractional spatial derivatives: Geophysical Journal International, 196 no.3, 1 787-1795, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt483. PDF

Zhu T., and Harris J. M., (2014), Modeling acoustic wave propagation in heterogeneous attenuating media using decoupled fractional Laplacians: Geophysics, 79, no.3, T10 5-T116, doi:10.1190/geo2013-0245.1.  PDF

Zhu T., Carcione J. M., and Harris J. M., (2013), Approximating constant-Q seismic propagation in the time domain: Geophysical Prospecting, 61(5), 931-940, doi: 10.1111 /1365-2478.12044. PDF


Ph.D. dissertation: Seismic modeling, inversion, and imaging in attenuating media: Stanford University, 2014 PDF

M. S. thesis: Simulation of seismic wave propagation in fractured-anisotropic and viscoelastic media: Chinese Academy of Science, June 2008 (In Chinese with English abstract)

B. S. thesis: Seismic wave velocity and the anomalous polarization in anisotropic media: Award of the Best Student Thesis in China University of Geosciences, July, 2005 (In Chinese with English abstract)