Dr. Joshua Lambert
Associate Professor
Department: Food Science
College: Agricultural Sciences
Address: 332 Food Science Building
Phone: (814) 865-5223
E-mail: jdl134@psu.edu
Website: https://foodscience.psu.edu/directory/jdl134
Modulation of obesity, inflammation, and cancer by natural products
Research in the Lambert lab is focused on the mitigation of obesity, inflammation, cancer by dietary components and phytochemicals from medicinal plants. Our group uses enzymes, cell culture, animal models, and bioanalytical approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of these compounds, the underlying mechanisms of action, and the relative safety of these compounds.
Current topics of interest are:
1. Role of oxidative stress in the anticancer activity of dietary polyphenols.
2. Impact of processing on the chemistry and bioactivity of functional foods.
3. Inhibition of digestive enzymes by dietary polyphenols.
4. Impact of genetics and environment on the chemistry and bioactivity of functional foods and medicinal plants.
5. Potential interactions between dietary phytochemicals and pharmaceutical agents.