PowerPoint with recorded audio doesn’t save audio


ISSUE: a PowerPoint presentation with recorded audio does not save the audio when it is reopened anywhere.

RESOLUTION: PowerPoint presentations MUST be saved as .pptx files in order to save recorded audio.  PowerPoint will appear to be recording the audio, including placing the speaker icon on the slides, and will save the .ppt file.  However, when the .ppt file is reopened, the icon will remain with no audio included.  Only saving it as a .pptx file will retain the audio.

Windows prevents you from changing the case of a word in a filename


ISSUE: cannot rename a file (.doc, .pdf, etc) in Windows if the goal is to change the case of a word; prompt appears requesting permission

RESOLUTION: known issue in Windows Vista and newer, prevents changing ONLY the case of a word in a filename.  For example, cannot change Test.doc to test.doc.  As a workaround, you can rename the file to something completely different, and then back to the name your originally intended (ie: change test.doc to Dog.doc, and then to Test.doc).

Microsoft Knowledge Base article