Clash Royale: Open Discussion


Supercell, the makers of Clash of Clans, have developed a different spin on the Clash world with their new release, Clash Royale. Instead of building a village and attacking others as in Clash of Clans, Clash Royale allows players to collect and level up cards which they will use to battle other players 1v1. You can also compete in “Friendly Battles” with your clanmates, a feature that I wish was implemented into the original game.

So, has anyone tried it out yet? If so, what are your favorite cards, strategies, or decks?

Recently, my go-to has been with a Balloon/Minion Horde push. I also unlocked the Inferno Tower recently, which has been clutch on defense.

One of the most annoying things in the game is when people use lots and lots of spawner huts. These cards continuously spawn enemies that are constantly coming at you. If your opponent places enough huts down, you can easily be overwhelmed. The three cards used for this strategy are: Goblin Hut, Barbarian Hut, and Tombstone. I have yet to figure out a decent method to combat this strategy.

All in all, Clash Royale is a game unlike any that I have played before. The amount and balance of strategy, timing, and skill that it takes is very appealing to me. I have never really played a trading card-like game before, so I’ve been loving it lately. It also has many of the lovable Clash of Clans characters in it – and more!

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6 Responses to Clash Royale: Open Discussion

  1. rck5174 says:

    Although I haven’t played a lot of the game, I can see myself getting into the game. I can play it that much right now due to a broken phone (this game being one of the main reasons sadly), but the little amount of time that I did play it, I enjoyed it. I didn’t have any big qualms with the game itself, It had a nice loot bonus system (I could not play any games at all and still be able to upgrade characters if I’m lucky enough and have enough patience), the games aren’t incredibly long yet it’s long enough to keep you interested. Several minor mechanics like the Elixir spawn delay and the 2x Elixir in the last 30 seconds, really adds to the strategy and makes it stand from other games where you just spam a button and hope things work out.

    All in all, it’s a nice game to play while you are passing the time and there isn’t any real need to use real money in the game (unless you are really impatient). However, I can see myself getting bored of this game rather but only because of the way mobile games are. They just tend to die out a lot quicker than games on consoles and pc.

  2. nfr5022 says:

    I originally downloaded this game in order to get rid of the notification that popped up every time that I opened up Clash of Clans, which only ended up back on my phone for the class, but as I began to play Clash Royale I found that I actually started to enjoy it more than any freemium game that I have used to kill time while bored or waiting for something. Unlike more freemium games I have found that with Clash Royale, at least for now, you can compete using strategy and just putting some time into the game rather than needing to pay to be competitive, but obviously if you sink money into it you will get better faster.
    As far as personal strategies, I have been finding cards that I like and have been focusing on leveling them up, letting the rest just sit there and get build up upgrades. I have found that it is helpful to have a good variety of flying and ground in order to either draw attention or use the opposite to either attack their cards without getting hit back.
    Overall the game is very good and very interesting especially the top 100 fights that are posted for all to watch and gain strategies from the people that are the top in the game. My biggest issue with the game is the wait time on the chests, which yeah you can use gems, given that you need to wait anywhere from 3-12 hours just to open one chest. Since you can only have 4 chests at a time, this means that first of all you can only open a max of 8 chests in a 24 hr span, and second once you get your 4 chests after 10 minutes of actually playing you have to wait another 3 hours minimum before it is really worth playing again.

  3. jcl259 says:

    When I first played this game, I didn’t like it because I would get matched up against people who had good cards that I didn’t. After about a day of opening chests I was able to make a decent team and then the game became really fun. I really enjoy games that involve a decent amount of skill/strategy to be good. Its nice when you can consistently win a game and its more than luck.

    I really think games that require skill to be good rather than a ton of time tend to have the largest amount of long term players and draw the most people to them. This game has the perfect amount of skill and luck involved to keep the newbies interested and the veterans a consistent challenge. I use to really like clash of clans but it got to be a job just to upgrade something which basically made no difference. Clash of clans requires skill but that skill can always be trumped by a veteran player who simply has better stuff than you. I do think this game is going to beat clash of clans in terms of number of active players. The only issue I see with this game is it becoming repetitive. This may prevent a large number of long term players like clash of clans has.

    My strategy at dealing with hut enemies:
    I have found that giant, mini pekka, musketeer, skeletons, baby dragon, spear goblin minion and fireball work well for the “hut people”. I literally just ignore the side with the huts and go full force at the other side and they have to use resources to protect their tower or else they loose it. The trick is to do that before they get more than two huts down. That was my old favorite deck but recently i switched to minion horde, hogs, goblin barrel, skeleton, spear goblin, prince, inferno tower and arrows. That team can handle a wider range of opponents (although doesn’t handle the hut strategy all that well if they have arrows)

  4. bcc5160 says:

    This is similar to HearthStone where you also play cards. Is mobile card games the thing now?

    Mobile card games add a visual element to the classic card game. Card games have been around for a while now, so visuals just add a special flavor to this genre. Clash of Clans thrived when mobile strategy games took off. Though these strategy games’ popularity dimmed a little, the characters beloved by many players still maintain their reverence. So as the popularity of card games rise, Clash of Royale will be in good standing.

    I used to play Clash of Clans a lot, so I think I will also play this game for a bit.

  5. Andrew Edward Still says:

    I ran into this game last week from recommendation by a friend and I can’t really decide where I stand on it. On one side of my opinion, I find the game to be extremely fun. Opening up a new chest of cards is always exciting and I find the battles as a unique experience each time I play. Putting together new decks and trying new strategies is a fun part of experience as well. On the other hand, there always comes that frustration that comes with “Pay to Win” games. Of course you can spend your time putting together a new deck with the cards you’ve been collecting, but what’s the point when there are other players out there that can throw $20 at the game and get all the strongest cards?

    Overall I find the game to be exciting and a fresh experience from Clash of Clans and I can see myself playing it on and off for a few months.

  6. mvh5371 says:

    As Clash Royale released, I’ve noticed people slowly leaving Clash of Clans to play this. I feel as if Supercell will start to shy away from Clash of Clans as well and start focusing more on this game. I’m a town hall 9 on Clash of Clans and I overplayed that game. I still play it, but since this game came out, I haven’t as much. I think this game itself has a better future. We discussed this before on how frustrating this game could be. I, myself, started using a strategy that has worked for me in many of the matches that led to me coming from behind and winning. I use minion horde, valkyrie, hog rider, skeleton army, goblin barrel, giant, mini pekka, and spear goblins.
    – Marc Hilaire

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