1. Send student packet of information (at least 3 weeks prior to the start of the affiliation) including at a minimum:
- general information about facility
- directions and parking
- dress code
- meal availability
- work hours to include expectations for weekend work hours
2. Develop a checklist of things that your facility requires students to complete (i.e. HIPAA training, tour, reviewing policy & procedure manuals, mandatory in-services, etc.)
3. First day – try to mark out one hour at the beginning of the work day to:
- Give tour
- Review expectations of the facility for students (week by week or general)
- Review student introduction form with student
- Discuss feedback guidelines with student (immediate, set time of day, etc.)
- Establish goals for first week of clinical
4. Schedule time for mid-term and final reviews between CI/student during the affiliation.
5. Develop a weekly goal sheet for the CI and student to jointly complete at the end of each week to assist with better communication (attached is an example).
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