Category Archives: Uncategorized

Is Being Homosexual Genetic?

gay    Have you ever met a person who was homosexual later to find out that someone else in their family is homosexual as well? With many homosexual people that I have met, I hate later found out that their siblings or aunts/uncles were homosexual as well. Scientists at Northwestern University have conducted studies that found that genes only make up about a 40% chance of someone being homosexual. The scientists came to the conclusion that being homosexual is from genetics but mostly environmental and social factors.

The scientists at Northwesters still believe that they will be able to find a way to test of babies will grow up to be homosexual or not. The have currently been studying 400 sets of twins to see if any men are more prone to be homosexual. One scientist said that one day there may even be a pre-natal test that can text for homosexuality. Overall thought, the scientist don’t believe that being homosexual is a choice. Scientists at the University of California think that being homosexual can be explained by the presence of epi-marks, but the findings are still inconclusive.

While reading this article I found a few flaws in the scientists tests. First, they are testing babies, but what if the gene is developed overtime? The scientists would be unable to test for this because they are testing such a specific time frame. Also, the test was conducted on only males, so we don’t know if any of these findings are the same for women and I would be interested in knowing if genes have the same effect of women. I do believe that genes are very much involved in whether a person is homosexual because when I have met a homosexual, I usually learn later that their brother or sister is homosexual too. So this leads me to believe that being homosexual is very much a genetic.

Why is tennis so frustrating?

I played tennis in high school, and ended up having a pretty solid career. One thing that I always found odd, however, was tennis players’ frequencies to vocally display their disgust. In other high school sports, usually athletes keep their thoughts to themselves, or give teammates constructive advice. Obviously in tennis it’s just you on the court, but does that make people that much more inclined to yell at themselves?

The USTA cited a questionnaire on the subject. It was given to top junior players in America. Already, the results aren’t really worth noting as anything factual as it isn’t a study or experiment, and questionnaires can contain tons of bias. It was designed as well as it could have been, but that doesn’t make a tremendous difference. Anyway, I was interested in finding out what they had to say.

The consensus results were consistent with my personal observations. Losing to someone you should beat is obviously frustrating, and anger in those kinds of matches tends to snowball. Additionally, athletes never really get the chance to watch themselves at an amateur level. Sometimes people never know how they act on the court or field, and that doesn’t discourage bad behavior.

This study provides some facts behind those theories. The study administered electric shocks to its patients, then gave them the option to pay to avoid them, which many took. Later, they were forced to spend 15 minutes alone with their thoughts. After those phases, they were allowed to pick between the two scenarios. 67% of men and 25% of women chose to retake the shock that they had paid to avoid before, rather than spend 15 minutes in solitude again.

That link describes the setup of the experiment, and everything checks out. The results are reliable, and the only question is how well it relates to my overarching theme of tennis. A more useful experiment for my thesis would be to strictly include high school or college tennis players, but let’s pretend the current results are reliable for my scenario. There is quantifiable, psychological proof that being alone in your mind (and on the court) is painfully stressful, and that’s why tennis players show more negative emotion than other athletes.

Bad Bracelet??

According to Anoop T. Balachandran, who is a certified professional trainer with a Master’s in Exercise Physiology and Human Performance, Power Balance bracelets do not work. For those of you who are not familiar with Power Balance Bracelets, they are said to be balance improving, performance technology sports wristbands. The bracelet, which is manufactured in China, is made of rubber and holograms. So how can it improve ones balance?


According to the Power Balance company website, “the holograms in the bracelet are designed based on Eastern philosophies, which contain ideas related to energy. These are commonly referenced as Chi or Chakras.” Supposedly, the band interacts with your body frequency” and is able to improve ones balance. So the questions remains does it work?

The website,, “makes no claims” as to weather or not the bracelet works, they “let the consumer decide … we offer a 30-day no-questions-asked, money back guarantee”.

Kobe Bryant

LA Laker, Kobe Bryant, wears bracelet on right wrist during NBA basketball game

There are multiple reasons why one may consider joining the trend and purchasing a bracelet, such as the money back guarantee, the affordable price ($29.99) and the many celebrities who promote the product. According to the professional athletes such as Drew Brees, Clay Mathews, Darren Sproles, Rudy Gay, Matt Kemp, Mardy Fish, Stacy Lewis, Kobe Bryant and Keegan Bradley, all wear the bracelets. Even actors and musicians have started following the trend.


Zac Efron (actor) wearing bracket on right wrist

Considering the fact that the website warns customers that the bracelets do not always work for everyone, then why do some people beg to differ?

Anoop T. Balachandran explains three main reasons why people are often fooled into believing that the bands can and do improve balance:

  1. The Placebo Effect
  2. A flexibility test
  3. A strength test

According to Balanchandram, there have been no scientific studies that show that the power bracelets work and that “there is no earthly science even remotely saying that we can capture frequencies and bottle it in a hologram”. Despite the lack of scientific evidence about the bracelet people continue to remain intrigued by the product. According to the Placebo Effect, which states, “if you believe or expect a procedure or a pill to improve your health or behavior, it will.” In other words it is possible that there is no correlation between wearing the bracelet and improving ones balance. It is possible that people are mentally convinced that the bracelet works so they believe it.

Another explanation for the bracelets popularity is the flexibility and strength tests that the manufacturing company encourages consumers to do. The company encourages clients to try and stretch in order to reach as far as you can, once without the bracelet on and another time with it on. People always do better the second time, regardless of the bracelet, because the person now has a goal to go beyond.

When demonstrating the additional strength that the bracelets can give those who wear them, sales people asked clients to stand on one leg and place their arm to their side. The sales person then pushed down on the clients arm and on average the person looses their balance. They then ask the client to repeat the strength test, but this time wearing a Power Balance bracelet. Unlike the first test when the sales person pushed down and out on the clients arm which threw them off balance, the second time around they push down and into the persons body, which does not effect their ability to stay balance. As a viewer of the subject of the strength test it appears that the bracelet improved your strength, when in reality the sales men played a trick on you.


After reading about the material that the bracelet is made of, lack of scientific evidence, and the “tests” used to demonstrate the Power Balance bracelets effects, it is clear to see that it is a hoax. There is however; one logical correlation between the bracelet and an improvement in balance, the placebo effect. Considering the lack of scientific testing that have been done on the bracelets, people are unable to make concrete accusations about whether or not they work. Perhaps the bracelets “works” because it tricks people into convincing themselves that when they wear the bracelet, they will have better balance.





Cancer Myths Part 3

I felt rather frustrated after researching the cell phone theories. I understand that the uncertainty is due to its new incorporation into society but I thinks something as important as cell phone usage should be studied more closely. For my final myth I decided to research something I thought would be much more conclusive, microwaves. However even with their longer prevalence in society I found similar results to cell phones and finish my theory only with the reassurance my bra won’t kill me, but the rest of the world still might.

microwave cartoon


I’m not sure where I learned this from but ever since I was little I thought you shouldn’t stand too close to the microwave when it was cooking. Now that I live so close to one in my small dorm I decided to do some digging and discover if the electromagnetic waves from a microwave can in fact cause cancer.

Every time you use the microwave it produces wavelength radiation at about 2450 Mega Hertz. Now to me and many of you this may mean nothing special, but it laymen’s terms it means that each time we microwave our food a little bit of radiation seeps out. Over time this can be harmful to our bodies, but it has been said that the electromagnetic waves aren’t powerful enough to change our DNA and form cancer cells.

However eating microwaved food is an entirely other argument. One of the most popular studies done on this issue was by Hans Hertel in the late 1980s. He and seven other vegetarians stayed in a hotel room for two months and consumed goods that had been cooked in a microwave and in other ways. His findings showed changed in the men’s blood that he said “appear to indicate the initial stage of pathological process such as occurs at the start of cancerous condition.” Hertel never actually found a direct link to cancer from eating microwaved food and his data was never formally published.

Among many other things wrong with this experimental design, such as the lack of variety of food used and the clearly small sample size, the fact that Hertel didn’t publish his findings further questions his results. I find them to be invalid, especially since then no one else has been able to affirm his results. Another man by the name of Kopp who agreed with Hertel was quoted saying something similar in reference to the affects microwaved food can have on the body. He said, “People who ingested microwaved foods showed a statistically higher incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers…” However like his predecessor his results suffered the File Drawer problem and were never formally published. This indicates that maybe once again there wasn’t enough well conducted proof to confirm this belief.

Since then many other people have misused these scientific findings and manipulated them so that they can instill fear into those who microwave their food. Overall there is no significant evidence to believe that standing near a microwave or microwaving your food will cause cancer. It is true that the food slightly genetically modifies, but this is no different than the affect from tradition forms of cooking as well.

As long as you are being safe there is no reason to believe that microwaves will cause cancer from any type of exposure. It should be noted that you must use a microwave intelligently, this includes only using microwave safe dishware when putting food in, and not overcooking or undercooking it, as this could cause health risks but not due to the waves produced. Looks like my fear was wrong after all and I sleep near the microwave knowing I’m safe.

Works Cited

“Microwave Oven.” Cure Zone. Cure Zone, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2014.

“Radiation, Microwaves and Cancer.” Cancer Research UK. Cancer Research UK, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2014.

Schardt, David. “Microwave Myths.” (n.d.): n. pag. Nutrition Action Health Letter. Nutrition Action Health Letter, Apr. 2005. Web. 21 Oct. 2014.

Tracking for Influenza Vaccine

Recently, those working in health care have been tracked for influenza vaccine. A study recently shows that this tracking can bring more compliance to getting the flu vaccine which will allow for a more healthy environment for patients who visit these healthcare facilities. An automated system tracks those who have not been vaccinated and sends out warning and updates to inform those people. Susan Wang, the author of the study stated that this system, “ reduced the administrative burden of the mandatory vaccination program.” The automated system that aids in tracking the staff that have or have not been vaccinated was developed by researches in the Epidemiology and Infection Prevention Program at the University of California Irvine Health System. Along with the reminders and alerts about receiving the vaccine and the deadline, the system also allows supervisors to view the vaccine status of those working under them. The study showed that the system was responsible for the 98% of the 7,000 individuals who were included in the policy who received the vaccine. There were only 130 people who received a written warning, and 5 who were removed from the schedule until they had received their vaccine. The system attributes to the health status of the environment and also helped cut overtime hours of those who administer the vaccines. This system was able to ensure a healthy environment for patients and staff, and reduce time and resources involved with the administration of the influenza vaccine.InfluenzaVaccine

This article relates to human health because it actually requires health care personnel to obtain aninfluenza vaccine. The system allows for documentation of those who have received a vaccine and sends out reminders to those who still need to receive a vaccine. This, in turn, led to more compliance and people to more quickly get their vaccines. As a result, the spread of influenza has been reduced in these healthcare facilities because the staff are required to get the vaccine and are not allowed to continue working if they have not received a vaccine after the deadline. The patients who now go into these facilities have a healthy environment, as do all the staff who work together. With the advancement of this automated system, comes the prevention of the spread of influenza.

The truth about cellphones. The bad, the worse, and the ugly

Today’s world is run by technology and modern inventions. One device that is at the top of it all is the cellphone. Now a days who doesn’t have one? They control our lives. We use them to communicate, organize information, browse the web, and even just to entertain ourselves. Although there are many benefits to our phones, there are also a lot of negative effects it has on us that many of us aren’t even aware of.

One of the many negative effects that constant cellphone use causes is an increase in risk of illness. Believe it or not your phone is one of the most germ-infested objects that you may come in contact with throughout the course of a day. In just a 24 hours span, a phone may encounter many germ-infested places such as your pocket/purse, your hands, and even your face. You use it while you’re eating, you use it at the gym, and you even use it while going to the bathroom. As a matter of fact speaking of bathrooms, cellphones carry ten times more bacteria than most toilet seats.

Another issue that we have all recently seen is a rise in automobile accidents caused by texting. People are so focused on being on their phones while driving that they don’t pay attention to the road and risk putting other peoples lives in danger. It has been recorded that texting and driving makes you 23 times more likely to crash and causes 1,600,000 automobile accidents per year. Even talking on the phone instead of texting is dangerous. Even though your aren’t looking at your phone anymore you are still distracted by your phone and wont have both hands on the wheel. Being concentrated on your phone dramatically reduces your reaction time, and nothing can reduce the risk besides not using the phone while driving all together.

Not only can frequent phone use have negative psychological effects, it can also be physically damaging. Constant cellphone use has been linked to chronic pain in numerous studies. It is doing us harm in ways we would never imagine. “Cell phones require constant use of your hands, especially when sending text messages and e-mails. Responding to messages at rapid speed can cause pain and inflammation of your joints”. This leads to conditions such as carpal tunnel, a condition in which there is excessive pressure on the median nerve located in the wrist that allows feeling and movement to parts of the hand. Carpal tunnel may lead to weakness and muscle damage in the hand and fingers.

Along with all of these negative effects, constant cellphone use has also been linked to loss of vision and even more severe, brain cancer. So you tell me, is all of that worth it. Of course I’m not telling you to completely get rid of your phone but using it less often will be sure to lead to better results in the long run.



I believe I can fly

As a young kid, we all aspired to one day have super powers. At that young age we would do just about anything to have super powers. Some of us wanted to have super strength. Some of us wanted to have super speed. Some of us wanted to have the power of invisibility. But there is one power that we all wished we had, the power to fly. With the new development in technology that may be possible. People have found a way to create a fully functioning hover board.

If you don’t know exactly what a hover board is, it is a long board similar to a skateboard that floats over the surface of the ground and is capable of carrying a person. Right now it is still in its developing phase so it can only hover a couple of inches off of the ground. Even so who would’ve thought that this device seen only in movies would actually be a part of our reality some day? With the rapidly developing technology that we have today, the sky is the limit for this product.

The way the board itself works is that it is equipped with big magnets on its underside. “Along with the use of the hover magnetic electromagnets underneath the hover board, it enables the board to propel and stay propelled above the ground indefinitely. Because of the conflict between the magnets and the magnetic energy within our plant, it forces the hover board to resist the surface of the earth and maintain airborne.” Because it is currently relying on the power of the magnetic fields created under the board, it is only able to hover over metallic surfaces.

These hover boards look like they were taken directly out of a scene from the movie Back To The Future 2. Unfortunately because it is only a prototype there are still a lot of bugs that need to be fixed. One of its downsides is its weight, which is almost a whopping 100 pounds. Another negative is that it currently can only hover mere inches off the ground. On a better note this product has a lot of upside. In its future models it is sure to see some outstanding developments such as a lighter, more controllable board. Over time it should even be able to hover at a higher distance off of the ground. Although it is still not available to us, the hover board is visible in our near future.


Cancer Myths Part 2

In my previous post I debunked the myth of bra’s causing cancer. For my second post of the series I decided to focus on something that was a little more relatable to everyone, cell phones. Unsurprisingly I found the topic was much more controversial than the bra myth and much more complicated as well.


Cell phones, they’re something we are all undeniably attached to. I, like many my age, am guilty of doing something I’ve been told can be very dangerous, sleeping with my phone. I use it as my alarm clock, so I find it only natural to tuck it under my pillow at night and vibrate to wake my up in the morning. Because I do not turn my phone off I am constantly being subjected to electronic waves very close to my brain, which some argue could possibly cause a brain tumor.

Recently many studies have been done to try to prove or disprove this hypothesis. One study followed 420,000 cell phone users for a 20 year period and found there was not enough evidence to prove a link between phone use and brain cancer. Another study found a small number of participants in a study were diagnosed with malignant tumors in their salivary glands. Finally another study showed a certain type of brain tumor, specifically Glimoa, was the most prominent type of brain tumor discovered, if any was found at all. (Timothy J. Moynihan).

Generally speaking the variety of results on the topic can be rather misleading, similar to the problems with early smoking research. There is no certainty in any published journals so far that cell phone use has in fact been linked to the creation of brain tumors. Most studies were conducted with a large amount of participants which would make them seem more reliable. For the most part I believe this is true, however since it is not an experiment I think it would be remiss to not mention the possible variables that could affect the results. As mentioned by one of the studies certain people may spend more time on their phone than others, possibly presenting themselves at a higher risk. In addition individuals use different types of cell phones, each presenting a different amount of electronic waves that could cause a brain tumor. Finally each individual has started using a cell phone at a different age, which could greatly factor how much exposure they have had and increase their chances of brain tumor development.

One of the most challenging aspects to this controversy is time period. Only recently have cell phones become a necessity for modern culture, so there isn’t much data for scientists to rely on. Similar to the smoking issue it may take 100 years for enough data to be collected to discover if there is a correlation between increased time spent with your cell phone (like sleeping) and tumor development.

I think with time the answer to this question will become more clear. As for now the jury is out on what scientists believe to be true. So far the data available seems to suggest that there is no direct correlation between phone usage and developing brain tumors, however some tumors have been found. In general there is a consensus that we simply don’t know if this is true or not. So for now I don’t believe it is necessary to leave my phone across the room to charge, but I may put it on my nightstand instead of sleeping with it directly under my pillow, just to be safe.

Work Cited

Dreyfuss, John Henry. “Mixed Results on Link Between Cellular Telephones and Cancer.” A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. Wiley Online Library, 18 Dec. 2009. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.

“No Risk of Brain Tumors from Cell Phones.” National Cancer Institute. National Cancer Institute, 17 May 2010. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.

Moynihan, Timothy J. “Adult Health.” Cellphones and Cancer: What’s the Risk? Mayo Clinic, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.

Does Nyquil Make You Sleepy?

There has been mixed reviews about if Nyquil and if actually makes people sleepy or not. When I ask my friends and family, some say it makes them pass out immediately but others say it does nothing for them. According to research, there are certain chemicals in Nyquil that make you drowsy, but if you use Nyquil often, this side effect may no longer happen because your body becomes used to it. My question is what in Nyquil actually makes you sleepy?

Nyquil contains doxylamine succinate or chlorpheniramine maleate . These two chemicals can cause an individual to become drowsy. Alcohol is also in Nyquil as an inactive constitute which can make someone extremely tired, especially if you take a large dosage at once. says the following about Nyquil and its contents that lead to a users drowsiness:

“Doxylamine succinate which is one of the constituents of Nyquil is an antihistamine which is known to make one sleepy. It is sometimes used for treatment of insomnia. Too much use of this chemical might lead to the creation of hallucinations in us. It is known that some of the antihistamines that cause drowsiness are increased by alcohol. As Nyquil has both of them as its ingredients, it can severely cause sleepiness. Nyquil also consists of Tylenol as an ingredient for fever. This medication also consists of dextromethorphan, high fructose corn syrup, polyethylene glycol, purified water, red 40, saccharin sodium and sodium citrate. As experienced by many people, Nyquil makes them have a sound sleep. Acetaminophen is another ingredient of Nyquil. Acetaminophen is a fever reducer but does not cause drowsiness. Dextromethorphan will cause cough to subside but simultaneously also leads to drowsiness,” (, 1).


I find when I use Nyquil, I fall asleep within a half hour to an hour after taking the prescribed dose. Other people have had no drowsy symptoms and say its one conscious that makes them fall sleep after taking it because they are well aware Nyquil is known for making people fall asleep.

In conclusion, there are actually chemicals in Nyquil that make you fall asleep and it is not just a myth. Not only are these chemicals found in Nyquil, but in other antihistamines.

Work Cited



Cancer Myths Part 1

When I was considering topics to write for this blog period I discovered there was a lot of discrepancy over ways to contract cancer. There are a lot of fearful theories that can lead to people taking unnecessary drastic measures in their lives. For this reason I decided to create a three-part blog series on debunking cancer myths. Although there are many more than what I covered I decided to focus on some of the ones I was surprised by or have heard previously.

Part One: The Boob Wrangling Apparatus reffered to affectionately as the bra. 

Bras, they’re something all girls must deal with in their life. They can be annoying and uncomfortable and I think most girls would agree nothing feels better than taking it off after a long hard day. Recently my friend mentioned a rumor that she had heard, sleeping in a bra can cause breast cancer. I was intrigued and I found that in fact this a hotly debated issue. In fact this July a study was recently published discussing the issue. I thought since this month is breast cancer awareness month there would be no better time to share this information.

The study involved 1,500 post menopausal women, 454 diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, 590 diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma and 469 women who were controls and were not diagnosed with any kind of breast cancer. Through personal interviews about bra usage, size, and bra type the study has concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the theory that wearing a bra does not increase the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

Although I did have some problems with the experimental design overall I believed the study was done well enough to believe this conclusion. In addition to this study many other variations have been done with similar results, which caused me to affirm the conclusion this particular study had. I found it interesting that the study looked at the two types of breast cancer to conclude that a bra has no affect on any kind of breast cancer, rather than generalizing it and studying those with just one type of breast cancer. I found that the sample size was large enough and the study further explained how they used statistical formulas to providence a confidence interval for the data collected. The only problem I did have was that the study did not clarify whether or not the scientists considered confounding variables. It is well known that genes play a big part in a breast cancer diagnosis and the fact that they my not have considered this in those who were diagnosed with cancer and those who were not could skew some of the data. Obviously an experiment is preferred to an observational study but in this case I think the study was conducted properly for the most part and the conclusion is valid.

So good news ladies, although possibly uncomfortable sleeping in a bra will not increase your risk for breast cancer. There have been speculated health risks so if you do chose to sleep in a bra still be careful. If your bra is too tight it can cut off circulation to your breasts and cause cysts to form or fluid accumulation. If your lymph nodes under your arms are aggravated this could be a sign that your bra is causing circulation problems in your breast. (Huffingtonpost) In this case you should consider switching your bra to something with less padding or a softer underwire. So generally speaking sleeping in your bra is perfectly healthy as long as you are smart about it and listen to your body.

Works Cited

Chen, Lu, Kathleen Malone, and Christopher Li. “Bra Wearing Not Associated with Breast Cancer Risk.” Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. American Association for Cancer Research, 15 July 2014. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.

Gorski, David. “One More Time: No, Wearing a Bra Does Not Cause Breast Cancer.” Science-Based Medicine. Science-Based Medicine, 8 Sept. 2014. Web. 18 Oct. 2014.

Kitchens, Simone. “Is Sleeping In A Bra Good Or Bad For You? (PHOTOS).” The Huffington Post., 17 Aug. 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2014.

Compliments and Performance



Let’s face it… At some point in our lives, we have all received compliments. Personally, I find that the smallest of compliments can make my day, and they really mean a lot to me long after they are said. The sincerity of compliments can be significant, but are compliments and praise truly powerful enough to impact those who receive them?

Interestingly enough, one study shows that those who receive compliments are capable of demonstrating increased levels of performance. Professors from a variety of institutes carried out this study in order to determine the impact of praise on those receiving it. In the study, subjects were required to carry out a finger pattern by pushing a series of keys as quickly as possible. The study consisted of forty-eight adults divided into three different groups. The first group received compliments on their task from an evaluator. The second group watched compliments being given to other subjects, while the third group was responsible for determining on their own how well they carried out their task (this was based on a generated graph). The subjects returned a day later to perform the same task again. The results clearly demonstrated that the group that received compliments from the evaluator demonstrated the highest performance levels. This further supports the beneficial power of compliments and consistent praise.

Professor Sadato, one of the team members for this study, declared, “To the brain, receiving a compliment is as much a social reward as being rewarded money. We’ve been able to find scientific proof that a person performs better when they receive a social reward after completing an exercise.”

Another study demonstrates how compliments can contribute significantly to one’s self-esteem. The subjects within this study consisted of forty-eight college students (twenty-four males and twenty-four females). Half of the males and half of the females were given a subtle compliment. Following this, the subjects completed a questionnaire about “self-perceived attractiveness.” The results of the study made it clear that the compliment did indeed have a significant effect on the self-esteem of the subjects.

Compliments clearly serve as a motivational force for those who receive them. Psychology Today has a number of suggestions for giving compliments and praise in the most effective way possible. The most important characteristic of an effective compliment is that it is sincere. This means that the person giving the compliment is doing so for a genuine purpose as opposed to doing so merely for their own benefit or personal gain. It is also important to ensure that praise is given in a respectful manner. Compliments in accordance with these guidelines will have a long-lasting impact on whoever they are intended for!

Separating Twins: Good or Bad?

twins reading

From pre-school to kindergarten and through eighth grade, I shared a classroom with my twin brother. In grade school we were very similar; always got the same question on a test wrong, always put the same answers, and always sat nowhere near each other. Everyone thought we had some kind of telepathy but my parents always just thought it was because we studied together. There are many studies about this kind of behavior but most are done on same-sex twins.

One solution that was researched is the separation of twins in the classroom. One study looked at 1,500 same-sex twins in the United States and Australia. This study was done in an effort to observe reading levels when they entered the third grade. At first, the study showed the twin who were kept together had a higher reading level and those who were separated had lower scores. After third variables such as disciplinary actions and parents’ decisions, the results balanced out. This result ultimately showed that the separation made no difference in the learning atmosphere.

This study has a great number of participants and third variables but there are some slight things wrong. This observational study did not take into account the gender difference that some twins have. This study also only tested a few short years of early learning so we do not know how it would play out in further learning. Ultimately, this is a good experiment with minor flaws.

Cellphones Linked to Cancer

cell-phones-brain-cancerThere has been renewed concerns that using a cell phone can give you brain cancer.  In recent years, many studies have been carried out in order to find the link between cell phone use and brain tumors. But, it has not been successful at all. On the other hand, the International Agency for Research on Cancer which is a team of 31 scientists from 14 countries, including the United States, categorized cellphone use after reviewing peer-reviewed studies on cell phone safety. The team found enough evidence to categorize personal exposure as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” What that means is they found some evidence of an increase in glioma and acoustic neuroma brain cancer for people who use cellphones, but have not been able to draw definite conclusions for other types of cancers. Which can be both positive and negative depending on how one views it. Due to the fact that cell phones have been used by everyone for a relatively short time, it is not yet possible to completely rule out that someone can acquire cancer after long time use. “The biggest problem we have is that we know most environmental factors take several decades of exposure before we really see the consequences,” said Dr. Keith Black, chairman of neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, ”What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain. So in addition to leading to a development of cancer and tumors, there could be a whole host of other effects like cognitive memory function, since the memory temporal lobes are where we hold our cell phones.” Scientist who try to share their negative findings about the radiation emitted from cell phones are constantly attacked by those who use cellphones routinely. They are accused of being corrupt and against the cell phone industry. It is still believed by many that the lower frequency radiation from power lines and electric appliances pose a cancer threat, despite the fact that more than thirty years of research has shown that exposure to those levels show no effects.I believe that is is simply because cellphones are used so frequently in todays world as a mean of communication even if they did pose a threat it would not discourage people from using them. Recently, the World Health Organization listed mobile phone use in the same “carcinogenic hazard” category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform and use has not been affected. Manufacturers of many popular cell phones warn people who buy their product to keep the device away from their body. Medical experts say there other ways to minimize cell phone radiation such as speaking on the phone using the speaker phone setting or texting instead of phone calls. The reason behind these recommendations is the further the phone is from the body, the less radiation is able to be absorbed.


Truth about energy drinks


Energy drinks promise to make you more alert, focused and invigorated, in some sense they do achieve this because they can reduce fatigue and make you feel more alert and active. However it may be at the cost of your health and overall wellbeing. They can cause major side effects and there is adequate data to demonstrate how unsafe they are. Energy drinks come in all sorts of forms they can be bottled, canned, and is typically premixed and ready to drink. While this is the easiest form, be aware of the serving size because many bottles can be two serving sizes or even more than that. If you drink the entire bottle, you are most likely consuming double the dose of the ingredients on the label. Energy shots come in smaller doses but the full dose hits you hard and quickly and lasts for 5-6 hours. Most energy drinks contain a mixture of caffeine, B vitamins, sugar and herbs. Caffeine is the main ingredient in these energy drinks and provides all of the energy. The biggest concern is the amount of caffeine that is put into these drinks. Energy drinks typically contain anywhere from 80 to 500 mg per serving. A maximum of 200 mg of caffeine per day is considered safe. Not only do these energy drinks have incredibly high caffeine levels, but they are also combined with herbs that consist of caffeine for example, guarana and yerba mate. Higher doses of caffeine can have countless unpleasant responses. Consuming more than the recommended dose of caffeine can cause reactions such as sleeplessness, nervousness, rapid heart rate and elevated blood pressure. It can also lead to dehydration because of its diuretic effect. Some energy drinks contain enormous quantities of B vitamins. B vitamins do not enhance your energy without a deficiency in them. Most B vitamins aren’t necessarily harmful when additionally digested because they are water-soluble and excess is processed through the body and later flushed out through urine. Two B vitamins however can be toxic in excess such as vitamin B3 that can cause an upset stomach, unclear vision and dizziness, or inflammation of the liver. Overindulgence of vitamin B6 can produce damage of nerves, and numbness in limbs. Many herbs that contain caffeine are also in these drinks such as guarana. Only one guarana seed has double the caffeine of a coffee bean. Ginseng another herb used in these drinks has been proven to increase brainpower, but only a maximum of 200 mg would this occur, which most of these drinks don’t contain. In other studies Ginseng has been shown to correlate with blood-thinning drugs, possibly changing their usefulness. A single serving of an energy drink can have as much as 14 teaspoons of sugar, which is more than double the recommended dose. This much sugar increases our blood glucose levels, which is what boosts our energy. This temporary spike of energy is absolutely not worth the weight gain that comes along with the excess sugar consumption.,_tobacco,_&_other_drugs/energy_drinks.php


Chocolate can be healthy


Several studies have found that in small amounts, dark chocolate in particular can help prevent the blood from clumping up, keep the heart healthy and even provide some anti-cancer benefits. Scientist’s caution that chocolate is far from being a cure-all, of course. Chocolate is produced from the seeds of the cacao tree, in South America. The nibs at the hearts of the seeds are ground and liquefied into the pure chocolate form, chocolate liquor. The liquor can be separated into its two components, cocoa solids that are the nonfat components and cocoa butter the fatty parts. Chocolate comes in numerous forms, the form depends on the relative amounts of cocoa solids and butter, as well as how much sugar and milk are added. Unsweetened, or baking chocolate is pure chocolate liquor, dark chocolate has a little fat and sugar added in; milk chocolate, has milk added in on top of the fat and sugar, white chocolate has only the cocoa butter, and sometimes not even that, with vegetable oils added instead, in which case it isn’t exactly chocolate. The less sugar and milk in the chocolate, the more bitter it tastes. With that bitter taste comes with some possible health benefits. Studies have shown that dark chocolate has particular antioxidants called polyphenols that could help fight chronic inflammation of tissues in the circulatory system, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. One study demonstrates that people who ate a moderate amount of dark chocolate daily, about 6.7 grams, or about the same amount of 1.5 Hershey kisses, though these are milk chocolate had lower levels of a protein associated with inflammation. Other studies have shown that chocolate makes blood platelets less likely to clump together into dangerous blood vessel-blocking clots by reducing their stickiness. Recent research has suggested that these antioxidants help reduce the chances of developing cancer because they combat the cell damage that can lead to tumor growth. Dark chocolate is also more filling than milk chocolate, according to new research by scientists at the University of Copenhagen, proposing that it could reduce your cravings for other snacks or sweets. Dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain as well as to the heart, so it can help improve cognitive function. Dark chocolate also helps reduce your risk of stroke. Dark chocolate also contains several chemical compounds that have a positive effect on your mood and cognitive health. Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine, the same chemical your brain creates when you feel like you’re falling in love. Phenyl ethylamine encourages your brain to release endorphins, so eating dark chocolate will make you feel happier.

Milk: Just Right? Too Much?


No one believes me when I say I didn’t drink milk as a child or as an infant. I was put on formula as an infant and never had milk for as long as I can remember. And literally no one believes me when I say I had Gatorade in my bottle. So how did I turn out normal?

Researchers are saying that too much milk is ultimately bad for kids. It is said that it is bad for iron levels. Dr. Jonathon Maguire, a researcher at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, started a study that observed 1,300 kids, ages 2-5. They measured many third variables such as how much time they spent outside, their skin pigmentation, their body mass index, and whether they drank from bottles. The children who drank more milk were found to have higher levels of Vitamin D and lower levels of iron found by samples of their blood.

After this study, the researchers found a breakeven point of two cups of milk to balance out the Vitamin D and iron. This is much different from what most parents actually practice.

This study is observational and also takes third variables into consideration. Some may say that this experiment could suffer slightly from the Texas Sharp Shooter problem, measuring various things and of course something will be found. Although this does not explain why I have never drank milk and still have low iron, but my case is only one anecdote.


Why do we emotionally eat


Stress, is very commonly linked to increased emotional overeating, emotional eating has many causes. Stress can bring on increased levels of cortisol, which is the stress hormone, cortisol has a beneficial function in the body, but excessive levels of cortisol brought on by increased stress can lead to many problems in the human body. High levels of cortisol have been proven to create cravings for salty and sweet foods. In our culture, we learn from a young age to avoid things that feel bad.  Unfortunately, the ways we have found to distract ourselves from difficult feelings are not always in our best interest. Without the ability to tolerate experiencing life’s inevitable yucky feelings, you’re susceptible to emotional eating. Emotionally eating can make you feel better in the short term, but you may regret later. Letting you get too hungry or too tired is the best way to leave yourself vulnerable to emotional eating. When your body is hungry or tired, it not only sends strong messages to your brain that signal it to eat, but when we’re hungry and tired we’re not on our A game. This leaves us less equipped to fight off cravings or urges. When stressed or anxious, many people become orally fidgety. Sometimes this leads to nail biting or teeth grinding, and often it leads to eating when not hungry. Many people, out of nervousness or boredom, just munch on snacks to give their mouths something to do. Many of us have comforting childhood memories that revolve around food. Whether your parents used to reward you with sweets, fix your injuries with an ice cream cone, or make your favorite meal to celebrate your successes, you’d probably be in the vast minority if you didn’t develop some emotional attachments to food while growing up. When in times of stress, few things can be as comforting as your favorite food is. Food can take the focus off of anger, resentment, fear, anxiety, and a host of other emotions we’d sometimes rather not feel, and is often used for this purpose. If you’re an emotional eater, it’s important for you to be aware that this is not healthy, this can be serious and you may become out of control without being aware of it. I myself am guilty of emotionally eating but it is something I need to work on everyday for the betterment of my health and I urge you all to try and stop as well, it is incredibly difficult but necessary for our overall wellbeing.

The truth about caffeine and your health

is caffeine addictive

90 percent of people today drink or eat the equivalent of two to three cups of caffeinated coffee. Four out of five Americans have two to four cups every day, while 25 percent qualify as true addicts of caffeine by drinking more than five cups of coffee in a 24-hour period. Caffeine has been added to more than 1,000 non-prescription medications including diet pills, stay-awake pills, cold tablets, and headache and allergy remedies. Chemically, it is in a group of compounds called xanthenes, a mild central nervous stimulant. In addition to coffee and tea it’s in cola beverages, chocolate, and many prescription and nonprescription medicines. It also provides a delicious taste to baked goods and other yummy treats. The slightly bitter flavor is often used to balance the sweetness of the sugar in these products. Your personal reaction to caffeine will be influenced by several factors including the amount you consume in relation to your body weight, your age, your emotional or nervous state, and how often you consume it. Once caffeine enters your blood it increases your heart rate, promotes secretion of stomach acid, speeds up urine production, dilates some blood vessels and constricts others. If you’ve ever experienced jitteriness from caffeine you know how it can easily cause trembling, depression, diarrhea, loss of appetite, nervousness, and chronic muscle tension. Many individuals drink caffeinated drinks because, within a small period of time, they can provide a state of alertness that can last up to at least two hours. Caffeine has also been proven to increase alertness, decrease fatigue, and suppress appetite. Many medical researchers report it aggravates fluid retention and pain in fibrocystic conditions. One study showed stated “eliminating caffeine from the diet brought extraordinary relief from fibrocystic disease.” Women who drink large amounts of caffeinated beverages are seven times more likely to report moderate to severe pre-menstrual symptoms than those who have a caffeine-free diet. The most common symptom triggered by caffeine is sleeplessness. Although it hasn’t been shown to be as physiologically addictive as hard drugs, caffeine withdrawal can trigger severe headaches, jitters, irritability, sleepiness, and reduced alertness. Because the human body becomes so incredibly used to the drug, people who use caffeine for its stimulant quantities need more and more over the course of their life.

Balding Mother’s Gene


My dad has been bald my entire life but this started way before the stress of my brother and I came along. He has been balding since the age of 18. My brother, age 19, is petrified. Does my dad’s baldness predict my brother’s future?

According to Markus Nöthen, a genomics professor at Germany’s University of Bonn, the most common form of balding comes from a gene on the X chromosome. The X chromosome is passed to the son from the mother which implies that the baldness gene comes from the mother ironically, not the father. Men should not look at their mother as an example of their future hair loss, but rather from the men on her side of the family. A group of 200 bald men were involved in a study in which 95 families with two brothers or more experience premature hair loss.

This study is observational and does not look at third variables which are mentioned in the article that could also be the cause of the baldness. Since there is no experiment, most may not want to fully accept this research, although it is based on a very possible cause.


Vegetables essential to the human body


Eating vegetables regularly offers countless health advantages, people who incorporate more vegetables and fruits within their overall diet are much more likely to have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Vegetables provide essential nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body. A growing body of research proves that fruits and vegetables are critical to promoting good health. In fact, fruits and vegetables should be the foundation of a healthy diet. Most people need to double the amount the amount of fruits and vegetables they eat every day. “Eat your vegetables!” is something your parents nagged you about your entire childhood, now, it’s the medical experts who encourage you to add more veggies to your diet, with the American Cancer Society advising at least five servings of fruit and vegetables per day for good health. The Harvard School of Public Health goes even further, recommending nine servings of vegetables and fruits each day. I was curious why exactly vegetables are so important to human health. I learned that one of the main benefits of vegetables is their high nutrient content. Vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals that contribute to growth and the maintenance of good health. Most vegetables are high in potassium, which is important for healthy blood pressure. Various vitamins, such as C and A, help keep eyes, skin, teeth and gums healthy, fight infection and promote wound healing. Vegetables are loaded with a particular group of nutrients called antioxidants, which fight cellular damage and help prevent heart disease, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, atherosclerosis, heart attack and Alzheimer’s disease, says the Linus Pauling Institute. Another substantial benefit of vegetables is dietary fiber. Fiber is an important nutrient found only in plant foods. As part of a healthy diet, fiber helps diminish bad cholesterol out of your arteries, which in turn lowers your risk of heart disease. Fiber also keeps your digestive system running smoothly, helps control your blood sugar levels and may help prevent cancer. Vegetables are also a huge benefit to dieters, because they are generally low in fat and calories, and you can eat plenty of them without gaining weight. Fiber in vegetables also helps you manage your weight, it makes you feel fuller for a longer period, helping you eat less overall and aiding with weight loss or maintain your current weight. Some vegetables are healthier than others, Harvard School of Public Health states that potatoes, don’t actually count toward your daily-recommended servings of vegetables. Potatoes, and corn as well, are starchy foods more similar to a serving of grain than a serving of vegetables. When choosing which vegetables to eat, keep in mind that, in general, brightly colored vegetables are higher in nutrients than less vivid choices.