Tag Archives: Niger

US Drones in Niger

Drone Picture



This article talks about how the Pentagon has confirmed that they will be opening a second drone base in Niger.  The United States government and Nigerian government had been dead locked on this for a long time but the Nigerian has agreed.  The United States will now have another base to track Islamist fighters who have been terrorizing parts of North and West Africa.  The French have also been working with the Americans in an effort to stabilize the region and help the local communities and governments from being taken over by these terrorist groups.  This is an important news piece to look at because it gives insight as to what is going on in parts of Africa and shows what people have to deal with.  It is also important to note who is trying to help the Nigerians and other nearby countries to know what other countries not located in Africa are putting their efforts to.  The United States and France are obviously concerned about these terrorists and hope to be able to help in stopping them.

The authors tone is concerned and informative, they are worried about what is going on with these terrorist groups and want the people to be informed about what is truly going on so that they can know the truth.  One key word though that is used is tribal, as discussed in class this has been used in a condescending way to represent communities that are located all across Africa.  Words like this are what lead many people to believe that Africa is an uncivilized place and they could not be further from the truth.  There are cities located in Africa and universities just like in America, they have a school system in many countries and cell phones as well.  Until words like this are stopped from being used people will continue to look down upon Africa and the diverse people who live there.  Although this word was used in the article one time as a whole it did not come across as stereotypical, the author points out that the Islamists are the ones causing the trouble and have some relation to Al Qaeda.  The United States does not appear to be getting involved because they do not believe in the Nigerians but more so because of the stance that they have already taken against Al Qaeda and terrorism in general.  I feel the United States would have stepped in on the situation if it was in Africa or Europe, which is a positive sign showing that they may no longer feel like they need to watch over Niger and nearby countries as a big brother but rather as equals and they are helping as Allies not conquerors.

The source comes from the Washington Post which has some impact on the way it is written.  Most of their articles are written in similar ways with many facts just as this one is.  The tone of this article is fairly positive and really focuses on the real issue that is at hand of the Islamists and does not make it seem as if the Nigerians are helpless.  Many points are made at the discussions and interactions between the Nigerians and Americans showing that the United States does value their opinions and wants to be an ally not just someone to come in and take over.

Shane Galloway