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2013 Inauguration Ceremony: “Faith in America’s Future”
By Trish Notartomas
Use All Checkout Measures (Current) Module
Swap Checkout Library in the Report area with the Item Library dimension pool filter
Select a location for your library in the Home Location dimension pool filter
Select LOST, LOST-ASSUM, LOST-CLAIM, and MISSING in the Current Location dimension pool filter
To generate a list of the LOST items, highlight the Total Items Checked Out number (left-click, hold and drag), and click on List Titles Currently Checked Out.
To export the title list into an Excel spreadsheet, hover cursor over Menu (upper left corner) and click on Export. To generate a list of the MISSING items, highlight the Library Use Transactions number (left-click, hold and drag), and click on List Current Library Use Transactions.
By Lisa German, associate dean for Collections, Information, and Access Services
On January 15, the Collection Services Advisory Group sponsored a forum to discuss the Collection Retention Policy Working Group (CRPWG) Report. The Working Group was charged to evaluate the Libraries current retention policy and program, formulate a retention policy for the next ten years, and to identify and describe those collections for which PSUL will take responsibility to steward for future scholars. CRPWG was asked to deliver a set of recommendations to the Collection Services Advisory Group for its consideration and to draft an implementation schedule.
Several themes emerged as they tackled their challenge:
Please watch the MediaSite Live presentation and also read their report which can be found on the Libraries’ Intranet. You will see that there are similarities between this report and the report of the Space Consultants. I’d like to thank the members of the Collection Retention Policy Working Group for all of the excellent work they did studying these issues. Ann Snowman, chair, Christopher Walker, Dawn Childress, Sandy Stelts, Debora Cheney, Nonny Schlotzhauer, Rick Hart, Sue Kellerman, Janet Hughes and Kevin Harwell comprise the Working Group.
Next steps: more vetting, adoption, and implementation of the recommendations.
Throughout fall semester, Libraries faculty and staff kept remarking how much busier the library seemed. Numbers in from the gate-count mechanism at the doors to Pattee Library and Paterno Library confirm this perception and add up to more than one million students, faculty, staff and community members who entered the library this fall. In fact the number is 74,185 higher than any previous semester.
By Ryan Johnson, technology training coordinator
You may already be aware that you can right click on programs and pin them to the Windows 7 Taskbar but did you know you can do something similar to folders?
Dean Barbara Dewey was recently invited to serve on the ARL Statistics and Assessment Committee. This committee sets ARL’s statistics and assessment agenda and advises on issues and priorities. Members serve for three year terms (2013-15).
In extending the invitation, ARL Statistics and Service Quality Programs Director Martha Kyrillidou said Dewey would bring a “helpful perspective on many issues on which the committee is working.”
By Binky Lush, manager, Discovery, Access and Web Services
The CMS Development Team has completed the development to allow LionSearch (Summon) to regularly harvest and index our Research Guides and make them available in LionSearch search results! We’ve been working closely with Serials Solutions on the metadata schema, and are currently testing this component with 20 sample research guides to confirm that they are correctly displayed in LionSearch. Once this test is complete, we plan to make this component available for all Research Guides at the beginning of February. Authors will only need to add a few lines of metadata to each guide and reactivate the page to make their guides harvestable. (Step by step instructions for authors will be available). LionSearch will automatically ingest and index all guides containing this metadata every two weeks.
By Marty Goldberg, head librarian, Penn State Beaver
The Beaver Campus Library is proud to house an interesting and useful resource of more than 600 African-American autobiographies, dedicated in honor of Dr. Russell C. Brignano, professor emeritus of English. Brignano, who is now retired, was the prime force behind the establishment of this collection. In 1997, a ceremony was held in the Beaver Campus Library in honor of the dedication of this collection. Begun in 1990 with $5,000 from the Penn State Equal Opportunity Planning Committee, it has been supported through University Libraries monographic funds as well as gifts from library donors. Brignano, a recognized scholar of African-American autobiography, helped to develop the collection and donated many of his own books. The collection is designed to enhance awareness of the importance of African-American autobiographical literature and allows the campus to offer courses designed to explore the African-American contributions to literature, the arts and society.
Brignano was a member of the English Department at Penn State from 1975 to 1996 and achieved his doctorate in English from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Brignano taught composition and rhetoric, American and African-American literature and humanities. He also has pursued scholarly research into baseball literature, a personal passion. The author of numerous articles, bibliographies and book reviews, Brignano has authored two books: “Richard Wright: An Introduction to the Man and His Works” and “Black Americans in Autobiography: An Annotated Bibliography of Autobiographies and Autobiographical Books Written Since the Civil War.”