Historic films highlight winter sports

“Pins, Spins, Cross-checks and Spikes: A Sampling of Penn State Winter Sports Films” will be featured 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., on Sunday, March 22, in Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, Penn State University Park.

Join the University Sports Archives to view historic Penn State sports film footage going back to the 1940s. The film festival will feature highlights from specific games and a variety of sports including Men’s and Women’s Basketball, Men’s Volleyball, Boxing, Ice Hockey, Men’s and Women’s Gymnastics and Fencing.

Film clips will include Penn State athletes such as Jesse Arnelle, Doris Willette, Cael Sanderson, Gene Wettstone, Kelly Mazzante, to name but a few. This film festival highlights spectacular moments in Penn State sports history.

Viewing and enjoying these moments is made possible only through the preservation and digitization of original photographs, films and videos. These archival film and video preservation efforts ensure access and long-term viability of these materials.

For more information or if you anticipate needing accessibility accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Paul Dzyak, sports archivist at pjd106@psu.edu or 814-865-2123.

One thought on “Historic films highlight winter sports

  1. Alan Jones

    I will attend the festival and bring 1 or 2 friends. Alan Jones Tailback Club Member

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