Daily Archives: May 31, 2016

University Libraries Awards ceremony

group portrait of six adults standing next to each other in a straight line

Congratulations to the Libraries’ 2016 award recipients — recognized by Dean Barbara I. Dewey (center, in pink) on Tuesday, May 24 —  from left: John Meier, Wilson Hutton, Nancy Adams, Martha Ney, and Binh Le.

The University Libraries’ annual awards ceremony, announced along with the 2016 award winners, was held on Tuesday afternoon, May 24, in Foster Auditorium. Honored were this year’s recipients:

  • Margaret Knoll Spangler Oliver Award: Martha Ney, Administrative Support Coordinator, Dean’s Administrative Office, University Park
  • University Libraries Award: John Meier, Science Librarian, Physical & Mathematical Sciences, University Park
  • University Libraries Teaching Award: Nancy E. Adams, Associate Director and Coordinator of Education and Instruction at the Harrell Health Sciences Library, Hershey
  • University Libraries Diversity Award: Binh Le, Reference Librarian, Abington College Library, Administrative Fellow to the Executive Vice President and Provost
  • Shirley J. Davis Staff Excellence Award: K. Wilson Hutton, Visual Communications Specialist, Public Relations and Marketing, University Park

Dean Barbara I. Dewey expressed her thanks to the members of the award committee, chaired by Joe Fennewald, for their time and effort in making these challenging decisions among many deserving individuals nominated. Committee members also included Dawn Amsberry, Linda Friend, Megan MacGregor, Glenn Masuchika, Manuel Ostos, and Lauren Reiter.

More information about the University Libraries Awards is available on the staff site.

Drupal Update: Some Interesting Statistics

For this week’s Drupal update, we wanted to share a few interesting statistics …


We have migrated close to 1,800 pages into the new staff site and the same number in the public site …


… and 40 authors have been trained and are actively working on content in the staff site. (Remember — to get an author account, please fill out the account request form and Ryan Johnson will get you set up with training and your Drupal account!)


As part of the migration, we’ve worked hard to improve our page load speed, and we are happy to report that we are now the third-fastest Libraries website in the Big 10. That’s up from our No. 7 spot less than three weeks ago!


According to LibUX’s Alexa-ish Top 100 Library Websites, we are ranked 18th among the top 100 high-traffic library websites, which includes both academic and public libraries worldwide!

Questions? Comments? We’d love to hear from you!

– submitted by Binky Lush, I-Tech, on behalf of the WIMT committee

Discovery Day 2016 is this Thursday, June 2!

Just a reminder for Libraries employees at University Park to register for Discovery Day, which is this Thursday!

Please note: Classes are first come, first served unless otherwise noted in the program. There is no TechSmart registration.

Adding Discovery Day Sessions to Your LRN Transcript

Did you know that you can add your Discovery Day sessions to your Learning Resource Network (LRN) Transcript?  Step by step directions for manually adding your participation are available.

– submitted by Angel Peterson

Tech Tip: How to Send Attachments to a Helpdesk Ticket

By Ryan Johnson, I-Tech

square screen capture of Libraries helpdesk online intranet form











Have you noticed that, when submitting a helpdesk ticket, there is not an option to include a image or screenshot?

While this is true, there is still a way to submit an image to a current ticket. Simply respond to any email regarding your ticket from our helpdesk system and attach the image. The image will automatically be placed into the ticketing system.

Note: Attach the image to your email, don’t insert the image into the body of the email.  Inserting the image will not allow the helpdesk system to add the image to the ticket.

LHR News: May 31

Please join us in welcoming the following new hires:

Sonia Kaufman – Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library
Rachel Nill – Bednar Intern, Social Sciences Library
Jeffery Wagner – Special Collections Library
Jamilyn Houser – Cataloging and Metadata Services
Wishing the following employees well as they leave us:

Barb Woods – Interlibrary Loan
Gail Mancuso – Penn State Shenango

Events: May 31

Maymester / Summer 2016

Thursday, June 2: Discovery Day, University Park library locations; register online by May 27.

Monday, June 6: last day of Maymester classes, University Park.

Wednesday, June 8: Maymester finals day, University Park.

Thursday, June 9: User Services Training: 25 Tips for Defusing Anger, 2:30-4 p.m., Mann Assembly Room or online at https://meeting.psu.edu/usersvcs/.

Thursday, June 16: Coffee with Carmen, the Libraries’ User Services Training Coordinator, 2-3 p.m., PAMS Library, University Park.

Tuesday, June 21, 1:30-2:30 p.m.: Tech Update, by Libraries I-Tech staff, Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library and MediaSite Live.

Wednesday, June 22, 5:30-6:30 p.m.: MoneyCounts: Debt Management program, Mann Assembly Room, Paterno Library.

Friday, June 24: last day of classes, first six weeks summer session, University Park.

Monday, June 27: finals day, first six weeks summer session, University Park.

Wednesday, June 29: first day, second six weeks summer session, University Park.

Monday, July 4: Independence Day, no classes.

Wednesday-Sunday, July 13-17, Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts 50th anniversary, Children’s Day July 13, BookFest July 16, State College and University Park campus.

Tuesday, July 19: Coffee with Carmen, the Libraries’ User Services Training Coordinator, 9-10 a.m., Engineering Library.

Thursday, July 21, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.: PA Forward Information Literacy Summit, Foster Auditorium, Paterno Library.

Wednesday, August 10: last day of summer classes, University Park.

Friday, August 12: finals day, second six weeks summer session, University Park.

Saturday, August 13: Summer commencement, University Park.

August 18, 10:30-11:30 a.m.: Tech Update, by Libraries I-Tech staff, Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, and MediaSite Live.

Fall 2016 semester

Friday-Sunday, August 19-21: Arrival days.

Monday, August 22: First day of classes.

Monday, September 5: Labor Day, no classes.

September 7-8: Open House, University Park Libraries locations.

Please submit event information to Public Relations and Marketing via the Library News submission form.