Green Tips: Highlights from Earth Day

interior horizontal photo of table with flowers, promotional event sign on easel, and student writing on paper on table

Members of the Green Committee handed out 400 marigolds in biodegradable newspaper pots, twice its effort of 2015, for Earth Day 2016.

Doubling its impact from 2015, and despite the threat of rain, the Libraries’ Green Committee handed out 400 marigolds potted in biodegradable Daily Collegian newspaper-print pots on Earth Day 2016.

Winners of the Green Committee’s prizes — among which were several bags of Penn State compost donated free of charge — included:

Jeff Faber, I-Tech: Penn State compost
Tracy Dietrich, ILL: Penn State compost
Trish Notartomas, Access Services: potting soil
Lauren Roberts, student: compost/potting soil mix
Ceilia Zemanek: Penn State compost
Cassie Venditti, student: potting soil

An album of photos on Box taken by Wilson Hutton during the event is available for viewing and downloading.

Green Tips columns
On a related note, the Green Committee is interested in reviving its regular Green Tips columns in Library News. Do you have a suggestion for a column topic? Email it to UL-GREEN@LISTS.PSU.EDU using the subject line “Green Tips.”