Daily Archives: March 6, 2017

Save the Date: LFO Research Colloquium

The LFO Research Committee invites you to this year’s Research Colloquium to be held from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 16 in Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park. This year’s Colloquium will be a mix of longer presentations and lightning talks, and will also be available on Mediasite.

Please see below for the schedule and more information about each talk.

1:00 – 1:05 p.m.  Opening Remarks by Dean Dewey
1:05 – 1:30 p.m.  Vanessa Eyer
1:30 – 1:55 p.m.  Nancy Adams and Val Lynn
1:55 – 2:20 p.m.  Jackie Esposito
2:20 – 2:25 p.m.  Break
2:25 – 2:50 p.m.  Nathan Piekelek and Ben Goldman
2:50 – 3:15 p.m.  Rob Olendorf
3:15 – 3:20 p.m.  Carmen Cole (Lightning Talk)
3:20 – 3:25 p.m.  Zoe Chao (Lightning Talk)
3:25 – 3:30 p.m.  Close/Thank you for coming

Vanessa Eyer
Preparing Engineering Students for What Lies Ahead: Developing Career Resources in Libraries

Engineering students are extremely career-driven and focused on finding a job before graduation, but few realize that the library may be a good source for information. Some librarians are also not aware that they have the resources and skills to assist students in this endeavor. This presentation will provide practical ways librarians can assist students in career development using successful examples and strategies from the Penn State University Park
Engineering Library and outside research. In addition, the presentation will discuss marketing and advertising methods for promoting these resources to students.

Nancy Adams and Val Lynn
What Counts as Knowledge?: Concrete Examples of an Abstract Concept from the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy

The constructed and contextual nature of authority is perhaps the most abstract of all the frames in ACRL’s Framework. We will share concrete examples of how the “evidence-based practice” (EBP) paradigm defines what counts as knowledge in health sciences and education. We will then discuss our research findings from an investigation of how librarians have negotiated the contested terrain of EBP in partnership with education faculty with whom they collaborate.

Jackie Esposito
Big 10 Institutional Records: Importance as a University Asset, Management of Content and Context, and Long-Term Preservation Issues

During the summer of 2016, Esposito traveled to all the Big 10 universities to determine the methods of institutional records placement; management principles, policies, and guidance; and preservation protocols. This presentation will outline best practices, lessons learned, and
recommendations for the future.

Nathan Piekielek and Ben Goldman
Climate Control: Vulnerabilities of American Archives to Rising Seas, Hotter Days and More Powerful Storms

Archives preserve some of our society’s most prized cultural possessions and yet some may be vulnerable to expected changes in future climate. We explore the potential effects and their interactions of three climate changes on archive locations throughout the U.S. — sea level rise, temperature warming, and surface water flooding. Results suggest that all national archives will
likely be exposed to future climate changes and those along the Atlantic coast may be especially vulnerable.

Rob Olendorf
A Game Theoretical Exploration of Open Data

Research data is becoming increasingly open due to both funder requirements and also a general cultural shift among researchers. In both cases, the argument for making data more open is that it advances the cause of science. However, many researchers correctly point out that making data open incurs costs such as increased time spent in management and documentation, archiving costs and risk of misuse. At the same time the direct benefits to researchers are limited, primarily to the potential of increased impact of manuscripts. I model this problem as a “common garden” problem using a game theoretical model known as the Prisoners’ Dilemma. The analysis reveals insights as to how researchers should behave to promote open data, and also potential changes to their environment that will also advance the cause of open data.

Carmen Cole
Using Citation Analysis to Inform Future Liaison Initiatives

To date, few STEM librarians have reported utilizing the bibliographies of undergraduate theses to determine the course of their liaison initiatives. The purpose of my research is to examine the College of Information Sciences and Technologies Schreyer Honors Theses bibliographies produced within the past five years. My intent is to draw upon a variety of metrics to aid in
informing future undergraduate instruction and outreach efforts. In this talk, I will share what led me to develop this research agenda, discuss past research, and present early findings.

Zoe Chao
Report from the UX Cafe

What is UX Cafe? By offering a cup of coffee and a granola bar, I had the opportunity to have conversations with students about the Libraries website. Do they click “I want it” or “Request”? What does the term “Library Collections” mean to them? I will give a brief report on the findings in this five-minute lightning talk.

– submitted by Jennifer Gilley, LFO Research Committee

Strategic Action Plan team seeks feedback on 2016-17 items

Please provide feedback on the 2016-2017 Action Plan items. You may fill out the survey to provide your feedback and suggestions for the 2016/2017 items, email the Strategic Action Plan team at UL-ACTION-TEAM@lists.psu.edu, or email team members directly.

Click on the link to access the survey: https://pennstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_06g6Daz8OrQ0OP3

From the 2017-2018 Strategic Planning Team: Heather Benner, Matt Ciszek (Co-chair), Hailley Fargo, Rob Olendorf (Co-chair), and Angel Peterson.

– submitted by Angel Peterson, Strategic Planning Team

Lightning talks for Engineering Library’s One Button Studio set for March 15-16

promotional graphic for one button studio featuring three circles with steps to use system

The newest One Button Studio, located in the Engineering Library, 325 Hammond Building, provides Penn State students, faculty and staff with an easy-to-use process for recording high-quality videos.

Lightning talks by Information Resources and Services Support Specialist Harlan Ritchey are scheduled for 2:30 p.m., 3 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday, March 15 and 16, in 325 Hammond Building. These short talks will introduce the One Button Studio and demonstrate how the equipment works. Attendees will receive a University Libraries USB drive, which can be used to save video files.

The One Button Studio in the Engineering Library is available six days a week, Sunday through Friday. On weekdays, the One Button Studio opens at 9 a.m. with sessions available until 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and until 4 p.m. on Fridays. Sunday hours are from 3 to 6 p.m. only. Hours may vary during holidays, summer terms, or when classes are not in session.

Reservations for the One Button Studio may be made up to two weeks in advance by calling 814-865-3451 or visiting the service desk at the Engineering Library, 325 Hammond Building, during operating hours.


Deadline for Boundaries capstone event registration is March 17

Ten renowned scholars from the life sciences, the social sciences, and the arts and humanities will present at the two-day Boundaries of the Human in the Age of Life Sciences symposium April 7-8. This innovative, dialogic format will generate a productive cross-disciplinary conversation that can be sustained and developed for years to come.

The registration deadline is March 17. To register, or for more information, visit:  http://sites.psu.edu/iahboundaries/.


Save the Date: 3D scanning demos scheduled for March 21-22

Half-hour demonstrations of the new 3D scanning system will be held at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21 and 22, in the Engineering Library, located in 325 Hammond Building.

The new mobile 3D scanning technology available through the Engineering Library uses a wireless, handheld 3D scanning system purchased with a University Libraries Innovation Microgrant. Current Penn State students, faculty, staff and University Libraries resident borrower card holders will be able to capture 3D scans of objects nearly anywhere.

A master class in expectation management

Things can go wrong in a hurry if you don’t manage customer expectations.

Read customer service expert, Jeff Toister’s firsthand account of what could have been a very bad experience. Find out what the manager did, why it worked, and how you can use the same technique with your customers.

In his blog, Toister includes a link to his training video on Lynda “How to Manage Customer Expectations for Frontline Employees.” As a Penn State employee, you have access to all Lynda training and learning videos for free when you sign in using your Penn State access ID.

– submitted by Carmen Gass, User Training Services

Tech Tip: Using Zoom with Polycom

by Ryan Johnson, I-Tech

Did you know you can use Polycom with Zoom? Zoom will allow Polycom devices to join Zoom sessions very easily. Follow the instructions below if you want to try it out!

First, turn on the Polycom system with the Polycom Remote by pressing the power button located in the upper righthand corner of the remote. The main Polycom Session will appear. To connect to Zoom, you will need to enter the main Zoom number.

Place your call in Polycom to connect to Zoom, by pressing the    center button to select Place a Call, located on the Polycom screen.

TIP: if you have previously connected to the same Zoom room, you can select recent calls from the Polycom screen and make your selection as well.

Enter the H.323/SIP room system IP address (US East) provided by Zoom invite for the Zoom Meeting.

The Zoom splash screen will appear:

At this point, you will be prompted to enter your Meeting ID.

First, hit the # (pound) key on the Polycom remote, then entering the zoom Meeting ID, then hit the # key again. Should you need to backspace and correct anything, use the * (star) key.

You should now be connected to your Zoom meeting.

LHR News: March 6

Please join us in welcoming the following new hires:

Meghan Hill, Information Resources and Services Support Specialist, Penn State Fayette

Dwight Landis – Access Services (Annex)
Luis Lopez – Penn State Hazleton
Gregory Tapia – Penn State Worthington Scranton

Events: March 6

Spring 2017

Through Friday, May 5: “From the Trenches: The Great War in Sepia” exhibit, spring semester hours, Special Collections Library, 104 Paterno Library, University Park.

Through Friday, May 5: “Research Wrapped in Aesthetics: The Air Wall,” documentary exhibit, spring operating hours, Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library, 111 Stuckeman Family Building, University Park.

Through Wednesday, August 9, 2017: “Plastics: Knowledge and Information Taking Shape” exhibit, Pattee Library operating hours, Sidewater Commons and central entrance, Pattee Library, University Park.

Through Friday, August 30, 2017: “100 Years of the Pulitzers: Celebrating Our Humanity,” exhibitArts and Humanities Library operating hours, Diversity Studies Room, 203 Patee Library, University Park.

Sunday-Saturday, March 5-11: Spring break, no classes.

Thursday, March 9: Introduction to BLUEcloud Analytics, 10-11:30 a.m., I-Tech Training Room, Paterno Library, University Park, and Adobe Connect.

Tuesday, March 14: “Fantastic Beasts and How to Understand them: Godzilla, Kaiju, and the Nuclear Age,” lecture by Dr. John Haddad, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Harrisburg Library, Harrisburg.

Tuesday, March 14: Centre County Reads: Rethinking the American West, panel discussion inspired by Stacey Lee’s “Under a Painted Sky,” 4-5:30 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Wednesday-Thursday, March 15-16: One Button Studio Lightning Talks, by Harlan Ritchey, 2:30 p.m., 3 p.m., 3:30 p.m., Engineering Library, 325 Hammond Building, University Park.

Thursday, March 16: LFO Research Colloquium, 1-3:30 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park and Mediasite Live.

Thursday, March 16: Library Services for Patrons Experiencing Homelessness, 4-5 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park and Mediasite Live.

Friday, March 17: Art + Feminism Wiki-edit-a-thon, 10 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Monday, March 20: Edible Book Contest judging, noon-1:00 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Tuesday-Wednesday, March 21-22: 3D Scanning demonstration, by Angela Davis, Angel Peterson and Linda Struble, 1:30-2 p.m. and 3:30-4 p.m., Engineering Library, 325 Hammond Building, University Park.

Wednesday, March 22: COP Discussion: Ithaka Survey Results and Instruction, moderated by Steve Borrelli and Rebecca Miller, noon-1 p.m., via Zoom.

Wednesday, March 22: “This Book is an Action: The Politics of Feminist Publishing,” presentation by Jennifer Gilley, 12:15-1:30 p.m., Room 10, Abington Library, Abington.

Thursday, March 23: Conversations with Carmen, with guest speaker State College Mayor Elizabeth Goreham, noon-1 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Thursday, March 23: TEAM Library, 2-3:30 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Monday-Thursday, March 27-30: Maker Fair, week-long outreach event, Hazleton Library, Hazelton.

Tuesday, March 28: Diversity Committee Annual Potluck, noon-1 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Tuesday, March 28: Dean’s Forum, 1:30 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park and Mediasite Live.

Thursday, March 30: Charles W. Mann Jr. Lecture in the Book Arts, “Books, Bodies, and Circulations of Dancing in Early 18th-Century France and England,” by Linda Tomko, 4:30 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park, reception to follow in Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Tuesday, April 4: Interactive Civility Workshop, 1:30-4:30 p.m. Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Wednesday, April 5: Undergraduate Research Exhibition9:15 a.m.-2 p.m. poster sessions; 4 p.m. awards ceremony, Alumni Hall, HUB-Robeson Center, University Park.

Wednesday, April 5: “You’re ‘kitten-me,’ it’s that easy? Tips and tricks for taming LionSearch and the CAT, 4-5 p.m. 211A Pattee Library, University Park.

Wednesday, April 5: Docunight, documentary screening about, around, or in Iran, or made by Iranians, 7 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Thursday, April 6: “Why Indigenous Knowledge Systems Matter for U.S. Land-grant Universities: Responsibilities and Challenges,” lecture by Kyle Whyte, 10-11 a.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Friday-Saturday, April 7-8: Boundaries of the Human in the Age of the Life Sciences Capstone Conference, presentations by ten renowned scholars, Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park. Register by March 17.

Wednesday, April 12: Alumni Library event, 1-3 p.m., Earth and Mineral Sciences Library, Deike Building, University Park.

Wednesday, April 12: COP Discussion: ACRL Debrief, 2-3 p.m., via Zoom.

Thursday, April 13: Celebration of Scholarship Research Fair, noon-6 p.m., Gym, Athletics and Recreation Building, Wilkes-Barre.

Thursday, April 13: Art + Engineering = Creative Problem Solving, lecture by Penn State Laureate Rebecca Strzelec, 1-2 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park, and Mediasite Live.

Friday, April 14: Remembrance of Kiarostami: The Life of an Iranian Artist, all day event, multiple locations, Pattee Library and Paterno Library, University Park.

Tuesday, April 18: “CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap” documentary, sponsored by the Libraries Diversity Committee, 7-9 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Tuesday, April 18: Tech Update, by Libraries I-Tech staff, 2-3 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park, and Mediasite Live.

Wednesday, April 19: Poetry Slam7-9 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Thursday, April 20: Beyond the Database Demo: Information Literacy Instruction at the Foundational Level, 11 a.m.-noon, 211A Pattee Library, University Park.

Thursday, April 20: Earth Day Marigold Giveaway, by the University Libraries Green Committee, 2-4 p.m., Frankllin Auditorium, Pattee Library, University Park.

Thursday, April 20: 2017 Public Poetry Contest winners public reading, 7:30-8:30 p.m.,
Pennsylvania Center for the Book, Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Sunday, April 23: International Write-In, 3:30 p.m.-midnight, Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Wednesday, April 26: Financial Literacy Workshop, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.,
Black Box Theater, Slusser/Bayzick Building, Hazleton.

Friday, April 28: Last day of spring classes.

Sunday-Tuesday, April 30-May 2: DeStress Fest, 3-8 p.m, University Park library locations.

Monday-Friday, May 1-5: Final exams.

Wednesday, May 3: Docunight, documentary screening about, around, or in Iran, or made by Iranians, 7 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Thursday, May 5: Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award Public, Oral Defense, three award finalists, 3:30-5 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Friday-Sunday, May 5-7: Spring commencement weekend, most campuses.

Monday, May 8: MediaTech Expo, Media and Technology Support Services invites vendors to showcase the latest in technology products, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., President’s Hall, Penn Stater Conference Center, University Park.

Tuesday, May 9: COP Workshop, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Please submit event information to Public Relations and Marketing via the Library News submission form.