By: Lana Munip
The University Libraries is conducting a survey of Penn State faculty on the impact of digital technologies on research, teaching, and publishing. The survey will run from Tuesday, March 13, 2018 to Tuesday, April 10, 2018, and is conducted in partnership with a national research organization, Ithaka S+R.
This is the first large scale survey of faculty conducted by the University Libraries in many years and the goal is to learn more about:
1. the ways that PSU faculty discover and access scholarly materials in their teaching and research;
2. the evolving role of the library and of library collections;
3. current research and teaching practices, with particular emphasis on how these are changing in light of opportunities created by new technology; and
4. the ways in which faculty communicate the findings of their research
through a variety of media.
Results from this survey will impact the Libraries’ plans for service and
resource improvement. A sample of faculty members from across all Penn State
campuses will receive an invitation to participate in the survey on March 13.
Note: This includes all librarians at all campuses.
For each completed survey, the Libraries will donate $2.00 to the Lion’s
Pantry, the University’s student food pantry. For more information on the
survey, please contact Steve Borrelli, head, Library Assessment,