By: Tim Auman
Hestia, Greek goddess of architecture is on the left, Tellus, Roman goddess of earth is on the right.
The Architecture & Landscape Architecture Library was honored to host Tellus, Roman goddess of earth, and Hestia, Greek goddess of architecture, for a brief two-week residency during DeStress Fest at the end of the spring semester. Arriving early on the final week of classes when the architecture & landscape architecture students were pulling all-nighters to finish their design studio projects and staying through the end of finals exams the goddesses provided comfort, encouragement and jocular therapy to our bleary-eyed patrons. Initially wary of their rigid two-dimensional appearance, students soon warmed up to their presence and began to submit their hopes, dreams, goals, and wishes on sacred stickies. Running the gamut from very modest, ‘I won’t cry or die,’ to moon reaching optimism, ‘I will ace them with As,’ the aspirational altar quickly filled up as students came and went.
“I was quite impressed with the willingness of some to ponder the tough questions” Hestia said. “I’m still noodling around with ‘Will I finish thesis or will thesis finish me?’ I might be losing some sleep over that one.” Meanwhile, Tellus, better known by her stage name Mother Earth, acknowledged a bit of a learning curve on her part due to cultural differences. “I was initially
taken aback by the lack of blood and burnt offerings,” opined Tellus. “It really threw me off my game for the first few days, but I have to admit that coffee, tea, and light snacks are a lot
easier to clean up at the end of the night.”
A sampling of other proffered wishes and affirmations are as follows:
• ‘Hopefully I will do great in the next chapter of my life’
• ‘I am more than a multiple-choice test’
• ‘Sprint to the finish’
• ‘I will graduate with my hair’
• ‘Hopefully I won’t be unemployed for too long’
• ‘Show me my way home’
• ‘Sunshine is good’
• ‘Hopefully Prof Kalsbeek will grade me well’
• ‘Cs get degrees’
• ‘I will sleep tomorrow. Maybe’