Fall 2017
Academic calendar information for all campuses is available online.
![horizontal exhibit graphic for The Painted Photograph: Selections from the B & H Henisch Photo-History Collection, extended through September 30, 2017, room 201A Pattee Library, displays five black-and-white historic photo portraits and their encased frames](https://sites.psu.edu/librarynews/files/2017/08/DigitalDisplay_1920x1080-25wybsq-940x529.jpg)
Extended! Now through Saturday, Dec. 8, “The Painted Photograph: Selections from the B. & H. Henisch Photo-History Collection exhibit,” Pattee Library operating hours, Paterno Family Reading Room, 201A Pattee Library, University Park.
![book jacket front and back of novel "Sophie's Choice" by William Styron, plus black-and-white photo of author](https://sites.psu.edu/librarynews/files/2017/10/Sophies-Choice-covers-Styron-2bu1lpq-940x644.jpg)
Through Jan. 7, 2018: “William Styron: Books and Biography” exhibit, guest curator Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of English James L.W. West III, Styron expert and biographer, Eberly Family Special Collections Library Exhibition Room, 104 Paterno Library, University Park.
![snowy black and white photo with label in front, text reads "The History of Pattee Library and Paterno Library," exhibit, Aug. 21, 2017 through Jan. 15, 2018, in Pattee Library central entrance exhibit cases and adjacent Sidewater Commons, first floor Pattee Library, University Park.](https://sites.psu.edu/librarynews/files/2017/10/Twitter_1024x512-yayvoi-940x470.jpg)
Through Jan. 15, 2018: “The History of Pattee Library and Paterno Library” exhibit, Pattee Library’s central entrance exhibit cases and adjacent Sidewater Commons, first floor Pattee Library, University Park.
Tuesday, Oct. 31: Geospatial Online: Overview of Online mapping options (ArcGIS Online and more), 3:30-4:30 p.m., 211A Pattee Library and online via Zoom.
Wednesday, Nov. 1: Docunight: Iran via Documentaries, 7 p.m. Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.
Sunday–Sunday, Nov. 5-12: Penn State Military Appreciation Week and Homecoming Week.
Monday, Nov. 6–Saturday, Dec. 16: NLM/NIH Traveling Exhibit: Opening Doors: Contemporary African American Surgeons, Life Sciences Library, 4th floor Paterno Library.
Saturday, Nov. 11: Veterans Day.
Monday–Friday, Nov. 13-17: International Education Week, details TBA.
Tuesday, Nov. 14: Penn State GIS Day, 1:30-5 p.m. speakers and lightning talks with 9 a.m.-5 p.m. poster display, Pattee Library and Paterno Library, University Park.
Nov. 19-25: Thanksgiving week break, no classes Nov. 20-24.
Thursday, Nov. 23: Thanksgiving Day holiday.
Wednesday, Dec. 6: Docunight: Iran via Documentaries, 7 p.m. Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.
Friday, Dec. 8: Last day of fall classes.
Sunday–Tuesday, Dec. 10-12: De-Stress Fest, University Park locations.
Tuesday, Dec. 12: Tech Update, by I-Tech, 10-11 a.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.
Tuesday–Wednesday, Dec. 12-20: Hanukkah.
Saturday, Dec. 16: Fall commencement, University Park and other Penn State campuses; details and speaker information at multiple Penn State campuses TBA in December.
Please submit event information — and all Library News submissions — to Public Relations and Marketing via the Library News submission form.