Touch Ability is a series of games and puzzles designed specifically to be accessible to people who are deaf-blind
Archive | 2015
Therapeutic Toy for Children with Speech/Auditory Disabilities (Wichita State University)
The objective of this project is to create a prototype of a toy that uses a sound detection system than can receive the vocalizations made by the children and notify them of their voice using LED lighting.
Designing a Scalable Robotic Exoskeleton and Tablet Gaming Suite for Hand Function Rehabilitation (Georgia Institute of Technology)
We created a scalable, light-weight robotic exoskeleton that functions as a video game controller and a tablet gaming suite with games that facilitate therapeutic exercises.
Cartastic! Child's Switch Adapted Ride-On Toy Car (Penn State University)
This project requires that the team modify the car so that it can be used by children with disabilities to better interact with their peers. The modifications must enhance the child’s overall experience as well as provide the necessary support and safety.
Therapy Game For Children With Hearing Disabilities (Stanford University)
The project uses the technique of lip-reading often used by speech therapists as a learning tool to create a fun linguistic game.
Learning how to use the iPad with KID GLOVZ (California Lutheran University)
ID GLOVZ can transform using an iPad from chore back to child’s play by providing quick success and fostering confidence in the process.
Workpiece support for Buffing, Grinding, and Sanding Operations (University of Pittsburgh)
Andrea Sundaram, Karl Kemmerer, Vince Schiappa, Tim Sanchez ABSTRACT Hands-on work – such as prototype fabrication in engineering, or labs in the natural sciences – is a critical part of learning in the STEM disciplines, but the lack of adaptive devices can limit the accessibility of this aspect of education for students with disabilities. In […]
Ice Climbing Tool Mimicking Wrist Flexion (Colorado School of Mines and Colorado State University)
We are designing an adaptation to the Grivel Lil’ Monster ice tool for individuals with upper extremity amputations to use when technical ice climbing.
Improving Tools for Pediatric Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries (Wichita State University)
The StylusStick can be used to complete a variety of tasks and encourages individuals, who are typically dependent on family and health care aides, to exercise a degree of independence leading to an improved quality of life.
Interactive Racket Sports Simulator (The University of Texas at Austin)
This paper describes a device that is designed to hit a ball over a net with a racket simulating a serve in racket sports.