Author Archives: Xiaotong Wang


The most excited science fiction movie for this year is showing up in every movie theater from Nov 7, American time, and it really make my friends crazy. As a student in science major, I have to admit that the movie itself, like special effects, story descriptions and actors, worth 5 stars. However, the most important character in the movie: the Wormhole and black hole, is a little bit confused to people without related knowledge in physics field. So in this post, I want to talk shortly about some basic information of wormhole, which may can help movie viewers better understand this fabulous science movie.
Although the name “wormhole” was not from its founder Einstein and his assistant Nathan Rosen, they were the first to bring up this theory. Stating by Einstein and Nathan, our universe is formed by 2 spaces, which connected by a “bridge” in the middle of those two. In the 1960s, John Wheeler, a Physicist from Princeton University used “wormhole” this name first to describe that situation. He pointed out that those bridges connecting spaces are very similar to the holes left by worms inside the apple. From the waist of the apple, if a little bug wants to get to the top of it, there are two choices- first one is that the bug climbs through the face of the apple and achieve a half of the circle on the curved face, or it can build a hole inside the apple and get into the core directly. If we treat our universe as an apple (because of the high gravity, the edge of the universe would curved as apple did), under this circumstance, people would achieve quick crossing between the two three dimensional spaces via crossing the wormhole.
Up to here, everything seems makes sense to us that there is, technically, a shortcut which allows astronauts to travel a long trip within a short time, like the magic story told by the movie, but the problem here is obviously clear either, that can people still keep alive after crossing the wormhole made by Schwarzschild black hole? According to the Schwarzschild model, the thing in the center of the black hole is a singular point- a globe with infinity big density. The results of math calculation showed by Wheeler pointed out a result to the public that our space ship could shuttle between two spaces when two black holes connected with each other. However, this connection is highly unstable, and unreliable, because of the high probability of collapse. Once there’s collapse happening in the middle of the bridge, two other singular points will exist in each side of the collapse point, and then, our astronauts would be shredded pieces by any of those four singular points they meet. So the answer for the question before might be, sadly, no.
Finding another place for human being to continue our culture is very important, this is the thing that I have to admit, but at the same time, it also a thing that is very difficult. If we want our culture to be continued, to keep flashing in this universe, maybe the thing behinds our face is not preying there’s an earth No.2 existing, but doing something useful to keep our mother planet- earth No.1 active. Turning off the light before you leave the room is a good example, and I’m trying it with my roommate.


Learning as fast as children do?

To young kids, learning skills is so much easier than adults do, because the neurons in younger brain can reach out and form new connections quickly. “Malleability”, the word used to describe this phenomenon, for children, their malleability is much higher than elders, and this feature allows them to get skills like walking, eating and speaking in a short time. Following the process of growing up, this magic ability disappears day by day, and naturally, the time people cost in learning different skills prolong.
When this feature is accepted by all of us as a natural process to human, scientists in Stanford University induced the brain of adult mice to regain the high level of malleability via disturbing a kind of protein named Pir B (the same kind of protein is called Lilr B2 in human’s body). When we are young, our brain open windows to help us develop skills; and those windows would be closed when people became mature. This finding, however, may be the key to open those windows again. This news means a lot to today’s medical field- it will allow the brain to rebuild the inside construction from physical damage, stroke or Alzheimer those brain disease.
The research itself is not as complicated as people might think. The medicine used by the team leading by Carla Shatz, is called sPirB. This is soluble version of PirB, which can solve into the mice’s blood much more quick than PirB can do, by doing like that, the PirB is blocked from the blood. Followed, scientists in this team push adult mice seeing with only one eye by destroying the vision cortex of their brains. Under this condition, those mice’s brains have to rebuild the connection in order to recover the vision. Showing by the conclusion, compared with compare group, mice with disturbed PirB have better ability to cover up their cortex. That is to say, the PirB in cortex of the brain can affect the malleability of it, and this affection might work out with the same rule in the whole brain.
However, this research actually doesn’t as that meaningful as people hope. There are 5 different proteins LilrB 2 in human’s body; people need to figure out which one can makes influence to brain malleability exactly. Besides, it is still a mystery that if there’s any by-products showing when LilrB2 are blocked.
No matter how much related task need to be done in the future, the conclusion from this test gives scientists light in certain areas. After 20 years, it is full of hope for doctors to cure the Alzheimer, which might bother someone’s grand parents right now.


Do you want the perfect body as model?

Looking at the brown, crisp leafs lying on the ground; I know that another winter is coming. When the temperature outdoor is only 2 degree, it seem reasonable to put more energy to our body to help us defense cold wind, but when you seeing the model in the first sheet of makeup magazine, do you still want to eat that much? Or the only thing you want is the perfect body like the one shown by media?
Still models in magazine is maybe one of the reasons that people are willing to be addicted by those colorful sheets, especially for women. Described by those medias, like TV or magazine, they became the standard of “beauty” naturally, and the women with normal body shape seems not normal anymore when compared with those slim model, and the following reaction to most of women would be the promoting body dissatisfaction, that they start to feel bad for their own body shape. Is there any relationship among media exposure and body dissatisfaction? Can the magazine viewing directly lead to women’s reaction about their own body? Maybe we can find the answer in one research published in the Health Communication. During this online study, researchers organized 51 college girls as information resource, and they were asked to view 16 sheets of magazine one person per day for 5 days. When the research ended, those girls handed in their report about the question “how you feel like when compared with the models”, and unsurprisingly, “those models body are far more slim than mine” became the classic answer. “Via social comparison (the process that young female viewers compare their own bodies with those frequently depicted and reinforced in the media)(Media Effects Research by Glenn G. Sparks) to achieve self-evaluation can make female readers decrease their satisfaction to their out looking, and more likely to diet” said by the research organizer Silvia Knobloch Westerwick, the professor in Media college of Ohio State University. Once the body dissatisfaction is created, there’s depression, eating disorders as by-product showing up, and affect female readers life badly.
Besides the conclusion brought up before, there’s another discover as a keystone in this study that as time of magazine reading going on, the reaction of those women was turning on to self-motivation pattern, in another words, after the long time seeing, women started to believe that they can have the body shape just like those model through certain ways like diet, and this might be one way to encourage women to lose weight.
Although with the delicate design, this research still has its disadvantage. The most obvious one is self-report problem. In order to achieve self-beautify, women in this research easily tend to report themselves to a good side, and this can make big influence to the final conclusion of the study. Besides, 5 days research time is relatively short and cannot exclude the influence of chance.
As a conclusion to this article, watching too much magazines is not good for women to build a correct self-evaluation, although sometimes it is thought to be a way to encourage readers to lose weight. Closing the magazine and taking a walk outdoors might be the better choice for the women inspiring perfect body shape.

Media Effects Research by Glenn G. Sparks Second edition

Shale gases right under your foot

Shale gases, as one of the most important natural resources for today’s society progression, are used in broad areas whether in people’s daily life or in industry production process. Because of the unique qualities of the shale gases- environmental friendly, lower cost than fossil flue and huge number of storage underground, shale gases attract millions of people’s attention since the day they were discovered. And the question “how to collect shale gases from the ground under our feet” became important during only one night. Today in this article, I want to introduce one way that is used for more than 60 year in gases collection field all over the world due to the high stability and safety value of it- the hydraulic fracturing technology.
Hydraulic fracturing, the name of that technology, tells people some feature about itself already. The main way it used in underground gases collection is damage the essential structure of the well which contains the natural gas in it, and let the gases stored in the inside of the rock released, and then passed to the ground through the pipe. The difference of well kind can lead to different natural gases reservoirs, and the hydraulic fracturing is used mainly to treat conventional reservoir. In conventional reservoirs, the gas is stored in the pores between grains. When the drilling area is decided, the next step is drill. As you may know, the Empire State Building in New York City is 1,453 ft high, and the depth of one well can be over 8 Empire State Buildings. When the well is drilled, there are several cement layers are built to create an impermeable barrier to keep well from groundwater, after the cement, the steel barrier is sent down to ensure integrity. Once the drill reach the well that contains natural gases we want, there’s mixture of water, sand and chemical components in perforating device to create small holes in the rock, and the gas trapped in the well is released from tiny features was brought to the surface safely.
During the last six decades, the Hydraulic fracturing helps produce more than 600 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 7 billion barrels of oil, and it is expected to create 75 percent of natural gases for the future. Hydraulic fracturing, as a high tech, may be the best explanation to “better city, better life” this slogan.


“Beautiful” food color

Candy shop, to be honest, was a heaven to me when I was 7. Every week the most excited thing was begging my mom to bring me to there and grab a full bag of candy bars. I know that the reason I like them is not because they have amazing taste but because of their colorful outlooks. Most of the kids having the same thought like me, would bring to candy shop considerable benefits, but what do those colorful candy bars bring to kids? Are they good for kid’s health?
The secret candy bar using in addicting kids attention is taking bright color as a outwear jacket. Dark red, bright yellow, sky blue and grass green, etc. all of those colors are kids favorite when combined with yummy candies together. The components used to make them, however, are believed to have potential threaten to kid’s brain and DNA. Blue dye number 1 and 2 are linked with cancer in animal tests, while red dye number 3 causes thyroid tumors in rats. Green dye number 3 is linked to bladder cancer, and yellow dye number 6 is linked to tumors of the kidneys and adrenal glands…(The Dark Side Of Food Colors (Plus Natural Coloring Alternatives 14 may 2013). All of those statistics from research and observation shows out a truth that food color is harmful for kid’s body- leading to behavioral issues.
Actually, it has been a long time arguing for the influence of food color to kids. Early enough to 1970, there was a doctor named Benjamin Feingold who brought up that artificial color maybe related to some kids behavioral issues, but until 2007, the study group of The University of Southampton in England first did the experimental research in this field. In that research, using double-blinded way, the staff provided two groups of kid, 153 of them were 3, and the left 144 were 8-9 years old, soft drink, but the drink for the first group was added food color and antiseptic, when the second one didn’t. The result of the research showed that the group drinking drinks with food color and antiseptic appeared excessive active and distraction.
Just seeing the research did by the University of Southampton, people may have feeling of worrying about their kid’s health. If we rethink that famous research thoroughly, however, there are still problems exist. First, although there are behavioral issues showing up, we cannot sure if the problem is caused by food color in soft drink directly, because the antiseptic or other food addictive also have ability to make influence to human’s body system, or if kids’ behavioral issues are the result of working together by those chemical components. Second, although the “significant difference” appeared in the result of the research, because the difference of behave is too small to compare, we cannot sure whether that result can work in the real world.
Even though there’s no clear evidence said that food color has any related to kids behavioral problem, parents should still try to keep their children away from beautiful candy bars. If the color is what children like instead of sugar itself, parents can use vegetables or fruits to make food color at home for their kids. Here’s some sources for food color’s making, if you are interested in colorful world too, make it by yourself!

Green: spinach juice
Orange: pumpkin or carrot juice
Pink: raspberries or beetroot
Blue: blueberries
Purple: red cabbage or grapes
Yellow: yellow carrots, turmeric powder, saffron flowers


Keep slim, or keep health?

After running for a week with vegetables as dinners, you expected to get a beautiful number from your weighing scale, but opposed to your hope, it was only 2 pounds less than the number showed last week. With disappointment, you decided to try diet pill, which was said by your neighbor that was amazingly useful. I guess this description may be familiar to you, because this is the thing truly happened during my 11 grade. According to the statistics from National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), Between 40 and 50 percent of women in the United States are attempting to lose weight at any given time. Under this spreading situation in America, there’s no doubt about the good selling in diet pill market. But while you put those little white pills in your mouth, have you ever been thinking about the consequences it would bring to you and your body except beautify the number showed in your weighing scale?
Sibutramine, one of the main components in the diet pill, has notable influence in CNS’s working process. It is appreciated broadly by diet pill providers due to the low costs in making and effective works for body weight losing. But Sibutramine, treated as a magic in weight control, was banned by FDA of America in 2010, then it was banned in succession by a few countries in the world. Seeing from the research, Sibutramine, as the most important component in diet pill, has the high risk in provoking cardiovascular disease. It can bring to users deep thirst, headache and serious insomnia, etc. All of those disadvantages Sibutramine have make people cost too much for a slim body, included their own health life.
Besides Sibutramine, here’s also another chemical component which is diet pill’s suppliers favorite- the Phenolphthalein. It is not just used in chemical lab but also do a good job in body laxative. That’s to say that eating Phenolphthalein can help people achieve dehydrate during a short time. When the water was discharged from people’s body, obviously, our body weights would decrease in a fast speed, but the body fat is actually have no change. After drinking a cup of water the body weight would came bake naturally. Without actual effect on weight control, Phenolphthalein have achievements in human body’s electrolyte disorder and muscle spasms, sometimes it can even propel the existence of mental illness. In some cases reported by FDA, in order to pursue the best effect of diet pills, some companies even choose to add Sibutramine and Phenolphthalein at the same time, although people are still not sure about the effect of this combination, it would definitely bring harmful to human body.
In the end, I just want to say that there’s no free lunch to offer. People who want the slim body should quit the diet pill in their drawers right now and wear the sport shoes, take a walk outdoors. Eat less and do excise more is always the best way for weight control.



Drinking and Running

Every Monday morning whiling I catch up the bus to take the first class, I can see a lot of runners running with their pedometers passing me. And at that moment, I can feel a deep guilty about the last-night beer in my stomach. As a runner like those people, I feel like drinking this hobbit decreased good thing running bring to my body. As runners, we have enough daily excise, and it is so good for our health. But some of us still drink, even drink a lot during the weekend. So, is there any influence will drinking and bring to runners? How bad they are to our daily excise?
The most noticeable influence drinking can bring to runners is not as complicated as the people thought, but can be described by just one word: fat. Lots of runners use running as a perfect way to keep body’s shape and lose weight, but a pint of beer can ruin your last days 3 miles running. Although beers do not contain the real fat, it has bulk, which can effectively stretches people’s stomach lining. So that people who drink beers usually are easier to have bigger appetites. Except that, beer contains sugar. Proved by one research from years ago, a pint of beer contains nearly 400 calories, so if we count in this way, three pints is about 1200 calories. But a man in a sedentary job needs only 2500 calories to keep life going per day. It’s almost a half of that number! After seeing that, it is not difficult to explain why some runners still have beer belly. Under this paragraph is a list of calories for beers, maybe it can work for runners to decide how much beers they want to drink for the next time.
• 12 oz. of beer (~150 calories)
• 4 oz. of wine (~100 calories)
• 1.25 oz. of liquor (~100 calories)
Besides the annoying fat that drinking would bring to runners, here’s another effect from beer drinking- the mineral depleting. As is known to all, our body’s inside balance is achieved due to different minerals co-operation. But for alcohol- as a diuretic, it would cause the urinary excretion of calcium and magnesium. How important calcium to our body is obviously, it is an essential material for runners bone health. As to magnesium, magnesium is an important co-factor for a few of enzymes involved in transferring phosphate groups to produce ATP (energy). Without ATP in our body, running cannot be achieved.
All of those things, even though they do make sense in pure science field, we cannot say that the truth is exactly act in the same way. In my Communication class, there’s a word named “experimental realism” which said that rules worked in lab maybe not work in the same way as they did in our real world. Like the influence of drinking to runners, as I can see, it depends on personal situation, like different runner’s diet and their running habits. But all in all, if you plan to take a run tomorrow, don’t drink across the line is a wise choice!


Sex in daily media.

After seeing this title, aren’t you feel little confused “why this article can be here? Is sex a kind of science?” don’t take it wrong however, the sex I talked here is not the truly one but the sex in media around us. Seeing a recent content analysis, over 300 scenes in popular pornographic videos, there’s nearly 50% contained name-calling, which counted as verbal aggression, and about 88% of it contained physical aggression. Being involved in this media environment, we can see them everyday; we can be concluded or be attracted by medias with sex components without even noticing it. And sometimes, the influence the sex component brought to us is upon our imagination.
Viewing this topic, there are always two different main thoughts about the influence of the sex media exist. One of them called “the trigger hypothesis” and the other one is named “safety valve theory” according to the second one, some scientists considered sexually explicit materials as a tool of blowing off. Researchers holding this thought believe that watching pornography (refer to almost any explicit depiction) will satisfy whatever urges might cause a person to commit a sex crime. And if this is a correct or false positive (we say A exist, but A is actually not) answer, then we might be able to see a decrease in sex crimes in society that have already availability to those materials. Standing in the opposite side, “the trigger hypothesis” claims that some individuals would response to sexually explicit materials in such a way that it may lead to a sex crime like a rape or incident exposure.
Responding to those two main theories, one researcher named Berl Kutchinsky reveals that the decrease in sex crimes may attribute to one fact that the public attitudes become more and more lenient these days, and one truth about the going on situation across countries, is that the incidence of rape does not decrease when pornography is allowed to flow freely. So in here, although the safety value theory makes some sense, it’s still an existence of mundane realism (things that don’t match situations encountered outside the laboratory). Compared to that, the trigger hypothesis is more useful in real world. Here’s a experimental research named “ the electric shock paradigm”, which support the trigger theory properly. If any one is interest in more information, Google will tell you this story better than I did!

Introduction to Media effects Glenn G. Sparks (January 1,2012) Cengage Learning; 4 edition.

Let’s talk about plane food this time

If I give you a question like “which time lately you think the taste of plane meal is good?” I am pretty sure the answer I can get is always “Never”. Every time when we complained about how awful the plane food is, have people ever concerned why? Is the bad skill of chef the only reason? Or there are actually some scientific reasons as explanation?
According to one article published in the website Travel, the biggest issue lying in bad taste of food in plane is scientific. One research did by Deutsche Lufthansa; the buds in our tongue cannot work well exposure in high altitude. The sensitivity of our taste buds would decrease at least 30% on the high altitude; plus, the dry environment inside the plane can affect buds work too. And this is one big reason why those fly companies are willing to opt salty steaks or spicy carries as main part of plane food. The other reason might be the smell problem. The high air pressure given by plane will restrict activity of smell molecule and block the way it goes to our nose, without this step, eating process can be much boring than people can think.
Besides those reasons we talked before, there’s another explanation that can also makes the taste worse: that the plane food itself is not good taste. Consider the specific environment of plane; it’s obvious that the kitchen cannot be set in the plane, so the food we ate is all come from stock. Foods from the kitchen to the plane we take have to going though a long travel, and during this process, foods would exposure to different tempters, and in this step, going bad is easily for foods. Compared to serve customers some delicious but not fresh food, most of the fly companies prefer foods with bad taste but safety qualities, like carrots and oranges.
Next time if you feel bad about the plane food in front of your face, thinking about the things we talked today might be able to let you feel little better. After all, off the plane, there are hundreds of delicious foods waiting for you.


Medicine of HIV can work on Ebola?!

“Ebola”, a word that I never heard before last 18 years, becomes hotter and hotter in the last four mouths. Thanks for its high mortality rate; Ebola makes itself nearly a representation of evil in the hell. 50%-90% mortality rate; extremely painful experience; no medicine can help and the miserable coming resources… all of those labels sticking in Ebola make us want to ask: is there really no idea? Do human beings have to take this disaster? In that hard time that everybody is confuse but scare, a doctor named Logan stands up and speak to the world that he finds a effective way to deal with that rare virus: by using the medicine of HIV. According to the statistics he showed: after taking the Lamivudine (the medicine dealing with HIV), there’s 13 of patience showing different level of relieve, and 2 died. The mortality rate in 15 people is 7%. If we turn our view to the whole East Africa, the average rate of mortality is 70%. By watching this statistics, it seems really exciting that the Lamivudine do work in fighting with Ebola. Explained by Logan himself, the replicate process between Ebola and HIV inside the body is much in the same way. But if we can stop talking how great that doctor is and how much he did for this virus fight, we will have time to use the knowledge from professional biology to see if the consequence given by that “great doctor” is truly reliable.
From the beginning, I have to say that Doctor Logan is maybe not a professional staff in biology field- because the characteristics between HIV and Ebola are not even close! Let’s talk about our old friend HIV first; we know it for a long time after all. HIVs form of writing is looks like (ss(+)RNA with DNA intermediate),and if we see Ebola, it looks like (ss(-)RNA). u=3574789944,3338880708&fm=21&gp=0In the processes of replicate, because of the huge different in their structure inside, although I cannot explain the whole process in this blog, they are totally different. That’s to say, although the result of using HIV medicine is bright, we cannot surely say why and how Lamivudine works.
Even though until today people still can’t find one effective way to treat virus Ebola, there’s still something we can do to protect ourselves from this pure evil. Here are some tips:
1 Practice careful hygiene. (Especially when you come back from outdoors)
2. Do not handle items that may have come in contact with an infected person’s blood or body fluids
3. Avoid contact with bats and nonhuman primates or blood, fluids, and raw meat prepared from these animals. (And avoid eating wild animals!)
In the end of this post I just want to say, Dr. Logan is really a good person even though he failed this time. Actually all of the doctors fighting with Ebola are good people. They are fighting for people using their own life. Until today, like what news said, there are more than 15 of them scarified in East Africa. I just want to say a thank you to those lovely people; they are far brighter than those huge stars.


Tree’s winter story


September 28, today’s date. Time’s running so far that winter’s coming again to Penn State. Bunch of visitors come and complicate “what a beautiful campus” with seeing all grounds of fallen yellow leaves dancing. During that process, has one of them ever wondered why those leaves have different colors like yellow, brown and purple? Why some trees still can keep their leaves for a whole winter? The roles in here is so magic and have a lot of story can talk.
Let’s talk about the most interesting part: why leaves can fall every year at the same time? As we all know, the most important use of leaves is photosynthesis: leafs use the mini pipes spread on every corner of the tree to get water and feed bake energy to the root. Once fall coming, the time of the day become shorter and shorter, and that as a signal to the tree is: it’s time to take a rest! During trees sleeping in winter, they start to taking off the foods they stored in the last year instead of getting energy from photosynthesis. In order to use those energy as long as possible during the cold winter, trees would close the pipes of leaves, cut the route they get water and materials from the root. After doing that, the breath time of one tree would reduce at least 80% in winter time, and the cost of it, is leafs dead and fallen. Following that fallen process, different trees can make different colors of fallen leaves. The most beautiful colors: red and purple we see from maple trees leaves are the result of glucose. Without photosynthesis, glucose lived in leaves are trapped. After going through the cold night and bright sunshine, it turns out to red, and purple- if that turning process going deeper. As for the yellow appears in some kind of trees, surprisingly, is the real color those leaves have! The reason leafs shows green is because the original color- yellow is covered by the green chlorophyll (color brought by photosynthesis process).
Although the fallen of leafs make the view of winter a little bit of boring, it is lucky that there’s evergreen to provide hope to this cold land. Evergreen trees have one common characteristic: leaves of them are made special by tree factory- our nature. Some of them like the fir and pine, use needle shaped leafs to restrict breath. Others like holly,holly have broad but hard leaf faces. Sometimes when the weather’s extremely dry and tough, they could curl up, and cut down the breath speed followed.
In the end of this article, I want to thanks all leaves fallen, after all, it is them who provide nourishment to make the next colorful spring, and the cost, is themselves.

Why people afraid of dark?

In a regular night of your 7 years old, hugging one fluffy bear, you lying in your bed along, suddenly, you felt like seeing a blink from a green eye in your room’s corner. Then you turned on the light, but found nothing. Is this description familiar to you? Maybe everybody has this same experience when we were kids. But have you been asking yourself the reason? Why people afraid of dark even when they are lying in their own home? Is there really something hiding in our closet during the night?
The fear people have to the dark environment is natural. Showing by one research, the fear of the dark is seldom showed up before 2 years old, that is to say, when children grow up older, their afraid to dark became heavier. Followed children’ brain develop, the memory’s storage become stronger, and some of bad memories like the memory of on thrilling movie, or the memory of one disgusting screen showed in a TV program can be easily collected and then turned by kid’s imaginary to the fear of dark. Because in the dark environment, people cannot see anything but the shadow of leafs in our curtain, and obviously, that makes people feel uncomfortable, like something’s losing control but we don’t know what happen in the dark- what if that disgusting huge worm is lying under my bed? Then, the imaginary’s work firms our fear that “ there is a guy lying in my bed” or “ there’s definitely a hand waving”. The best way to release that kind of fear is “don’t care about it, just let that hand go” if you can fight your naughty imaginary, you can fight with your fear to dark.
Actually, besides that reason- our memory and imaginary, for me, there’s maybe another explanation: the thing we feared of is not the dark itself, the thing really scared us is the feeling of “not sure about it”. Like the fear we hold to death, because we don’t know, and do not have the way to know what will happen after the death, but if we don’t know what it’s like, we don’t know how to take a control of it, and people feel anxious about that kind of unsure.
Truly that we cannot know what happen in the dark, but don’t feel so bad to it and try not let your imaginary control your mind. The next time you feel afraid, just close your eyes, and leave that hand in the dark along.


Is wilderness real wild?

“Let’s go back to the wilderness! Go back to where we belong” this is used to be a very famous slogan at 20 century. During that time, there are thousands of national park were built during one night. After that, driving with trailer, carrying foods and waters to go outdoor, people accepted wilderness so fast and wanted to go and be a part of it. But while they stay with “wilderness” have they really thought about if the place they stay is real a wilderness?
Defined by the book (Paul Robbins, John Hintz and Sarah A. Moore) the wilderness is “a natural parcel of land, more or less unaffected by human forces” that is to say, as wilderness, it should accord with one main point that “ no human involved”. But if we see things with this main idea, there’s so less wilderness left in our world. Some people might say “what about the national parks, like Yellowstone? It’s pure nature in it” Is that true? Yellowstone is a place to show people what wilderness looks like, and in order to achieve that goal, workers did a bunch of hard works, like built the path through mountains; set the railings around the sulphur lake… some people might argue “what about those wild mountains, which is far away from city” but if you walk through the mountains, those signs wrote “danger” “exit” all remain you that somebody was been here and establish them for you. People still involved.
Actually, if we can change our mind to another way to think “ what is wilderness”, things would be easier. Wilderness is not has to be pure nature without people. We came from nature, we used to live in the wilderness, and we are a part of the wilderness! So, when you come to visit mountains or grasslands the next time, don’t need to be depressed when seeing some human-made thing, because human’s exist, is a part of wilderness.

How can alcohol works to our body?

Going to the party with shorts and high heel shoes; drinking cans of beers whiling talking with close friends; feeling happy and a little bit uncontrolled… this episode may familiar for you, and that’s the way I killed Friday night. But at Saturday morning, things kind going wrong, people with too much alcohol yesterday would feel awful, want to throw up, and thirsty. During drinking process, what alcohol did to us actually? Why can alcohol make us feel so bad after bring us one happy night?
The answer for those questions is called “ethanol”- a kind of alcohol molecules, for this ethanol, which people pour down to their throat most, it’s so easy to get into your body’s every corner where it not supposed to with its water soluble characteristic. After going to human’s stomach, ethanol start to spread to all sort of places of the body with bloodstream-the skin (that’s why some people get pink face after drinking); the muscles and human’s brain. There’s one part named nucleus accumbens, after receiving the alcohol from the blood, would start releasing Dopamine, and exactly this step make people feel good. Every time people go to party, they know by themselves that this will be a long drinking night, too much alcohol beverage stored in our stomach caused dehydrate, and then we can feel extremely thirsty the next day.
All of people know that over drink is harmful, but we just cannot keep ourselves away from parties at Friday night! So here are some tips to help people feel better from drunk.
1. Eat something before start drinking. (Giving your body some thing to absorb alcohol)
2. Drink some water when you feel difficult. (Helping people to release dehydrate)
3. Just stop drinking! (Remember to drink responsible)

Drinking is a part of party culture; we cannot totally get rid of it from our life. While you drink, drink responsible!


Marijuana VS. Tobacco: harmless?!

Last week for the entertainment circle of China is a tough one. During last seven days, there were a pair of movie stars- handsome, famous, were arrested by DEA China. Via blood testing, they were charged because of using marijuana illegally inside China. After that, fans of those two on the internet blow up quickly, and a big part of them felt unfair for their stars, they pointed out that the harm of using of marijuana is even less than tobacco and alcohol did! Is that true? Should the government legalize marijuana?
The study about this part of question has a long history, during that process, scientists prefer that according to the average amount of marijuana use, like two or three times per mouth, there shouldn’t be long-term harm exist. Those who affected seriously by it, those patients, may blamed to their different exposure level to weeds, that’s to say, because of their own reasons, like illness. Besides that, NIDA (National Institute of Drug Abuse) pointed out in one email that the death caused by tobacco in U.S. every year is 440,000, but the death caused by weeds, is only 2. If we see in this way, marijuana do seemed more innocent than tobacco did. But one idea can makes sense, doesn’t mean it’s right.
The main effective component in marijuana is called THC. During the long time of observing and testing, scholars noticed that after going into lung, THC can blend with blood in very fast speed, arrive to human’s brain and organs, then make a feeling we called “high”, and this feeling is exactly the destination of smoking weeds. Once people tried this high, they will desire more and more, because it’s magic! Once users get addiction, unless the psychological intervention, it’s definitely a hard work to quit it. These years, on the basis of testing and researching, scientists also bring out the dark side of using weeds to people’s body: chief criminal of teenagers’ Schizophrenia; making damage to brain…
Anyway, although the related research has never been stopped, there’s still no certain answer for the question. But seeing the data we already have, marijuana is harmful for human’s mental and brain with no question. No matter how little harm marijuana or tobacco bring to us, it’s still the harm! And as I think, we don’t really need to care which one is more harmful for our body: weeds, or tobacco. Only if we can keep away from both of them, there’s no relation between us and that unfinished answer.


Pirate’s blinders: Are they really blind?

A week ago, I read something really hot in my Facebook, which is said, “ Oh my god, after those years, I finally get the truth that the blinders of pirates is not the sign of eye problem but a tool, because of their works nature, those guys need to shuttle forth and back between the board and cabin of the ship, so when they get to the inside of the boat, the thing they need to do is just move the blinder from one eye to another, then, those pirates can djust the dark quickly, and have bigger opportunity to win the fight, if there is one.” Humm… it makes sense, but… it makes sense can represent that it’s the truth? Can we use the scientific way to prove it if it’s true thing?
In here, I need to explain something first that because this is not a serious science area, the research here is not that organized; I will try my best to use those examples and researches to clear my point. According to one book named , use short bursts to minimize muzzle flash and maintain night vision, keep one eye closed do work during fight. But it also pointed out that one eye’s vision put more dangerous on army at the same time: the three-dimensional seeing of human is made by a pair of eyes work together, if I only use one, the error in finding the focus will increase nearly 60%! Like the movies showed, the fight in pirates has two types: one is the regular one- we talked before in article that the fight hand-to-hand. Another one is use the firearms in both boats. In the first situation, the probability of being stabbed is rising quickly if a person just uses single eye, because in a close battle, the most important factor for pirates is not how fast you are but how accurate you can do. As for the firearm session, with no three-dimensional seeing, it’s definitely hard to take aim, not even talk about wining. We should aware that before hundreds years, the firearm had no design for aiming, pirates have to count on their feelings about the distant. Besides those reasons, which considered the real conditions of fight, there’s another reason can deny the rumor that “the blinder of pirate is prepared for fight inside” strongly is the speed of the boats during Uncharted waters. At that time, the average speed of a brig ship is 20 km per hour, and the top of human eyes to see is 16 km. If we see in this way, every fighting, from the moment pirate see the enemy, they have at least half an hour to get ready for the coming fight, so there’s really no necessary for them to cover one eye all day long just in order to save 5 minutes for the fight.
So, what’s the truth for this question? What’s the real use for blinder? Maybe because those pirates, they do blind! Through one sail in hundreds years ago, the way people can use to locate and provide course is almost noting but using the sun. Year and year passed, captains’ eyes, which used to gaze at sun is harmed gravely- and blind eventually.

7 seconds- fishs memory?

When I was a kid, I’ve heard a romantic bedtime story from my mom, which was about the goldfish: “Honey, you know what? The little goldfish lived in our tank, it can remember things no more that 7 seconds. Every 7 seconds is a brand new start for it, so, although it’s along, that little goldfish would never feel boring, it’s not lonely at all!” When we treat this talking as a fairy tale, it’s nice and adorable, but sometimes it was treated as a truth by people, like my friends always said to me: learn something from fish-don’t put so much things in your brain! Is that really believable that fish’s memory can only keep 7 seconds? If that fish is a stupid one, shouldn’t its memory only stay an eye blinking time? And if it takes a bit of food, two seconds pass, can they forget what they are eating?
In order to find the truth, scientists of the University of Michigan in last century started to work with the memory of goldfish. In order to see if the goldfish has the long-time memory, staffs in that research put several goldfishes in an extra-long tank, and gave a beam of light from one side of that water tank, after 20 seconds of that light came, they released one electric current to the water. Soon enough, the memory built, and when the beam of light appears next time, all of the goldfish chose to escape from one side to another- the side without light appearing. The researchers also found out that after the fine training process, the memory to the electric in goldfishes’ brain can contain more than one month! Instead of just 7 seconds.
Finished the short-time memory, let’s talk about if the long-time memory for fishes is possible. Because for the short-time one, it may just the work of stress respond: the electric currents followed the lights every time, so when the fishes felt the light, their Spinal nerve would drive them to escape but not with their memories help. But if people can prove the existence of long-time memory, things would be different. So, in one time, one professor in the University of Ilinois at Urbana-champaign did a test, which cost him 5 years total. In that test, professor Erikson raised 20 catfish in one big tank, what he did is shouting several times of “fish! Fish!” during feeding process. Couple of mouths passed, every days shouting can attract at least 19 of catfish. One year passed, in the next summer, when professor repeated this feeding process, there were 16 of the catfish came. And when five years passed, professor Erikson found out surprisingly that the “fish! fish!” can still helps him collect 9 of them, and in the second day, that number raised to 16.
So, here’s the answer: according to the different research, fishes do have memory that longer than 7 seconds, some of them can even long enough to years! When next times you are told to learn from fish- remember less, just let them shut up and learn more first!


First post!

Hello everybody, I’m Xiaotong, and you can also call me Eos if you like. My major will be geology in the second school year, and this is the main reason that I take this course now: the geology major asks a lot in chemistry and physics, those classcial “science” stuff, but the feeling I hold to them is always” what’s that to do with my life?” “why I have to know how atom works, it’s so boring!” And from the begining, I chose to believe that I do not good at science at all, it’s just not my thing! During this class, I hope that I can find something in common between me and science, to prove to myself that science is not a devil but a friend to me, to my study, to us.check-in-minion