

Hello, my name is Julian Smith.  I intend on majoring in marketing, and thus far, nothing has discouraged me from switching my major (yes I know, I have only been on campus for 6 days so perhaps that could change).  I am from Maryland.  When I briefly met with my advisor at orientation, I confidently told her that I had absolutely no intention taking a science class because I simply detest science (at least I did in high school).  This class shockingly fascinated me instantly because firstly, our professor is from New Zealand, and secondly, this course is more of a conceptual course rather than a factual course, which I find to be much more intriguing and useful in the future.  Furthermore, I intend on pursuing marketing so I think that understanding the conceptual aspect of this course can really benefit me in the future when I am hopefully conducting business.

I decided to take this course because the material covered is not laborious lab work but rather fascinating conceptual material that we can relate to our everyday lives.  I understand that society absolutely revolves around science, and scientists to develop cures, treatments, ect.  However, I have never found lab work interesting.  In addition, I also find science to be an extremely convoluted field, hence why I have decided not to major in it.  Aside from that, I love going to the beach.

This is a picture of Anguilla.  Right next to both St. Maarten and St. Barths lies this small yet absolutely breathtaking island.  I visited this island over the summer, as it is a tradition to visit it every year.  I have never been in a more serene atmosphere before.

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