Initial Blog Post

Hi, My name is Christian King and I am a sophmore in DUS. Last Wednesday during the last day of drop add I went in for an advising apointment and realized that I had not taken a Gen Ed for science yet (hence the late blog). I looked over my options and SC 200 apealed to me because 1) I have a knack for memorizing facts and consuming information (whether history or science) 2) I have no idea what I WILL major in but definitely know it WILL NOT be in science or math 3) I enjoy large classes in Forum rather that having smaller classes. These three things made it obvious for me that SC 200 was a perfect fit and whoever designed the course had people like me in mind.

In High School I excelled as a science student until I took Chemistry and Physics. I like facts and consuming information but there is something about formulas and math that makes me really loathe certain aspects about science especially. I know a science major will be something I will struggle obtaining and truely not enjoy. However I do enjoy learning about science that is not math intensive. Just reading articles on sites like reddit, especially like on subreddits like r/science and r/futurology is something I enjoy.

To illustrate how much I hate science here is a picture of me getting frustrated in Chem class in High School.

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