
As my siblings and I walk down the street, all with red hair, we very often get comments about our hair and how rare it is that we all have the same bright, red hair. My dad grew up a red head  and my mom strawberry blonde, so it wasn’t that unusual for us to have red hair. Though as time went on, my dad’s hair has faded from its red color and my mom is now a blonde. We constantly get the question, “So where did the red hair come from?”. These days, the amount of redheads you see around is limited and it got me thinking about the question and what the actual answer to it was.

When I did some research on the topic, I found different facts and information proving that redheads in fact are not going extinct. According to redhead extinction, there is evidence that shows that the rumor that red hair was a recessive gene that could completely die out is false. Although it is very rare, the recessive gene can’t die out until or if everyone carrying it dies or fails to reproduce. At this point, there are enough people in the world carrying the gene to allow it to reproduce for at least a few more generations. There is evidence in Relax, redheads that although the gene is in fact recessive and both parents need to possess the gene for their children to be red head, there are many people who are unaware that they even have the gene from a potentially distant relative. There are also facts in the article that states unrealistic events that would happen in order for redheads to become extinct.

Although many people have provided pertinent information that in fact, redheads will be seen around the world for years to come, there are also people who prove information that would suggest that very soon all redheads will be gone. According to climate change and red heads, the way people originally develop red hair is in response to the lack of sun that people get. There is concern that as the temperatures continue to rise and there is less blockage of the sun, the gene that creates red hair could potentially disappear.

There are different points of view on every argument and specifically on this one, I hope that in the future the trait of red hair continues and is present for many more years to come.


2 thoughts on “Are redheads going extinct?

  1. Kaylen Kim

    I think the theory of redhead extinction caused by climate change sounds pretty legitimate. It makes total sense to me but according to theWashington Post, it is not true, which is great. I am not myself but my boyfriend is a ginger (well, kind of… he claims he is a “daywalker”) so I have a ton of affection for gingers and would hate to see gingers/redheads go extinct! Although it would be ver interesting, of course very tragic at the same time, if redheads did go extinct and they made a section dedicated to the fallen race in the Smithsonian in the future like this redhead writer imagines.

  2. Matthew James Manley

    I never heard anyone say how redheads are “going extinct”, but it’s interesting to hear some reasons why someone might think that.

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