Allergies :((

When I was younger I loved dogs. We could never have one though because my brother was allergic. When I was about seven or eight I noticed my nose would get itchy, my eyes would  water and my face would get blotchy from where my cousin’s dog licked me. I did not understand why I never reacted before and all of a sudden I couldn’t be around dogs without sneezing or coughing or itching. As my allergies got worse, my brothers seemed to get better. I was extremely upset and confused.

I am aware that allergies change and develop over time. I’ve hear of people growing in and out of them. Unfortunately I have not grown out of mine. According to Everyday Health, my allergies are caused by “an oversensitive immune system.” I am eager to learn: what causes dog allergies? Are they reversible naturally? What treatment options are there?

According to Health line, “Dogs secrete proteins that end up in their dander (dead skin), saliva, and urine. An allergic reaction occurs when a sensitive person’s immune system reacts abnormally to the usually harmless proteins.” This causes the itchy eyes, blotchy skin and coughing. I also found it interesting that I am not allergic to dog hair itself but the dust that it holds. So when people say you’re allergic to dog hair, they are actually wrong. They always suggest that I get a hypoallergenic dog. I have to explain to them that I’m still allergic. I thought I was one of the only ones that was allergic to ALL dogs.

Now I understand that there are technically no hypoallergenic dogs. According to Pet Education, “since the dander and not the hair is the problem, shedding is not that important in allergy control. Some breeds, in general, appear to have less dander and these include Poodles, Terriers and Schnauzers. As we mentioned earlier, many people are allergic to certain types or individual animals and not others.” Below is a picture of dogs categorized as hypoallergenic to most people. hypoallergenic

Ultimately pet education  suggests I get a reptile or a fish if I want to be 100 % allergy free. However, those do not classify as pets in my book.

Since there is no natural cure for my allergies, my only hope is to seek treatment options. Healthline lists some allergy medication that minimizes symptoms. The most common is benadryl, which I take every time I come in contact with dogs. A more effective form of treatment is allergy shots given by an allergist which “expose you to the animal protein (allergen) that is causing the reaction and help your body become less sensitive, reducing symptoms.” This option is recommended for dog owners who suffer from allergies and refuse to give up their pets.

The consensus is that if you are allergic to dogs try and see if there is one that you react less too, if not do not get a dog.  You can live vicariously through this cute dog video though!



One thought on “Allergies :((

  1. Megan Wong

    I can’t believe that you’re allergic to dogs! I love dogs and can’t imagine what it feels like to be allergic to them, but I recently found out I was allergic to cats. I was never allergic to cats before so it’s interesting to find out that allergies grow in and out over time. I also never knew that people are actually allergic to the dander and not the hair. Your blog definitely helped me understand the background of pet allergies.

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