Quit your Wining

Americans love to drink. Being a teenager, we are more prone to drink beer or liquor. One type of alcohol that is very underrated is wine for teenagers. Adults are more likely to drink wine and they have the right idea according to Health.  Wine has a lot of benefits that we are unaware of.

First off, wine preserves memory. When Health researchers gave memory quizzes to women who drank wine at least once a day they were shown to do better than women who do not drink wine everyday. Wine also does wonders for preventing brain clots along with the reduction of blood vessel inflammation, which helps prevent heart disease.

Wine has also been shown to help keep a person’s weight down. Studies show that daily wine drinkers weigh less than those who have it occasionally. Studies also show that daily wine drinkers have smaller wastes and less abdominal fat than those who are beer or liquor drinkers. Wine has also been proven to help encourage your body to burn extra calories. If that isn’t an incentive to drink wine, I don’t know what is.

Wine can also help build stronger bones. Daily wine drinkers have a higher bone mass than those who do not drink wine. Wine also is a catalyst in boosting estrogen levels. Estrogen slows the body’s self destruction and therefore helps build stronger bones.

There are a lot of benefits to wine that many people are unaware of. Teenagers don’t really want to drink it not because they are unaware of it health benefits, but mostly because it is easier for them to get beer or liquor. I am not glad that I am aware of the benefits to wine and that way if it is ever offered to me, I will not refuse. 


3 thoughts on “Quit your Wining

  1. sjl5595

    Your blog is really interesting. Most people nowadays usually only argue that wine only cause negative consequences to people’s health and body. But in your blog you illustrates that actually wine drinking brings benefits to us both physically and mentally. However, I personally think that more experiments can be provided to become more convincing not just some observational tests. But over roll it is a great blog!

  2. Victoria Chelsea Bushman

    I for one detest the taste of wine, but maybe I will one day acquire the taste for it because like your blog post says, it has many beneficial effects. But as with anything, these benefits come when you drink wine in moderation, usually ranging from one glass per night, or maybe a few times a week (so this may be a misconception). In fact, drinking too much wine has many negative health risks .

  3. Kaitlin Anita Caminiti

    I completely agree with this blog. Wine is so underrated it’s unbelievable. It actually contains quite a lot of health benefits, especially red wine. My great grandfather was straight off the boat from Italy, so you better believe that he was drinking wine everyday. Every meal, my great grandfather had a class of red wine next to his plate, he wouldn’t skip a day. That man ended up living till he was 105, and he always said it was because of the nourishment he got from drinking wine everyday. He had very little health problems and looked very well for a 105-year-old. My dad was very inspired by the way his grandfather took care of himself, and not every night, but on multiple occasions, my dad will poor himself a glass of red wine and toast to his grandfather, hoping he’ll live just has long as he did.

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