Medical Marijuana and Diseases

Yes I understand that medical marijuana is still illegal in many states across the country, but the legal status of the drug is not what I am going to talk about.  What many people have yet to understand is that they have been brain washed about how marijuana is a so called “dangerous” drug.  Marijuana is helping people all across the country!  At first this whole thing didn’t hit me until i started doing research on it myself.  So I started watching documentaries and reading tons of articles.  There are millions of people out there suffering from chronic pain, seizures, anxiety, depression, and rare diseases that are just very severe.  Medical marijuana is the cure.  If you were to ask someone that has hundreds of seizures a day what medications they take, the list would be quite long to say the least.  And what people also don’t understand is that all of those medications have side effects.  For example,  that person may have a specific med that helps when they have severe pains, so they take the medication and the pain goes away.  So yes they may not be in pain anymore but that drug has now caused them to become very nauseous.  Eventually the meds catch up to you and it is just an on-going process.  So what doctors do is they keep on prescribing all these different medications when all they need is medical marijuana.  In my opinion, most importantly it has been proven to help cancer patients significantly that are going through chemotherapy.   Here are a few videos of patients using marijuana to help with the disease that they have and the results are remarkable.

Here is a women with cerebral palsy which causes severe stuttering and watch the significant difference after the medical marijuana is taken

Here is another video of a child with autism and how medical marijuana made a huge impact on his life

This last video is a women with arthritis, which over 2 million Americans suffer from and she speaks about how marijuana is really the only thing that works and how all of these anti-inflammatories she was prescribed have very bad side effects.

2 thoughts on “Medical Marijuana and Diseases

  1. Amy Rosenzweig

    This was a very interesting post. I like the videos you provided because they give great examples to back up your stance on the topic. I saw an episode of Dateline about this topic and how cannabis oils could help kids with constant seizures. It was amazing to hear that a girl who had over ten seizures in one day was having none in a day after trying the oil. It’s amazing what medical marijuana can do and I too hope that people will start giving it a chance.

  2. Amanda M Mitchell

    I enjoyed how you explored a topic that many people know about only because they briefly hear about it in the news or breeze over an article that pops up on the side of the screen. Your article was very opinionated and had lots of voice. It was nice to see you felt so passionately about something that you took the time to research. I feel that if you would have taken the information from the countless articles you read and documentaries that you watched and included that into your blog it could have really been developed nicely. I think you give a very quick general overview of a sick person and how they are treated now and how their treatment could be better with medical marijuana. If you included paragraphs to break up your thoughts I think the reader would have an easier time being greatly convinced on the effects of medical marijuana like you are.
    When I looked into medical marijuana and its effects I found three studied that were all conducted together. These studies focus on both cancer and HIV/AIDS patients. From a placebo group of patients and those receiving medical marijuana the study found the patients had the ability’s to eat and sleep more comfortably with the drug which then made their other procedures more bearable. If you took information similar to what I have found and include it in your blog so that you can have a side by side comparison of medical marijuana and other medications a certain patient was receiving it would lead to a really strong argument for medical marijuana.

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