Calling one and all that spend most nights on Netflix watching law and order! Good news, it can actually be good for you. I first saw this article while surfing E! News; I was shocked to find out that watching a Netflix show can be good for you. After I read the article and researched the study it made sense that watching crime shows over and over again can increase our known perception on sexual violence.
There was a study to prove this in Northwestern University using 313 college freshman as participants I felt as though using college students as the participants made the most sense because most college students watch a show on Netflix constantly especially those who watch Law and Order, NCIS, or CSI. I never watched any of those show religiously. I only catch them when I am flipping through the channels, however, I started to watch Chicago PD when it premiered last year and instantly loved it and found myself gaining more knowledge on the tactics of staying safe in an environment and what I should do as a young girl who doesn’t have the strongest muscles and feels too weak to protect herself. The study uses facts about the social cognitive theory that such storylines in these crime shows will ultimately reflect on the audience being safe and avoiding crime.
The study also found that people watching the show are learning the dangers of being involved in the federal system and making them more cautious to do the right thing. I agree with this study and the findings that they have concluded because I believe any television show that can be informative about real life issues is worth the binge watching. To take this study further I would have seen exactly what kind of content created the most educational understanding. I would further evaluate this study by seeing who watches law and order more, guys or girls and then relate back to the content of the episodes to understand if it helps males or females more with sexual content.