Author Archives: Ka Kit Chin

The spices we use—human health booster

Phytochemicals, or second metabolites, are the substances that produced by plants and serves in variety of functions including the defense against attack by insects or other herbivores, fungi and bacteria. In the human evolution and process of adaptation to the continuously changing environment, we took a lot of advantage of phytochemicals and the most frequently used ones are spices in the food preparation and meals, and spices indeed reduce the jeopardy of some food-borne pathogens, like Samonella. Clostridium and Vibrio, to a great extent.

The most commonly used spices include garlic, chili, cinnamon and basil. Not only adding up flavors to the meals, the wholesome health effects of spices also worth to talk. Spices have inhibitive influences on microorganisms—it would be the bacteria for our most concern, and what really act in the inhibition of spices are phytochemicals. Spices contribute the most to the inhibition of bacteria is in our particular interest since bacteria intrigue more food borne diseases than fungi and other microorganisms do. Take the functioning phytochemical inside garlic as example, ascorbic acid has notably antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic ability that can act positively to our body in a direct way besides its antimicrobial potential that acts on the bacteria in meals as we discuss here.

The spice use can be greatly distinctive in their texture, their quantity and in their types. Spices primarily exist in to forms in the market, day and fresh. Most spices are in powder texture since dried spices are more convenient than the fresh ones for the most time and day spices are more chef-favored due to their readiness in control and the nice-looking plating; the converting process from fresh to dry is not very easy and for North America, about three portions of fresh herb is made into one portion of dried herb. Notably that both dry and fresh spice serves the approximately equivalent antimicrobial functions and fresh spices dried under relatively lower temperature have better conservation of nutritional substances and antimicrobial phytochemicals.

The spice use is also dose-dependent. Solid evidence exists to indicate that the more concentrated spices in the meal, the slower the meal deteriorates—more bacteria are inhibited by higher concentrated-spice meal. The reason why this works is primarily because of the amount of antibacterial phytochemicals present in the meal: more concentrated means more phytochemicals would appear in the meals.

The use of spices shows geographical idiosyncrasies. Most people have had experience with this novel experience with their taste bud during travel. Japanese dishes are delicate and more nutritional, Indonesian and Szechwan dishes hot and middle European and Scandinavian dishes bland. Even within the same country, the spices use can be distinctive due to the environmental discrepancy. Take China as example, dished in northern China are always spicy and greasy most because hot spice and make them feel hot and more oil can be stored in their body to defense the cold, while people in southern China more favor in light taste food.

The differentiated use of spice prominently highlights the role of spice in Darwinian perspective. Spice is important for human in evolutionary sense: spices serves as replacement to antibiotics and the overuse of medication, which becomes a more effective and healthy way to combat microbes. Moreover, environmental and cultural distinctiveness lead to sundry uses of spices—human can better fit in the changing environment with different spices just like the northern and southern Chinese do. Be gratitude to every single aspect of our life cause almost everything emerge around us can make us better and enjoy your meal with spices!

Why do people talk in their sleep?

The reason I write this blog is because my roommate always talk in his sleep and sometimes he could have a long one-sided conversation with me. At first I felt so scary about this because he was like facing to me and talking something super weird. And after he got up in the morning I asked him, and he told me that he have sleep talks since he was a child. So now I will discuss why some people always talk in their sleep? Is that a disease? How can we fix it?

What causes sleep talking? Sleep talking could be a sign of a more serious sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, night terrors, REM behavior disorder (when an individual acts out dreams by moving or talking) or sexomnia (when a sleeper carries out sexual acts). Sleep talking may also occur when a person experiences a fever, sleep deprivation, depression, stress or consumes alcohol or drugs before bed.

You might think that sleep talking occurs during dreaming. Sleep talking usually occurs by itself and is most often harmless. However, in some cases, it might be a sign of a more serious sleep disorder or health condition. Sleep talking can also occur with sleepwalking and nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder(NS-RED), a condition in which a person eats while asleep.

Is that talking in the sleep harmful? Yes it is, not the sleep talkers themselves, but someone like me, whose roommate is a sleep talker. Sleep talking can cause embarrassment and can annoy a bed partner, roommate, or be disruptive in group-sleeping situations. Because of this, sleep talkers are sometimes afraid to sleep away from home and can cause insomnia in a person sleeping nearby.

How can we fix it? There is no known way to reduce sleep talking. Avoiding stress and getting plenty of sleep might make you less likely to talk in your sleep.


Can perfume harm human respiratory system?

Perfume was originated to mimic the fragrance of nature and has been developed chronologically into a tool to increase the personal charm by human. Perfume, like other necessities, is omnipresent in in our life: we wear perfume after we dressed, when we want to get rid of some unpleasant odor and before we go to bar to look for the counterparts. Respiratory system However, continuously emerging allergy accidents raise the concern of the safety of perfume used in our life to the public as perfume is directly inhaled into our body through the respiratory system. Scientists have been working for years to decode the mystery of the safety of perfume and it turns out that perfume does harm human respiratory system.

The pathological effects come from perfume itself. Perfume contains numerous chemicals that will irritate human respiratory system like glycerol ether and monoethanolamines1, two renowned irritants.

Besides the hazardous chemicals, ethanol inside the perfume can actually intensify the sensitization of respiratory system. A research showed that asthma patients who pre-inhaled ethanol had higher average cough than healthy experiment subjects did, and the allergy reaction were dose-dependent2.

Meanwhile, Eau De Parfum, as the label that we see in the market most frequently, is the perfume that contains mostly alcohol ethanol. Ethanol is added in bulk for merchandise uses. First, alcohol inside perfume is often used as solvent and can increase the volume of perfume, that is the reason why we are willing to purchase the perfume in bigger bottles, whatsoever, sells at higher prices than the one in smaller bottles. Second, ethanol can vaporize so quickly that, if with volatile fragrances, gives people ten to fifteen times more intense smell than the fragrant substances alone3. Tragically, the augmented effect always comes with sensitizing issues of respiratory system.

Contrary to the positive correlation between perfume and sensitiveness of respiratory system, sometimes the perfume dose not work on pathology of respiratory system allergy. In some cases, the nocebo effect, believing something works while it is not, will confound the causality in between perfume and respiratory symptoms4.

What we can do about the perfume when it is deleterious? With the side effects of perfume, we can just simply change the perfume with crude fragrant oils or purchase the perfume with less alcohol inside. Life sucks so keep using your beloved perfume at exorbitant prices xb.





  1. Fragrance: Emerging health and environmental concerns, Flavour and Fragrance Journal17, pages 361-371(Sep 2002).
  2. Millqvist, E.Ternesten-Hasséus, E.Bende, M., Inhaled ethanol potentiates the cough response to capsaicin in patients with airway sensory hyperreactivity, Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics21, Pages 794-797(Oct 2008)
  4. Jaen Cristina, Dalton, Pamela, Asthma and odors: The role of risk perception in asthma exacerbation, JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH77, 302-308(Oct 2014).

Can pregnant women keep pets?


Nowadays many people keep pets in their houses, and people see those little animals like part of their families. Also sometimes dogs and cats can bring a family more happiness and fun. But what should people do when they are pregnant? Should they just continue keeping the pets or just give those pets to other people? My cousin kept a dog five years ago, but after she was pregnant her husband insisted that she should give the pets to others for protecting the baby’s health, and she was really sad about that. Some people believe that the pregnant women cannot keep the pets because the pets carry lots of bacteria and fleas, which are not good for the baby’s health. But some people believe that pregnant women can keep pets as long as the pets are clean and they are not carrying any diseases.

Why some people decide not to keep cats in the family during pregnancy, because the pets carry lots of parasites and fleas in their bodies. For example, cat feces can contain a microscopic protozoan (a very tiny organism) called Toxoplasma gondii. Being infected by this organism causes a condition called toxoplasmosis. Because toxoplasmosis can cause birth defects in children, pregnant women sometimes assume that they must get rid of their cat.

ccf7b3d24d8d45c72dc2f8220ccbd4da f82cbc15a6ce3b8e81c2cb2eed692a53

(The picture on the right is Toxoplasma gondii).

Even though Toxoplasma gondii is pretty scary and some cats contain Toxoplasma gondii in their bodies, I think pregnant women should keep pets in their family. Also take cats as examples, Toxoplasma gondii often found existed in the bodies of wild cats, because wild cats are living in a environments which are dirty and easy to contact other wild animals like mice. Also, the outside environmental conditions are not as clean as indoor, and the food they eat may be raw and rotten. And the cats live indoor can hardly have Toxoplasma gondii because people will keep their house clean and the food the cats eat is often cooked and without bacteria. Also, cats will not have any chance to touch other wild animals and get themselves dirty. As long as the cats are under human’s control, and people keep those cats inside as much as possible, there will have no threats to the pregnant women.

Those are some points that pregnant women should look out for pet dogs.

  1. Don’t let your dog jump up on your belly. 
  2. If your dog has bad habits, like biting or jumping, train him to stop doing these things before you have your baby.   
  3. Make sure your dog is up-to-date with vaccinations. Do this before your baby is born.  
  4. If you and your dog are especially close, ask your partner or a family member to spend more time with him. Because your baby will take much of your time and attention, having your dog develop relationships with others can help prepare him for changes to come once your baby is home. 

Those are some points pregnant women should look out for pet cats:

  1. Ask a family member who isn’t pregnant to clean out the litter box every day. 
  2. keep your cat inside. 
  3. Stay away from stray cats.  
  4. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after touching cat poop or after gardening.  
  5. If you have a sandbox, cover it to stop cats from using it as a litter.  
  6. Don’t feed your cat under-cookedmeat.  



Caring for pets when you’re pregnant. (2014, April 1). Retrieved December 2, 2015, from


Is it OK to eat raw Salmon?


Japanese food is now popular in all over the world, and the style of eating Japanese food is pretty special, because people eat raw fish in the Japanese restaurant!


Before I learned something about Japanese culinary culture, I think all the fish and meat should be eaten after it is cooked. However, in the Japanese restaurants, we can see Tuna, salmon, clams, scallops, yellowtail, halibut, flounder, squid, gizzard shad, mackerel, sea bass, and snapper are among those that are commonly consumed in their raw states. What’s more, there are lots of Japanese restaurants all over the world nowadays, and Japanese sushi culture is getting into people’s daily life.

People like Sushi, but have you ever wondered if the sashimi you’re scarfing down is safe? The first few times I went to Japanese restaurants, I had avoided raw seafood in my sushi because I had never tried to eat anything without being cooked. Also, I don’t know what is actually safe and what is not. If anyone asks me whether raw salmon is OK to eat, I will say it depends. But there are several threats that people who love raw fish should concern.


When consuming raw fish, there are several threats that we should look out for: First, the fish may not be fresh. Second, the fish may be rotten and there are many bacteria in the fish. However, those two threats are easy to be noticed because when the fish is not fresh and rotten, it usually carries a noticeable stench. The biggest threat is the parasites, which are hard to be noticed. And this is the reason we cook meat and fish to begin with. Because high temperature kills parasites, which are generally different kinds of worms. According to some experiments, worms are found in salmon, mackerel, Pacific rockfish, jacksmelt, halibut and flounder. And the worms do a lot of damage to human body, sometimes they can live in your body for a long time without causing you to have any side effect, however, sometimes they can bring some really bad consequences like causing people have stomachaches. A source I found online claimed that: “Tapeworms, however, can linger in your body alive for quite some time and grow as long as 20 feet.” (Erman,2015)

The hygienic standards of farmed raw in the U.S., the UK, Norway, New Zealand, Canada and Japan are set very high, and they are generally safe to eat. Because most fish in those areas are living in cold water, and fisherman catch those fish in the cold temperature. Cold can not only kill worms but also keep fish fresh before it getting into people’s stomachs. Also in some big and famous Japanese restaurants, the chefs would like to use frozen fish before serving them raw to customers.

However, our environment is getting worse and worse, and the oceans and seas are as clean as before. Humans like us are destroying the living environments of those fishes, and it is hard to imagine that what will happen if we eat the raw fish which was living in the polluted sea. We can never know what environments that the fish have been living in. We should keep the oceans clean in order to make our enjoyment of raw fish better and safer.

Reference: Erman, A. (2014, February 13). Sashimi: Is it Okay to Eat Raw Fish? Retrieved December 1, 2015, from

Is it better for people to do the chemotherapy or surgery when they have cancer?

Nowadays, lots of people get cancer, and cancer is easy to cause people die. And when people get cancer, they are hard to live for so long, most people only have few months’ lives after they find out they have cancer. There is no treatment that can promise people they can be treated in 100%, and they must know the risk of the treatment and the cost of the treatment. So some of the people choose to do the chemotherapy while others give up curing instead of enjoy their rest of lives. So now I want to discuss whether people should do the chemotherapy or surgery when they find out they have cancer.


What chemotherapy is? “Chemotherapy (often abbreviated to chemo and sometimes CTX or CTx) is a category of cancer treatment that uses chemical substances, especially one or more anti-cancer drugs (chemotherapeutic agents) that are given as part of a standardized chemotherapy regimen. Chemotherapy may be given with a curative intent, or it may aim to prolong life or to reduce symptoms (palliative chemotherapy). Along with hormonal therapy and targeted therapy, it is one of the major categories of medical oncology (pharmacotherapy for cancer). These modalities are often used in conjunction with other cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy, surgery, and/or hyperthermia therapy. Chemotherapy is also used to treat other conditions, including AL amyloidosis, ankylosing spondylitis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and scleroderma.”(This is the definition I find on website)


First, doing the chemotherapy costs lots of money and the patients will suffer from the pain of doing the chemotherapy. Instead of doing the chemotherapy, people can use those money to travel around the world or do something they want to do before they die, and they don’t need to suffer from the pain of doing the surgeries or wasting time dying on the bed.


But somehow, there are lots of people who survive after they do the surgeries and treatment, so people still have chances(but not much)to live if they choose to do the treatment, but after those treatment, even if they are cured, they are not so healthy and they will look so weak and tired after those treatment. So, how should people make a choice about whether or not to do the chemotherapy when they have cancer? I think there is no absolute answer to this question, it should consider the situation of the single individual. If this person is old and weak, doing the surgery will make the people end up living faster, so in this case the old people should spend more time on doing what they wanna do instead of doing the treatment. Those decision making should all base on different situations.


When will the doomsday come?

When will the doomsday come? I believe that many people discussed this question with friends and their families before. And few people can get a exact answer from who they asked to. And we saw lots of movies about the doomsday, people died because of diseases,  global catastrophes, and so on. People will imagine all the possibilities that would cause this world to destroy and people to die. Moreover, some people or some organizations gave some prediction about the doomsday and lots of people believed those prediction. For example, some religions have some versions about the doomsday, however, what is the exactly real answer for this question: When will the doomsday come?

The Mayan once predicted that the date of end-of-world was Dec 21,2012. And before that day came, lots of people discussed about this and lots of people actually afraid that Mayan’s prediction would come true. And in that period, there was a movie called<2012>, and the movies was so real and all the catatrophes those can happen in the earth happened in one day in that movies. And the movie was excellent and made more people concerned about the date: Dec 21,2012. But now we are in 2015, which means that the Mayan Calendar end-of-world debacle is over, and we should happy for that.


Some scientists predict that all life will be wiped off our planet in less than 1 billion years”


  • Astrobiologist Jack O’Malley-James says the sun will get hotter and hotter causing greater evaporation which will reduce carbon dioxide levels
  • This will mean there is eventually too little CO2 for plants to survive
  • When they die out, herbivores will also die out, followed by carnivores
  • Microbes will then be all that remains until another billion years later when the seas will also dry out meaning very little life will remain”

Those are information I found in this website .

And I summarize o some possibilities that will cause humans to extinct.

  1. Asteroid impact
  2. Gamma ray explosion
  3. Drift of the black hole
  4. Solar outburst
  5. Very large scale of volcanic eruption
  6. Global Warming
  7. A worldwide plague
  8. Nuclear war
  9. Robots dominate the world

The following form is the resource I found online, which are the newest list of the predictions of the doomsday.

2015 Oct 7 eBible Fellowship Chris McCann and the eBible Fellowship group predict the possible destruction of the universe on this date, which is 1600 days after Harold Camping’s date of 2011 May 21.
2020 Jeane Dixon Dixon claimed that Armageddon would take place in 2020 and Jesus will return to defeat the unholy Trinity of the Antichrist, Satan and the False prophet between 2020 and 2037. Dixon previously predicted the world would end on February 4, 1962.
2021 F. Kenton Beshore Beshore bases his prediction on the prior suggestion that Jesus would return in 1988, i.e., within one Biblical generation (40 years) of the founding of Israel in 1948. Beshore argues that the prediction was correct, but that the definition of a Biblical generation was incorrect and was actually 70–80 years, placing the Second Coming of Jesus between 2018 and 2028 and the Rapture by 2021 at the latest.
2026 Messiah Foundation International Members predict that the world is to end in 2026, when an asteroid would collide with Earth in accordance with Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi’s predictions in The Religion of God. The chances are only 1 out of 300,000
2060 Sir Isaac Newton According to Sir Isaac Newton’s research of the Bible, Jesus will rapture his Church one jubilee from the time of Israel re-acquiring Jerusalem.
2120 Adnan Oktar According to abjad interpretation of a hadith, this Sunni Muslim creationist claims that the Last Day will come about the year 2120.
2129 Said Nursî According to abjad interpretation of a hadith, this Sunni Muslim theologian who wrote the Risale-i Nur Collection, which expected the end in 2129.
2200 Various Using a cricket analogy of the doomsday argument, all humans should have been born before the 23rd century
2239 Talmud, Orthodox Judaism According to an opinion on the Talmud in mainstream Orthodox Judaism, the Messiah should come within 6000 years from the creation of Adam, and the world could possibly be destroyed 1000 years later. This would put the beginning of the period of desolation in the year 2239 CE and the end of the period of desolation in the year 3239 CE
2280 Rashad Khalifa According to Rashad Khalifa’s research on the Quran Code, the world will end in this year.
11120 John A. Leslie Using Leslie’s figures for the doomsday argument the last humans will be born within the next 9120 years.
500,000,000 James Kasting According to this scientist the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will drop dramatically, making the Earth uninhabitable.
5,000,000,000 Various scientists The end of our Sun‘s current phase of development, after which it will swell into a red giant, either swallowing the Earth or at least completely scorching it. It is widely accepted by the scientific community that the earth will be destroyed around this time. However, as the Sun grows gradually hotter (over millions of years), the Earth may become too hot for life in only a billion years from now.
10100 Various scientists The heat death of the universe is a theory, in which the universe has diminished to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and therefore can no longer sustain motion or life.


Can immortality become possible?

With the development of technology, many people consider that maybe immortality will become possible in the few centuries or maybe few decades. Lots of powerful people hope that immortality can become touchable.

However, lots of people disagree with the point that technological advance will make immortality happen in few centuries. Because they think that it’s impossible for creatures to avoid getting older and die. And in all the people’s mind, death is a really normal and unavoidable thing. This idea ingrained in people’s mind.

When I firstly told this idea to my mon, she blurted out the words : “impossible”.  But she finally believed me after I analyzed some points to her.  The points I made are not very difficult theories, but each step is based on the reality  or have adequate theoretical basis for derivation.

Today’s science does not explain everything
Today science is already quite well developed, and with the rapid development of science people believe that science can explain everything and laws in the world, everyone from primary school to start forced to accept this view. But in fact, not everything can be explained by science; although some explanation, but it does not allow us to be convinced. For example:

  1. Where do people go after they died? Today’s scientific answer: gone.
  2. Where do people stay before they born? Today’s scientic answer: no where.
  3. Why would never exist become exist? Today scientific answer: No.
  4. What are we? Today scientific answer: People
  5. Whether a person has self-consciousness? Today scientific answer: Yes
  6. What is self-consciousness? Today scientific answer: Not sure.
  7. Why people will have self-awareness? Today scientific answer: memories of the past to produce self-consciousness

Today’s scientific explanations to these questions are either vague or unfounded there is no convincing answer. So it is no wonder more and more people doubt that what is the root of human-being.

Cloning animals achieved in few decades ago, maybe cloning humans will be achieved in few decades, and this is another possible way to make people achieve immortality but this may consider the problem of morality. But this is the point I want to say is that anything can be possible. Any unknown things are waiting for human to discover. So maybe there are ways for human to discover the key to immortality


Is TCM pseudoscience?

TCM, which means Traditional Chinese Medicine, is the study of human physiology, pathology and disease diagnosis and the prevention and control of diseases. It is carrying the ancient Chinese people’s struggle against disease experience and theoretical knowledge, is the ancient naive materialism and spontaneous dialectics thought guidance, through the long-term medical practice gradually formed and developed into the system of medical theory.   TCM base on the theory of the five elements of Yin and Yang, the human body as a gas, shape and the unity of god. Those are difficult terms for people to understand.

Some people in China believe that TCM really work and it is useful and good for human’s body, however, some scientific in China or in all over the world make their points of views that TCM doesn’t do science.

This is a really controversial question. Many scientists in Western countries say that TCM is pseudoscience. And actually, TCM has some points that make people to doubt that whether TCM does science.

First, because it doesn’t meet the scientific characteristics. From my point of view, I think science=logic+proves. Theory of traditional Chinese medicine does not use the scientific method, so TCM does not belong to science. If a nonscientific term defined as science, then this term becomes pseudoscience. Therefore, TCM is not part of science. Whether it is pseudoscience, depends on the people how to position TCM. If they define TCM as science, then TCM is pseudoscience, but if they define TCM as nonscience, then TCM is not pseudoscience.

As people say Chinese medicine can cure the disease and whether TCM is not pseudo-science, do not relate to traditional Chinese medicine can cure disease .

Chinese medicine can not cure, Chinese medicine is not scientific; Chinese medicine can cure, Chinese medicine is not a science.

Science does not have a so large range. The right things may be not belong to science, and science isn’t always right.

Science is just a method, a method help people how to know this world better. There are lots ofways for people to know this world. For example, Religion, Metaphysics, experience and science are ways for people to know this world. The way that can access effective method should not always be science.


Can Robots think like humans?

This questions includes three small question: 1.What is consciousness? 2. Can consciousness be put in the machines? 3. How to make sure that consciousness has been put into a machine?

Nowadays, humans can only make sure that humans have consciousness themselves but when it comes to other species, this becomes a extremely hard question. Does a dog have consciousness? A cat? A tree? A stone?  The biggest question is that we can not measure consciousness by computers, and there’s no official measurement for consciousness.

Research in artificial intelligence is the ideal human-made or conscious thinking into practice, so far, achievements in this field is still very limited. But with advances in computing power, there are a lot of people believe that artificial intelligence can be achieved within a few decades.

Carnegie Mellon University, director of the Mobile Robot Lab Hans Moravec to believe that in 2050 mankind will manufacture a completely intelligent robots, I’m sure we can design and human behavior identical robot.” he believes that if the robot’s behavior seemed to have consciousness, then it is the other issue more than just words.
Oxford mathematician and cosmologist Roger Penrose is not so optimistic. He believes that computers can only arithmetically way to run, but in this world there is always something not by the axioms and rules of calculated steps, so robots and humans can never be compared. He also believes that awareness is tiny structures in the human brain by quantum mechanics presented in a way something that is beyond any capability of the machine.


this is the movie about a robot which has conciousness and this is the link to the introduction of this movie

First Blog Post by Chin Ka Kit

I am a international student who’s from Macau. Macau is the world’s largest gambling center, with the economy heavily dependent on gambling and tourism. Under this culture and the education of my family, I decided to choose business as my major, and business and economy stuffs seem easy to me. And another reason why I didn’t choose science as my major is that my chemistry and physics always got low scores when I was in high school. I will come back Macau and HongKong after I graduating from Penn State and start my own business with my best friends.

There are several reasons why I take this course. The main reason for me to take this course is that this course seems funny and not so hard for students who are interested in science but not good at sciences. To learn extra knowledge as a business student, this course is absolutely a good choice.

This is the picture of MacauVenetian-Macao-exterior-night-1940x1178

A intro video of Macau