I want to begin my blog by stating with great philosopher Plato’s quote: “Music is a moral low. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. ”
Indeed, music, its rhythm and melody works emotionally on all living creatures. Music can appease and energize, mollify and embitter, be evocative or cause aggression. Music has another important feature- it reacts physiologically upon the brain.
Here are some examples of how classical and rock music influence humans and other living organisms
Scientists in the US and Bulgaria independently have discovered that music of Mozart is enhancing mental activity and developing intellectual level. In 1995 neurobiologist- Gordon Shaw and his colleague- psychologist Frances Rauscher from the California University, experimented with 79 college students in Irvin.
Students were divided into three groups. First group students were kept in silence for 10 minutes, second group students were listening to some audio book and students in the third group were listening to piano sonata of Mozart. Students were tested before and after the audio sessions. And results were as following:
The first group students improved their results by 14%, the second group by 11% and the third group results were improved by 62%. Within 10 minutes students by listening the Mozart music increased their IQ by 8-10 points.
All independent researches show that rock music has strong negative influence on human mentality. Bob Larsen studied such influence and according to his study the low frequency oscillation generated by loud rock musician affects the spinal fluid. Listening to heavy metal disturbs balance of several glands which leads to unstable hormonal area.
Another interesting experiment conducted by scientist David Elkin, through which proved that the poignant music provokes folding of the eggwhite. On a rock concert in front of the loudspeaker Elkin put a raw egg. By the end of the concert, three hours later the egg was “cooked” .
It turns out that animals and plants can also “hear” music, actively responding to it.
Even in the nineteenth century in the famous monastery –Brittany, nuns performed classical music especially for domesticated animals; and noticed that after “listening” to Mozart’s serenades cows give milk 2 times more.
The first experiments on the effect of music on plants in 1973 was held by a student- of the Colorado university-Dorothy Retallack. She gave plants to listen to the music of two different radio stations. In the first room, three hours a day sounded Rock. In the second – the radio for three hours a day to play an easy music.
Under the influence of light music plants grew healthy, their stems were drawn to radio. Heavy music, on the other hand, suppressed them, the leaves grew small, turning away from the speakers and 16 days later plants died!
Summarizing all examples from the above, I can say that I did lots of research on this topic and looked up on many various experiments. I consider the data for each conclusion was somewhat valid as mostly the studies were designed in experimental way. I also believe that Shaw’s and Rauscher’s study could’ve been more precise. To begin with their study was randomized, so they didn’t know whether most of smart people were placed in the “Mozart” room and vice-versa. Also small sample size means that there could be a third variables affecting the conclusion of the study.