
Hi Class!

My name is Monica Powell and I am a freshman here at Penn State. I am majoring in Public Relations, which is nowhere near anything science related. Science and I have just never really clicked for some reason. I have always preferred my english and history courses to my science and math ones, probably because they came more naturally to me. My brain has just never quite comprehended the intricacies of science, therefore, I’ve always had to work extra hard in science classes. I decided to take this course because I heard that it involved more writing and critical thinking rather than math and memorization which sounded appealing to me.

When I was younger I wanted to be a pediatrician, but then as I grew up I quickly realized that I would not be cut out for that. I can not deal with anything medical and faint at the sight of blood. After helping my sister plan her wedding, I was pushed in the direction of communications. I then looked into all the job opportunities and decided that public relations would be a much better fit for me.

Despite my dislike for science, I do appreciate people who have the brains to understand all of sciences’ complexities. From finding cures to illness and helping people take better care of their bodies to learning about possible life on other planets, science is extremely necessary to our society and provides so many insights that help us better understand the world we are living in. I am extremely grateful that there are people who do enjoy science and who use it to better our world. Plus, science provides so many awesome experiments that are really fun to watch! I am excited to open my mind to a deeper appreciation for science through this course.

%22I found this humerus%22 

blackhamboys / Via blackhamboys.blogspot.com

One thought on “(Sigh)ence

  1. Amanda Voirrey Rust

    Hey Monica!
    I have very similar feelings as you regarding the need to work harder in science classes. I feel like science and math comes naturally to some, while people like us rather critically think and write. Likewise, I always dreamed of being a pediatrician growing up! One day I was watching a TV show where they showed surgery very graphically and I knew that I could not handle it. The thought of always being surrounded by germs turns me off quite a bit too. I agree that the complexities of science can be interesting, and further research and studies could maybe lead us to better lives and cures for diseases. Science definitely does make our world a better place.

    I found this article about scientific discoveries of 2015, and I think you will find them pretty amazing! Although we may not be the ones doing the discovering, we can definitely appreciate the work of scientists. Medicines, blood tests, and aids for improved living are always advancing.


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