“Not a Math and Science Person”

Hi everyone! I’m Sarah Mullahy and I’m from Massachusetts, about forty minutes outside of Boston to be exact. I’m currently a communications major here at Penn State and am hoping to pursue a degree in Journalism or Public Relations. As depicted in the above title, when people ask me why I chose my major, I love to tell them it’s pretty much because I’m “not a math and science person”. Its true. When Andrew asked us to name living scientists, I could actually only think of Bill Nye.0fa6d7e67fb8496991e5c6df0f49f705c8ebb26a3cbe7c2368475ed9e2fc5913

I love english, writing, grammar, history, languages, you name it….but put me in front of a math textbook and I’ll stress the hell out. Surprisingly enough, science was actually my favorite subject up until high school. I enjoyed learning the life and earth sciences and felt intrigued by questioning the world around me. When I started taking Chem and Physics courses is when my enjoyment of the subject faded fast. Perhaps it was because it didn’t come naturally to me, or perhaps it was because I’m not a fan of advanced ethical and mathematical thinking. Even though I generally do not enjoy science, I am excited by the list of topics this class explores.  Some of my favorites include “Are anions gay?” “Why is cancer immortal and you are not?” “Can you catch obesity?” and of course, “Are males toxic?” this is more the type of stuff I want to learn about, questions I want answered.

Outside of life in the classroom, one thing I particularly enjoy is sports. I played basketball and volleyball throughout high school. Tying into this, one of my favorite movies as a kid was the Disney Channel Moive “Ice Princess” about a nerdy girl who turns her passion for science into physical capability and athleticism in the sport of Figure Skating. By figuring out the physics behind the jumps that figure skaters do, she herself was able to complete these jumps and time them correctly according to the laws of friction and momentum.  Here is an article I found that relates to what she was configuring.

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