Science? Never heard of her

What’s up everyone? My name is Pete Bott, I am a freshman from Long Hill, New Jersey. I am currently in DUS, because I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. When I was making my schedule at orientation over the summer my advisor told me SC200 is the least sciencey class that I could take. I was all about that.

The only fond memories I have in Science class are building a seltzer rocket for my 4th grade science fair, and convincing my friend to eat the worm we were supposed to be dissecting in 8th grade (formaldehyde and all). The list stops there. I was never into Science because I never thought I would ever have to apply it to anything after I graduated high school. I never had an enthusiastic teacher that planned fun exercises. It was always death by powerpoint, covering the curriculum and the curriculum only. I have high hopes that SC200 will be different from the rest!

Oh, I forgot to mention I like Forrest Gump……..ALOT. Ever wonder what Forrest Gump would be like as a horror movie? Here

Image result for forrest gump ice cream ben and jerrys

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