Objectives/Funding Priorities
ILA Steven A. Stahl Research Grant: The grant honors the late Steven A. Stahl and aims to promote research that enhances reading instruction and achievement in pre-K–12 classrooms. It prioritizes empirical classroom research, especially studies that improve literacy education through evidence-based practices. Emphasis is placed on projects that address effective methodologies for reading instruction and literacy achievement in diverse educational settings.
Types of Grants Funded: Single Grants
The ILA Steven A. Stahl Research Grant is a funding opportunity provided by the International Literacy Association (ILA) aimed at supporting classroom research in reading instruction. Below is a detailed overview of the grant’s objectives, funding priorities, eligibility requirements, and other key aspects:
This grant funds classroom-based action research with a focus on reading and literacy instruction. Projects need to involve empirically rigorous methods, contribute significantly to literacy instruction knowledge, and must have direct classroom applications. Single projects are funded rather than programmatic or institutional studies.
Applicants must be graduate students with at least three years of pre-K–12 teaching experience and active ILA members. The grant is open to students aiming to conduct classroom-based research that will have measurable impacts on reading instruction practices. Only one grant can be awarded per applicant each year
Level of Funding Provided
The grant provides $1,000 to support selected research projects. This funding can be used for direct research expenses, but institutional overhead costs are not covered. Funds are distributed in installments based on project milestones and completion reports
Key Issues
Impact on Literacy Practices: Projects must demonstrate a potential to influence literacy instruction effectively.
Research Rigor: Proposals must include well-defined research questions, a clear methodology, and a solid rationale based on existing literature.
Progress Reporting: Recipients are required to submit interim and final reports to demonstrate project progress and findings
Application and Guide Links: https://www.literacyworldwide.org/get-involved/awards-recognition/awards-grants/ila-steven-a-stahl-research-grant
Website Link to Funding Agency: https://www.literacyworldwide.org/get-involved/awards-recognition/awards-grants
Examples of Funded Grants:
Rachel F. Knecht, University of Nevada, Reno
The Effects of a Syntax-Focused Reading Intervention on Middle-School Students’ Syntactic Knowledge
Cortney Dilgard, The University of Alabama
Leveraging Literacy Centers for Phonics and Fluency Skill Building in Middle School
These examples reflect the scope of projects funded by the ILA, focusing on practical, evidence-based interventions in literacy education.