More and Better Mathematics for All Students
The Mathematics Education Trust (MET) was established by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) in 1976.
Objectives/funding priorities: In recent years, educators have encountered a reduction in government assistance, layoffs, and substantial budgetary constraints at the district and state levels. These circumstances have resulted in constrained resources for professional development and classroom materials. Despite economic recovery, funding has not returned to previous levels, necessitating that teachers assume greater responsibilities, work longer hours, and invest personal funds in classroom supplies.
MET provides funds to support the professional development of classroom teachers (Pre-K to grade 12) and prospective teachers to enhance classroom practices and expand teachers’ mathematical knowledge. Additionally, MET sponsors activities for prospective teachers and the NCTM’s Affiliates, and recognizes the contributions of leaders in mathematics education.
Types of grants funded:
January 2023
- Advanced Mathematics Education Course Work Scholarship for Grades 9-12 (Carol A. Edwards Fund and NCTM)
- Classroom Research Grants PK-6 (Edward G. Begle Fund and NCTM)
- Connecting Mathematics to Other Subject Areas Grants (9-12) (Theoni Pappas Fund)
- Early Career Research Grant (Eugene P. & Clara M. Smith Mathematics Education Research Fund, NCTM & AMTE)
- Engaging Students in Learning Mathematics Grant (6-8) (Veryl Schult-Ellen Hocking)
- Equity in Mathematics Grants (6-12) (Iris Carl Fund and NCTM)
- Mathematics Course Work Scholarships for Grades 9-12 Teachers (Carol A. Edwards Fund and NCTM)
- Partnership for Transition to College Readiness Grant (William and Marjorie Speer Family Fund and NCTM)
June 2023
- Enhancing Student Mathematics Learning Through the Use of Tools and Technology Grants (PK-12) (Isabelle P. Rucker Fund and NCTM)
- Future Leader Initial NCTM Annual Meeting Attendance Awards (Edwin I. Stein Fund and NCTM)
- Action Research on Mathematics Teaching Practices Grant (Ernest Duncan Fund and NCTM)
- Opening Gates for Prospective Teachers (James Gates Fund)
- Professional Development Scholarship Emphasizing History, Number Theory, or Discrete Mathematics (6–12) (Father Stanley J. Bezuszka and Margaret J. (Peg) Kenney Fund and NCTM)
- Prospective PK-6 Elementary School Mathematics Teacher Course Work Scholarship (Edward J. Brennan Fund)
- Prospective 7–12 Secondary Teacher Course Work Scholarships (Texas Instruments Demana-Waits Fund)
- Prospective Teacher NCTM Annual Conference Attendance Award (Edwin I. Stein Fund and NCTM)
- School In-Service Training Grants (Clarence Olander Fund and NCTM)
- Grades 7-12 Preservice Teacher Course Work Scholarship (William and Evelyn Stokes Foundation)
- Mathematics Grades 6-12 Preservice Teacher Course Work Scholarship (Kuta Software)
- Affiliate Grant – Kenneth B. Cummins Partner Affiliate
- Affiliate Grant – Student Affiliate (Kenneth B. Cummins)
- Equity in Mathematics Grant (6-12) (Lee V. Stiff Fund and NCTM)
Eligibility: Coaches, teachers, teacher-leaders, mathematics educators-research focus, early career mathematics educators and doctoral candidates in mathematics education, higher education faculty, preservice teachers, partner affiliates, associate affiliates, student affiliates, college students preparing to teach elementary with a content focus in math, college students preparing to teach secondary school math.
Level of funding provided: Awards currently range from $1,500 to $24,000, for use on conferences, workshops, or seminars; research and in-service training in mathematics; classroom activities; lessons and materials; graduate courses or other mathematics coursework; or other teacher- or school-identified professional development activities.
Application and guide:
Example document of Award Application Information: Award Application Information
Scoring Rubric: Scoring Rubric
Examples of 2 funded grants:
2020-21 Fostering Support of Mathematics Learning in Multilingual Classrooms Grant Recipient
Eva Hernandez & Jennifer Cruz
Colton High School (9-12), Colton, California
Description: For the last 3.5 years the Colton High School Algebra 1 team has participated in several professional development opportunities with regard to language and math content. These opportunities have given our teachers pedagogical content knowledge with areas such as formative assessment, discourse, and literacy. With the help of this grant, teachers will be able to make the learning from these opportunities come alive in the classroom. The grant will provide teachers time to collaborate, practice intentional lesson planning, and apply the knowledge from our professional development. Through the work of this project, we will continue learning about the Standards for Mathematical Practice and cognitively demanding tasks to support us in creating learning experiences that will engage students in cognitively demanding tasks that pay attention to language and culture.
- No publications are available yet.
2018-19 Enhancing Student Mathematics Learning through the Use of Tools and Technology Grants (Pre-K-12) Recipient
Chelsea Jaret
West End Elementary School, Lynbrook, New York
Tools + Tech = Math Success!
Description: As a Math AIS teacher, I currently teach the students who do not meet the state standards or grade level expectations. My students are successful when they are given the opportunity to use manipulatives to explore math concepts. They are highly motivated by technology. The students will use a variety of computer-based programs to practice math skills. Some of the programs include Nearpod, PowerPoint, Kahoot, Quizizz, and Plickers. These programs allow teacher to include slide shows, videos, web content, and 3D images. Students will use PhET Interactive Simulations (on Nearpod) to discover and explore math concepts in a concrete and visual format. These hands-on activities provide real-world experiences for the students. Students can also take Virtual Field Trips through Nearpod. These technology features enable students to make connections among various Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) concepts.
- No publications are available yet.