SD Project Statement

Our designated site is located between the edge of the East River looking towards Manhattan, and the city grid of Brooklyn. My idea was to combine these two different parts of our site and apply them on my building. To address the slopes found on the shoreline, I created a unique roof made of triangular shapes, a lightweight steel design based on the inherent structural efficiencies of the Buckminster Fuller geodesic dome. By giving the roof this peculiar shape, I am creating an energy-efficient building, and an expansive column-free space due to the series of triangles giving the roof the strength it needs to stand. This will be covering the living/public spaces of the firehouse, and will be attached to the Apparatus Bay. The last mentioned would be used to address the sharp corner found on our site created by two main streets intersecting. The roof and the apparatus bay are intended to be two different pieces that come together harmoniously, creating a connection with the different scenarios found in our site.

Image by: Geometrica

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