My Gamer Profile

Hello! I’m Jouse (pronounced Jo-sway). I enjoy playing all kinds of games. I guess it just really depends on what I am in the mood for. I do have favorite genres. By far I would have to say I am a fighting gamer. This is fairly new to me I’ll admit. I grew up just sort of dabbling in games like Killer Instinct and Street Fighter 2 but never really got into them. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that my buddy introduced me to the Blazblue series that I really got into the genre. Now pretty much all the games I play are fighting games. I favorite thing about them is the competitiveness of them. Coming from a Mixed Martial Arts background, I enjoy the really personal competitive experience. When I play fighting games at a friends house or at a tournament it’s a thrill that I don’t think you can get from other genres. There’s excitement all around and a loss is always your own fault and no one else’s. All fighting games are complex and have a deep underlying system beneath them that players like myself have spent countless hours trying to master. These include combos, frame data, and character match-ups.

While I do spend a good chunk of my time with fighting games sometimes I’m not in that competitive mindset. This is when I usually play RPGs. Action RPG’s like Skyrim and Dark Souls have been my favorite but I also really enjoy JRPGs like Chrono Trigger and Persona. American RPGs differ from JRPGS in that they usually allow you to create your character and go on a journey with them I’ve noticed. JRPGs sort of place you in the shoes of another character but the RPG elements are the same. They both are something I appreciate. Starting at level 0 and watching your character grow and exploring the world never gets boring.

When I am not playing either of those types of games, I tend to just pick random games from all types of genres. Looking at my game collection I see a lot of Co-op games like Left 4 Dead, Path of Exile and Borderlands. It’s a nice break from the super competitiveness of fighting games. I have a bunch of games so feel free to add me on Steam or PSN! Tag: PsychoDM

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