LHR News

submitted by Wendy Stodart

Please join us in welcoming the following new hires:



4/23/15   Delia Tash  – Information Resources & Services Support Specialist, Penn State Abington



 Ayesha Ali – George T. Harrell Health Sciences Library

Madeline Leo – George T. Harrell Health Sciences Library

Temitope Adebayo – George T. Harrell Health Sciences Library


 July 4 Holiday

Friday, July 3 will not be a University holiday; however, classes at University Park and several other campuses will not be held July 3.  University policies provide that if a University holiday falls on an employee’s regularly scheduled day off, the employee receives holiday compensatory time to be used at another time. Employees who normally do not work Saturdays will receive holiday compensatory time for the Independence Day holiday.

Note: Dickinson School of Law Libraries and George T. Harrell Library employees are provided with this information as employees of the University Libraries; however, day-to-day operational practices are guided by their respective Colleges.  Dickinson and College of Medicine Library employees should speak to their immediate supervisor or local HR Representative for guidance, as necessary.  Conditions of employment for Technical-service employees are further described in the “Agreement between The Pennsylvania State University and Teamsters Local Union No. 8.”  Technical-service employees should refer to the Agreement for information related to the above topics.