Tech Tip: Create strong passwords

By: Ryan Johnson

Using strong passwords is one of the most important ways to keep personal and Penn State information secure. While it might seem daunting to create a password without using easy-to-remember information, relying on a series of words and using memory techniques can help you remember even the most complex passwords.

The following guidelines can help you create strong passwords:

  • Choose a phrase that’s unique and familiar just to you.
  • Make new passwords different from your other passwords.
  • Don’t use words found in the dictionary or personal information like dates, names, and addresses.
  • Combine the first part of each word in a phrase, mixing at least 15 numbers, characters, and letters.
  • For example, “I love to play badminton” could become ILuv2PlayB@dm1nt()n.


Here are some things to avoid when creating passwords:

  • Your name, family names, initials
  • Significant dates/numbers
  • Pets
  • Birthdays
  • Hometown
  • Scholl name/mascot