717-531-1440 LionPulse@psu.edu


2019 LionPulse Grant Funding

Thanks to funding from LionPulse, the Harrisburg Campus is able to provide assistance to their already-created Center for Fitness and Wellness (CFW), which is a health and fitness assessment and physical activity consultation clinic within the Department of Kinesiology. The CFW at Penn State Harrisburg is preparing to conduct fitness and health assessments and biometric screenings for aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, heart health and a general Health Risk Assessment. Biometric screenings include assessments for total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. Future screenings will include fasted blood glucose and A1c.

Additional campus wellness programs are listed below and in the Event Calendar.

Students can learn about the importance of hand washing and hand sanitizer and proper washing techniques through flyers, promotional table displays and events.

Date(s): January-May 2019

Time: Varies

Cost: FREE

In collaboration with DSECC and the YWCA, many events will be held this week in regards to relationships, sexual health and awareness, with features in Olmsted lobby from the YWCA, Student Health, and DSECC featuring An Empty Place at the Table, as well as give away items and flags from the Red Flag Campaign. Police Services will also be holding a self defense class Saturday, April 13th.

Date(s): April 13, 2019

Time: Varies

Location: Penn State Harrisburg

Cost: FREE

Annie Clark-star of the Hunting Ground, will be speaking at 7pm, in the Kulkarni theatre, on April 18th, 2019 to round out the Red Flag Campaign and share her wisdom on sexual assault, Title IX, and more after a brief showing of the Hunting Ground documentary. 

Date(s): April 18, 2019

Time: 9:00 – 7:00 PM

Location: Kulkarnie Theatre in SEC – Penn State Harrisburg

Cost: FREE

In collaboration with Counseling and Psychological Services, and many outside partners, we bring the Penn State campus at Harrisburg the 4th annual Wellness Party! Join us for the festivities that celebrate many aspects of health! Some features would include, but are not limited to: Exercise Is Medicine assessments, PROWellness Recipes for College Students, Drunk Buggy from Police Services, Mindfulness with CAPS, Sexual Health, AED awareness, Healthy Hands, Food Insecurities, lawn games, K-Pets, and much more! Give-away items, prizes, and food will also be available! 

Date(s): April 16, 2019 (rain date of April 23, 2019)

Time: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Location: Vartan Plaza – Penn State Harrisburg

Cost: FREE

Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend a weekly yoga class offered every Wednesday!

Date(s): Every Wednesday

Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Location: 219 Capital Union Building – Penn State Harrisburg

Cost: Approximately $85 per semester

  • Andrea Mull, Campus Nurse, Health Champion, ald244@psu.edu
  • Becky Weiler-Timmons, Faculty, Kinesiology Department Chair
  • Jehlisah Vaccarella, Drug and Alcohol Counselor