Green Tea helps losing weight

Drinking green tea has been in both eastern and western culture for more than 500 years. In general, green tea is one thing that’s really good to your body, but there is little objective data showing this influence on human body. Thus, Some people pointed out that green tea actually helps you losing weight, but the others think that’s the one characteristic being exaggerated. In recent study, scientists from Poland believe they’ have ciphered this mystery. The secret is about the starch.

A researcher found that a single dose of green tea extract can help people digesting starch in their stomach. In his study, he gave his volunteers the equivalent of drinking a few cups of green tea every day after every time they eat breakfast, and he record the amount of starch left in their bodies. Then he compared those data with people who drink only water during their breakfast. In his result, he found in most subjects, the decreased starch digestion and absorption due to green tea extract was outstanding, and such effects even sustained until the end of the day. Their data suggest green tea extract is an alternative to pharmaceutical inhibitor of glycogen hydrolase enzymes. Compared to that substance, GTE(green tea extract) is cheaper, and available for massive use, so it probably can be use as a treatment to diabetes in the future.

This study only tested the effectiveness of GTE in starch digestion and absorption. However, the other mechanism on human body is still remained to be ambiguous. Indeed, green tea was given credits for many healthy benefits, but there is no direct evidence showing its side effect on things such as against cancer. Country, like Japan, who habitually drink green tea tend to have higher longevity rate, but, still, the evidence is not quiet inclusive. It is better to say that green tea is helpful in stay fit, but, hopefully, in the future, studies like his could figure out those substance really does from the mist.

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3 thoughts on “Green Tea helps losing weight

  1. Gwyneth Mulliken

    Wow this was so awesome to read! I heard many theories about the benefits of green tea but this article definitely proved it. I think an important point to bring up, is the third variables involved. People often read article about miracle foods that help you lose weight or boost your metabolism such as green tea, avocado, beets etc. But it’s important to understand you will not loose weight by simply eating these items. You must maintain a healthy diet and exercise.

  2. Yu-ting Chien

    Nice topic! I knew that green tea are good for our health but I did not know that it can actually help us lose weight. I t am also trying to lose weight since I heard about “freshmen 15”, but I have never thought that green tea can decrease starch digestion and absorption. Besides, you mentioned that Japanese, who habitually drink green tea tend to have higher longevity rate. I think maybe there are some other factors that cause the higher longevity rate. Hope this problem can be solved in the future!

  3. Alexander William Beitel

    This was an interesting post because I have heard many rumors regarding the benefits of drinking green tea. However, there has never been any science to back up these arguments. I also think that like you mentioned in your post there is still more to be investigated. Although the starches in green tea give the people the ability to lose some weight, there is not any extremely convincing evidence. However, I still found the post to be very interesting as I agree that there are many benefits to drinking green tea.

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