Meet 220: Ryan Hess

“Meet 220” is a series of posts featuring staff of the Smeal Professional Graduate Programs. “220” refers to the suite of offices within the Business Building where the team is housed.

Ryan Hess, Assistant Director of Employer Relations and Recruitment, Professional Graduate Programs

What’s your role with the Smeal PGP office? 

I am just starting out as the Assistant Director of Employer Relations and Recruitment for the MBA and MOL programs. Essentially, I’ll be working with everyone from prospective students to alumni and employers, and everyone in between. Continue reading

Meet 220: Carol Lockard

“Meet 220” is a series of posts featuring staff of the Smeal Professional Graduate Programs. “220” refers to the suite of offices within the Business Building where the team is housed. 

Carol Lockard, Employer Relations Manager, Professional Graduate Programs

What’s your role with the Smeal PGP office? 

I am the manager of employer relations for the MBA and MOL programs. I offer companies a user-friendly and efficient recruiting process.  I assist with on-line job posting, networking opportunities, digital resume distribution, on-campus recruiting, and special events for the MBA and MOL students. Continue reading

Employers Relations and Career Services at Smeal

By Monira Linda, MBA Class of 2014

As a first year MBA student, my every morning starts with scheduled classes and finishes with information session with at least one fortune 500 company. During orientation week, when I was listening to all of the opportunities, I was not really sure how would I benefit from all the events they spoke about. Do this many companies really come on campus for career fairs or information sessions? Do they all hire students for internships in this stringent market? Do they really come back for full-time Continue reading

Market Sharing

By Sara Paige, MBA Class of 2010

On Friday morning, the WMBA and the Marketing Association welcomed Rich Pilston from DuPont for a case study and lunch.  Rich talked for some time about business to business marketing, and the challenges that come for marketers in that field.

My favorite takeaway was that because the economy is so bad, we future marketers have the opportunity to take all the credit when business improves. What a great silver lining! Continue reading

WMBA small group session with Wendy Graham, Honeywell

By Christina Conley, MBA Class of 2010

This past Friday Wendy Graham from Honeywell was kind enough to visit with the WMBA here at her alma mater to talk to us a bit about what it takes for women to become executives in the modern workplace. We talked about how her prior experience in various company Continue reading

By Stephanie Bond, MBA Class of 2010

Returning alumni are always a sign of school spirit. However, when an alumnus comes and conducts an in-depth discussion of their personal business venture for MBA students to critique and make suggestions, it is a sign of commitment. This was the case with Ken Wahlster, a former Smeal MBA Penn Stater. After working in the corporate world for many years, Ken decided to turn one of his passions into a business opportunity. is now a leading supplier of motorcycle and other sport vehicle parts. Continue reading

Corporate Sponsors Help Out with MBAA Tailgates

By Jenny Moerschbacher, MBA Class of 2009

Several corporate sponsors have stepped up to host tailgates with the MBAA this year. By contributing funding and representatives to the tailgates, corporate sponsors are able to gain terrific access to the Smeal MBA student community while enjoying the best football tailgating in the country. Beyond networking at the tailgates, the companies are also featured during a “Coffee Buzz” on the Thursday before game day and given the opportunity to host formal information sessions, 1×1 student interactions, Happy Continue reading

Sears Roundtable

Sears Roundtable

By Cameron Holbrook, MBA Class of 2010

On September 13, 2008, Ron Schnur discussed with us his role as the VP of Procurement and Supplier Management at Sears Holdings.  This is one aspect that makes the Smeal MBA great.  We have only been in classes three weeks and already have access to alumni like Ron.  This event was sponsored by the Supply Chain Management Association. Continue reading

Meet Global CMO of P&G

By Sahil Asthana, MBA Class of 2009

There he sat across the conference room from me; room 218 to be exact. Clean cut, professional suit and a persona that makes others listen with curiosity. While eyeing each of us in the eye, his words of wisdom flowed stating, “Trust you hunches, ladies and gentlemen. Don’t move until you have resolved the funny feeling.” Continue reading