Due to COVID-19 the summer 2020 PMI in-person Workshop will be cancelled. Please contact Stephanie Geyer with any questions at saz11@psu.edu
Jump to 2020 Workshop Information
Welcome to the Pennsylvania Mathematics Initiative!
PMI is committed to:
- Improving mathematical education for all children in Pennsylvania schools at the elementary school levels.
- Strengthening the understanding and implementation of mathematics, enabling teachers to make better pedagogy decisions about mathematics.
PMI will:
- Close the gap between mathematical training for teachers and the demands of the contemporary mathematics classroom.
- Promote teachers’ expertise in mathematics and mathematical thinking.
- Develop teacher-leaders to aid other math teachers within their districts.
How we accomplish our mission:
- Week-long intensive summer workshops hosted on the University Park campus.
- One-day seminars focusing on implementing pedagogy in the mathematics classroom.
Participant Testimonial
“I learned a lot about math and a lot about teaching. I have a new appreciation for how my students feel when learning new concepts and feel that I have a better understanding to help them work through their misunderstandings.” – 2013 Workshop Participant
How to participate
If you are interested in participating in one of the PMI workshops, check the Blog for announcements or email Andrew Baxter (baxter@math.psu.edu) to join the mailing list. Announcements for summer workshops are made by January.
If you are interested in having a PMI workshop come to your district or Intermediate Unit, contact Andrew Baxter (baxter@math.psu.edu).
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Telkom University
I am interested in learning more about this initiative. How do I apply for this class?
I am interested in taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity to expanded my knowledge in math ,so I can better assist my students.
I would love to have this wonderful opportunity to attend this outstanding workshop this summer. I know it will be most helpful to myself and most importantly the students..
I am a fifth grade teacher in Philadelphia and a Penn State College of Education alum! I am looking to receive more information on the Professional Development as well as how to apply for a scholarship. Thanks in advance!
I am a teacher in Philadelphia and I am really interested in a Math professional development. I am hoping to get a scholarship!
I am interested in attending a workshop. What do I do next?
I’m a special education teacher and I’m quite interested in your program. I’m always looking for new and exciting ways to teach this population. I’m also hoping to get a scholarship as I work with inner city public schools.
Desiree, if you give me your contact information, we can see if we can set something up.
I am looking for some professional development for next summer. I currently teach 4th grade. I would like professional development for math and science. Please let me know if you have any development for the 14-15 school year.