FWD: What is the policy on chewing tobacco?

Recently in my last class session this past Monday, I noticed one of the young men sitting in the back to start chewing tobacco. He was trying to be coy and hide it but I noticed it. I know that…

Recently in my last class session this past Monday, I noticed one of the young men sitting in the back to start chewing tobacco. He was trying to be coy and hide it but I noticed it. I know that smoking is not permitted in any building on campus, but what is the policy on chewing tobacco? continues…

FWD: Is it acceptable to allow students to use their laptop computers during class?

Students using their laptop computers during class lecture to “supposedly take notes and/or follow my lecture.” Many times it appeared as though they were surfing the Internet or doing other things than paying attention in class. continues……

Students using their laptop computers during class lecture to “supposedly take notes and/or follow my lecture.” Many times it appeared as though they were surfing the Internet or doing other things than paying attention in class. continues…