PSU ETS Team: Google Apps for Education

I just received an invitation to join a ETS team pulled together by Allan Gyorke on Google Apps for Education:Hi Everyone.Google Apps for Education ( is an initiative that provides a suite of communication and collaboration services to educational organizations….

I just received an invitation to join a ETS team pulled together by Allan Gyorke on Google Apps for Education:

Hi Everyone.

Google Apps for Education ( is an initiative that provides a suite of communication and collaboration services to educational organizations.  While many institutions have adopted it as a way to outsource their e-mail services, the suite can do so much more.  All of you have used Google Docs to collaborate with your students and colleagues, but no one at this university fully understands the potential for Google Apps to transform teaching and learning at Penn State.  This is where you come in.

Currently, we are in discussions with Google about licensing, policy, and technical issues.  While those discussions are taking place, John Harwood has asked me to form a team to investigate the pedagogical implications of the services within Google Apps for Education.  This would involve an examination and a write-up of each tool that would concisely describe what it does and how it could be used to enrich teaching and learning.  John would also like to see a plan for informing the university about this new service and getting faculty, staff, and students prepared for its launch.  If and when team has concerns with the suite, those issues should be brought to John’s attention so they can be addressed.  We have contacts at other large universities who have implemented this service, so they can serve as a resource in addition to what the team discovers on its own.

If we do sign an agreement with Google, we should be prepared to implement this service by the beginning of the fall semester.  John would like to have a draft of our research and the training/implementation plan by May 1, 2010 and would like to have monthly updates as the committee does its work.

Please let Jane Houlihan and me know if you are willing to accept this invitation.  Jane will try to schedule the first meeting of this group in the next few weeks and then meet once every two weeks until May.  Not everyone will be able to make every meeting, but that’s fine – I’d like to do most of the work asynchronously using the tools in Google Apps where they make sense.


Our first meeting is Fri 12 Feb and I’m really looking forward to it because it’ll be an opportunity to work with a new collection of educators from around the university.

One of my questions will be related to the comment from an SOS member that said that Google’s inability to guarantee which servers would service PSU effectively ruled them out as an option because of security concerns.

UPDATE Fri 12 Feb – Kickoff Meeting

  • Walked into a conversation on how identities will integrate.
  • Documentation will have to be addressed in the documentation
  • GoogleVideo is an institutional framework, only 100 people will be able to upload videos across PSU
  • Look into using Google Contacts to sync/store contacts instead of Apple Address Book
  • there is a test domain that has single sign-on and is stable
  • Roxanne Toto and Kent on Documents – single page front and back written for various groups with scenarios, links, etc.
  • we aren’t creating training materials, just overview docs
  • 4 weeks, 2 weeks check-in, f2f meeting to work through the ideas
  • real-world scenarios
  • we should also capture barriers to implementation
  • how do we establish priority
  • hotseat, Purdue, check it out… voting, etc.
  • Google Moderator – is it included?
  • our tool in isolation vs. integrated with other apps – perhaps an eight question
  • tech side testing – we’re writing papers on “nouns” but should also hit “verbs”
  • our audience are the faculty
  • check out bitly – tinyurl

Quarterly ID Meeting

Starting off talking about dates for upcoming meetings, looking at conflicts with upcoming conferences; Rick: our next QID is April 22nd, then July 15thHow is CE going to handle the Federal mandates regarding textbooks and courseAgenda Additions and random things:Jen:…

Starting off talking about dates for upcoming meetings, looking at conflicts with upcoming conferences; Rick: our next QID is April 22nd, then July 15th

How is CE going to handle the Federal mandates regarding textbooks and course

Agenda Additions and random things:

  • Jen: +agenda, something about faculty and flexible design and quality (faculty made a mistake and lead faculty thought we were responsible)
  • Alicia: can we get a list of books available through MBS or other sources that are available as eTextbooks
  • What do sight impaired students do with traditional textbooks? Response to Kindle getting sued for accessibility issues
  • iPad might be available for the Blue Team, maybe in time for June (Mobile eLearning conference)
  • Jen: collaborative markup for PDF’s that we’re sharing

Kathy and New Texbook Policy & Quickbase

  • goal is to drive down costs for the students by giving them choices through a more transparent process of listing required materials
  • required textbooks (ISBN) must be listed with the course listings in the catalog
  • this will somehow affect GRS 3 & 4 partners
  • we should get recommendations for Summer (by Feb 1st) and Fall 2010 (by March 1st), work with the faculty
  • we’ll have new confirmation deadlines in PACTS, when Erica sends us information about checking the confirmations… review them carefully because there will be differences
  • Destiny One has been given the green light and will replace ODIN, ISSO, and ?
  • Quickbase can handle time tracking
  • IP agreements, author forms for new and revised (50% or more) editions to Kathy, this will all be happening in Quickbase – ask El about this

<!–Michael's Brazilian network didn't seem like a network to me. It was a pyramid structure of dissemination of learning up and down. To me networks are multi-nodal and experts are accessible by all. It was a creative use of limited resources, but I still wouldn't define this as a network.

–>Literature Review w/ Wenyi

  • Paula: Alignment – a good theme, learning outcomes > activities > interaction > assessments – all must align
  • How will the formative assessment … are we using formative assessments? If not, why not? How might I collaboratively assess communal activities (blogs, wikis, etc.)?
  • I have to look at the process of peer reviews and mechanisms in ANGEL that can facilitate those reviews. How would students read feedback given from others?
  • Andrea: we have to focus on working with faculty, as they may have a very different perspective on assessment. We should be knowledgeable about a number of different assessment types and be able to help faculty members think through their thought processes and design of assessments.
  • Rick: to do assessment well takes a lot of time… that’s a big problem. The articles need to accommodate for different subject matter areas, learner levels, etc. – to general.
  • Wenyi – do we assess collaboration, if so how? Andrea it depends upon the content area? Paula – scientific inquiry is a process, how do we extend that in to distance learning? Rick: do we grade the collaboration or the summative event (a paper or a presentation)?
  • Wenyi – what about computer-based tools that might be available that could assist with the grading processes (A.I.) Rick: is this good or bad? is this authentic teaching. Wenyi: it might be better than nothing

Team Updates
Equella – Stephanie will be taking it out to the Campuses. What about CE@UP? March 31 – images, multimedia objects, not lessons, stuff that we own (not copyrighted), videos (talk to Dean about getting things into the Flash media server), etc. uploaded by designers; Rick has a template for a white paper

iPad – what does it represent to us, how can it benefit us and our learner? El will get one and we can look at it then. How will we handle apps? Who’s account will be tied to the device?

Just2It Thoughts

I’m going to start keeping track of the little things that are happening for the debrief.The forums are a little confusingIt took me about 15 minutes to find out that forums can move to multiple pages…

I’m going to start keeping track of the little things that are happening for the debrief.

  1. The forums are a little confusing
    1. It took me about 15 minutes to find out that forums can move to multiple pages

Cross-training/pollination with the Blue Team

I’ve been thinking about how I can work closer with the Blue Team or Learning Design as a whole. I’ve talked about it with El and briefly with Rick after he sent me an email:”we need to find a way…

I’ve been thinking about how I can work closer with the Blue Team or Learning Design as a whole. I’ve talked about it with El and briefly with Rick after he sent me an email:
“we need to find a way to do more cross-training, cross pollination of what you are working on with others on the Blue team. And likewise we need to get you more involved with some of the World Campus courses.”

El had made a great point that the more I can do to formulate a strategy, the better it will be because it’ll give Rick and other a starting point. Thinking about an approach, some of the first questions that come up are:

  • What do I need to be effective?
  • What do others need to be effective?
  • What does it mean to be cross-trained in CE programs?
  • Who are the important contacts at CE?

UPDATE: Mon 8 Feb
I spoke to Linas and he reminded me that a lot of our PM-stuff will eventually be handled by Quickbase. However, Quickbase is kind-of “hands-off” right now until Ti Team finishes their work on the database.

I was just thinking, “what would I want if I were to “step-in” and pick-up for Jen for a short period of time?” That depends on the task and length of time really. For shorter projects, I don’t need much background…

  • just contact information for the instructor
  • a quick background on the task at hand (pre-requisite tasks)
  • sense of the critical path
  • due date and
  • details about the actual task at hand.

(That’s not a lot of “background?”)

For projects that need more involvement, in addition to the above list I would like (in no particular order)

  • an overview of the program
  • list of the “usual suspects”
  • time tracking information
  • syllabus for the course
  • change log on the course and a way for me to record my edits
  • an all-paid trip to go relax at my parent’s home in Maui or go up to the Green Mountains “in-style”
  • a new, full-suspension, Trek Fuel mountain bike
  • clear expectations on both sides
  • to have fun

CE@UP Art 020 & 050 Syllabus Design

An instructor, John Mangan, just called me to request assistance with his syllabus for what appears to be his Art 020 and 050 classes. He’s teaching four-times a week right now. At least one of his classes goes past 10…

An instructor, John Mangan, just called me to request assistance with his syllabus for what appears to be his Art 020 and 050 classes. He’s teaching four-times a week right now. At least one of his classes goes past 10 PM (based on the availability and restraints of suitable instruction areas)!

I begin with a phone call to set up a 1-hour meeting, either in-person or by-phone, to discuss the scope of his request. I have plenty of resources related to syllabus development, so we should be all set there. I’ll have to determine what he is looking to accomplish, what kinds of instructional problems he might have, and any other possible resources he’s interested in.

I contacted Angela to discuss whether or not Becky needs to be notified and she didn’t see a pressing need to do so. From my perspective, as long as someone like Angela knows about the work, that’s good with me.

ART 020 (GA) Introduction to Drawing (3) Introductory experience in making of art through drawing media; designed for non-majors seeking general overview of studio practice.

ART 020 Introduction to Drawing (3)

(BA) This course meets the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements.

ART 020 is intended as a general survey of the art of drawing for non-majors. As a studio offering, emphasis is placed on hands-on studio activities, which promote visual literacy and on the various conventions used in drawing. Students will be given the opportunity to briefly explore many of the traditional materials of drawing, including pencil, charcoal, conte, ink and ink wash, pastel, as well as experimental tools. As well, slide presentations, studio visits and museum critiques will augment studio exercises to facilitate a greater awareness of the cultural context in which drawing functions. As a general appreciation offering, emphasis is placed on active learning processes that involve students in basic studio materials and techniques. Since the School of Visual Arts now requires a portfolio review for Visual Arts majors to enroll in studio courses, ART 020 provides an opportunity for non-art majors to do studio work in conjunction with an exploration of art concepts.

General Education: GA
Diversity: None
Bachelor of Arts: Arts
Effective: Spring 2004

Note : Class size, frequency of offering, and evaluation methods will vary by location and instructor. For these details check the specific course syllabus.

ART 050 (GA) Introduction to Painting (3) Introductory experience in making of art through painting media; designed for non-majors seeking a general overview of studio practice.

ART 050 Introduction to Painting (3)

(BA) This course meets the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements.

ART 050 is intended as a general survey of the art of painting for non-majors. As a studio offering, emphasis is placed on hands-on studio activities, which promote visual literacy and sensitivity to the various conventions used in the discipline of painting. Students are given the opportunity to briefly explore the various approaches to creating visual images by applying various painting materials, techniques, and concepts. As well, slide presentations, studio visits and museum critiques will augment studio exercises to facilitate a greater awareness of the cultural context in which the art of painting functions.

Students enrolled in this course will be required to participate in the following active learning components:

1. Studio Painting Assignments:
a) Visual concept development: students will be introduced to the various ways that artists create meanings through painting. b) Materials development: through a process of exploration and experimentation, students will learn how to apply various painterly media and tools in creating visual images.
c) Technique development: through a process of exploration, experimentation, and skill development students will learn how to render and model painterly images that range between abstract and realistic representations.

2. Creating a social and historical context for painting through slide presentations, studio visits and museum critiques:
a) Slide presentations: students will be asked to consider the concepts of their creative projects in relationship to paintings by historical and contemporary artists in order to understand the ways in which the two-dimensional aspects and various processes of painting convey meaning.
b) Studio visits: Students will visit the personal studios of local painters to learn how professional artists develop best practices as related to the basic approaches to painting outlined above. Additionally, they will explore and discuss with these artists the concepts expressed in their painted images.
c) Museum critiques: Museum visits will enable students to learn how to engage and respond to actual paintings as compared with those that they experience as slide and book/journal reproductions. The role of museums and galleries in exhibiting paintings will also be discussed.

Grading and evaluation:
Students’ painting projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 1) the uniqueness of the visual concepts developed in their studio assignments; 2) the strength of their visual compositions-their ability to communicate concepts clearly; 3) the quality of their craftsmanship-an effective use of materials and procedures and commitment to the studio assignments-the effort expended on each project; 4) Their willingness to participate in critique sessions-a thoughtful and informed interpretation of visual ideas in paintings produced by them in class as well as those discussed during slide presentations, studio visits, and museum critiques.

General Education: GA
Diversity: None
Bachelor of Arts: Arts
Effective: Fall 2004

Note : Class size, frequency of offering, and evaluation methods will vary by location and instructor. For these details check the specific course syllabus.

FWD: 90+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy

Penn Ralston-Berg, an instructional designer for the World Campus, just forwarded this blog post titled, “90+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy,” that lists a bunch of videos. It looks like a great collection of videos for classroom purposes.Warning: I…

Penn Ralston-Berg, an instructional designer for the World Campus, just forwarded this blog post titled, “90+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy,” that lists a bunch of videos. It looks like a great collection of videos for classroom purposes.

Warning: I have noticed that at least one video, that is linked from this post, has probably been illegally uploaded to YouTube: Super Size Me (#94 on the list). I know that we cannot encourage the use of copyrighted materials with out permission in our courses. Just because someone else (may have) broken the law doesn’t mean that we can benefit from that “opportunity.” Please use these resources carefully and contact an expert before taking on that liability.

ABA Virtual Practicum Video Encoding

I came in this morning and spoke with Linas about the ABA Practicum. We found that one student uploaded a 220+ MB file, only a few MB’s lower than the 250 MB limit. We were a little surprised to find…

I came in this morning and spoke with Linas about the ABA Practicum. We found that one student uploaded a 220+ MB file, only a few MB’s lower than the 250 MB limit. We were a little surprised to find out that the video was only 0:01:20 long because it was encoded at over 23 Mbps! Commercial DVD’s are encoded at around 9 Mbps and Bluray comes in at around 40 Mbps. This student was definitely going to have to re-encode their videos.

I ran a Handbrake test and found that encoding the video at 900 kbps yielded a video file that was just over 10 MB and played back at a little over 1 Mbps.

  • Regular Profile
  • MP4 file, H.264 codec (x264)
  • Average bitrate (kbps) 900
  • no other changes

Whew. Handbrake is an easy-to-use, cross-platform solution that is looking like our first choice to get these file sizes down.

Linas is going to do a survey to find out what the students are using and from there we can assist them on the phone and with screencasts.

Using Handbrake to re-encode large videos

As a sidenote, I had some difficulty with ScreenFlow capturing the Handbrake process. ScreenFlow was stopping the recording process on its own. Once I was able to capture the sequence I needed, the file was definitely corrupted during one section and that is definitely a problem. I think it has a hard time when the processors are cranking away on encoding video. I’ll still have to do some testing. ScreenFlow is new to me and I could have been doing something to mess it up.

Creating protected blogs using MT4 (narrated)

After receiving a comment in my previous post and after talking it over with the instructor, I decided it would be best to re-post this video with an audio narration of the process I outlined earlier. It makes a lot…

After receiving a comment in my previous post and after talking it over with the instructor, I decided it would be best to re-post this video with an audio narration of the process I outlined earlier. It makes a lot more sense to add the audio whenever I can to clarify what’s happening in the screencast.

Be sure to read the information on protected blogs before creating your blog.
MT4 Protected Option Warning.jpg

MT4 on the iPhone

This is a screencast that demonstrates what the PSU Blog tool (Movable Type 4) looks like when you use your iPhone to make entries on-the-go.You might want to click on the full-screen viewing option below for better viewing….

This is a screencast that demonstrates what the PSU Blog tool (Movable Type 4) looks like when you use your iPhone to make entries on-the-go.

You might want to click on the full-screen viewing option below for better viewing.